JMF HQS 7001 Amplifier Review (Stereophile)

JMF stereo 6002 amp with their preamp to my ears were much preferred to the CH M1 units on the Estelon ceramic driver speakers.albeit at different times. . In fact I d say the JMF to ears are one of the most musically neutral and organic amps currently being produced. However I think it might be speaker brand dependent, as CH matches really well with the Steinheim & Rockport speakers. I liked the sonics of the CH DAC C1-1.2 quite a bit though.
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In fact I d say the JMF to ears are one of the most musically neutral and organic amps currently being produced.
Possibly, if it's all about solid state. But even then, Vitus may be more organic.

But otherwise (outside of pure SS concepts) at least Aries Cerat is much more organic.
Well, apples to apple we need to compare . Most AC are hybrid or class A tube units, so your point is moot. Have not heard the Vitus amp that ever wowed me , like the JMF I have to say. Usually great hi fi sound by Vitus , but that is it, to my ears that is. Long way for Vitus to JMF, or to the Symphonic Line, or to FM Acoustics IMHO. Vitus (the units I ve heard) are on the level of the Burmester, other very good hi-fi amplifiers.
While I appreciate the opportunity to hear different CH amplification and electronics including 10 series, I found that the overall sound signature didn't quite match my personal preferences.

In contrast, the JMF setup I experienced at the Hifidelux show a week ago was particularly captivating. I spent a considerable amount of time in the room, exceeding 20 minutes, and appreciated the opportunity to request various tracks, which allowed me to gain a comprehensive understanding of its capabilities.

Does anyone actually own JMF pre, phono and monos? Would love to hear a real pov from an owner of the entire system?

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