Yes, it is indeed a custom build. I built this amplifier decades ago with the help of my great friend ( he goes by SET12 on AudioKarhma, etc ) He is an electrical genius and has built many great sounding tube circuits from MC/MM phono stages, pre-amps and power amps (both single ended and PP) as well as massive outboard crossovers for speakers.
I built the wooden frame and did the custom brass top plate. We utilized the vintage iron from an amazing Pilot amp that I had. The circuit was inspired by Pilot Corp, but he enhanced the dynamics, speed and the power reserve. We used bespoke capacitors and carbon resistors and massive Cardas copper binding posts. I'm using NOS Vintage German EL84's, NOS Vintage Mullard Rectifier, and alternate between NOS Vintage Mullard or Tele drivers.
This was an all out assault on building the best sounding EL84 amp that we could at that time. He did the schematic and he sat at my side, coaching me while I soldered away - all hard wired, point to point, no circuit boards whatsoever. It was a great experience working together side by side... doing all the bread board trials, the A/B sessions, tweaking the circuit, experimenting with different resistors/capacitors, etc. Something that I will never forget and will always treasure forever!
This amp plays with so much beauty. It's rich in sound texture, but not syrupy; it's explosive in dynamics ( both in the micro and macro sense ) it's fast and it plays with intense emotion. It sounds so much powerful than what it's power rating would imply. I'm in awe with it every time I listen to it. In fact, I'm listening to it right now as I type this
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Thank you for your interest in it!
Best wishes,