What are the "theoretical" benefits to begin with?
Cryongenic treatment was (and is) mainly used for tool steel to reduce wear and there is an additional annealing process that usually takes place after the cryogenic treatment. Vacuum tubes and musical instruments are not going to be annealed after the cryogenic treatment. It's a fad that has caught on in the audio industry because audiophiles buy into fads and sometimes plain nonsense. If someone spun a story that sticking your cables under a pile of dog sh*t from a purebred dog under the hot sun for 36 hours caused a permanent change to the metal used in the wires and 10 other people swore to it, we would have people that specialized in putting your cables under a pile of purebred dog sh*t for 36 hours.
Back to the topic at hand, Priaptor, it didn't take you long to come to the conclusion that using KT-150 tubes in place of KT-120 tubes resulted in a significant improvement. Based on my limited experience, I can't say I'm surprised.