Spent many hours last night listening to some familiar stuff. No A vs. B as yet HOWEVER I am extremely impressed. I know my system very well which consists of MSB V -->REF10-->GS150-->Nola Concert Grand Gold all with Valhalla V2 interconnects and speaker cables with SAIN LINE power cords and Silver Circle Audio 5.0. My computer is a CAPS ZUMA which NOW has the JCAT V2 with Core Audio Technologies Kaia dual rail LPS powering the MOBO and JCAT.
The testament to my system is that, with the exception of upgrading the DAC from the Diamond Plus IV to the V and my REF75 to the GS150 it has pretty much been stable for more than 4 years, soon to be 5. I know this system like the back of my hand and can differentiate small nuances. I also must add it is the best system I have ever heard (not flaming others just my preference) as it meets my ultimate criteria of accuracy, transparency and that amazing ability to transport you to the venue.
So far the biggest difference between the two cards has been, if there was any weakness in my system with it's incredible holographic image the system generated there was very slight distortion, with middle (front to back) and side to side, being slightly out of proportion in size (in photo terms, very slight pincushion distortion despite, IMHO, being much better than any other system I have heard or owned) but now it is dead on accurate. Absolutely zero distortion or bloat and amazingly real, more than I realized was even capable. I haven't listened to all my "test" music but timbre is better than ever. Listened to a lot of Avishai Cohen last night and was just mesmerized like I have never been. Articulation of bass and strings was the best I have heard from my system. My system is not one of those overly resolving systems, that IMHO is unnatural, usually the result of a distorted spectrum which I find fatiguing (I have owned these types of systems in the past as well as listened to many of them and will leave names out to protect the innocent and those who prefer it), however, it resolved better than I have ever heard resolve during my session last night. While a good system should both allow for appropriate coalescence of the performers (assuming it is that type of venue) as well as space surrounding each performer, again, this new card, does what I didn't think could be improved in my system and improves both.
I am just beginning on the quest of comparison, but I know my system, probably won't be driving myself crazy with comparisons as it is doing what was already things done very right and now even better.
I am very happy with the card and probably will be putting my microRendu and likely LPS-1 up for sale shortly. The card has been running now for more than week straight and looking forward to more listening.
I will report back but am very happy to say the least with my preliminary impressions.