How about the upcoming Audio Kinesis Bohemian 215?Ha! ML3 Signatures. Fantastico. I have SRA VA-class under my M1.2 Refs so I know their benefits. The LP1 phono is here for review. Now add in the LL1.1 Signature linestage.
And what speakers to use with ML3s?
The AudioKinesis Bohemian 215 design notes (more teaser content)
The development of our new "statement" speaker system is now far enough along that we are releasing 3D renderings. For scale, those are 15" woofers and a 22" diameter horn: The Bohemian 215 will come in two different versions: A 100 dB/1 watt efficient, specialty-tube-amp-friendly version...

What do you use to drive your hORNS Universum?
I use my KR Audio Kronzilla SX and love it
Besides, the Lamm ML3 are unfortunately way out of reach for me financially
Even though the reduced price from Francisco looks VERY attractive, especially when you consider the list price of 150k