Lamm ML3 Signature mono blocks w/SRA stands FS

Mike Lavigne

Member Sponsor & WBF Founding Member
Apr 25, 2010
$48,900.00 plus shipping.

Lamm ML3 Signature mono blocks with matching SRA Virginia Class dedicated stands.

$139,000 retail price for the 4 chassis ML3's. 2 amplifier chassis + 2 power supply chassis. $8k 'each' retail price for the -4- SRA stands ($32k retail value).

excellent condition, cosmetically not a scratch I can see. 2 complete sets of tubes. the driver tubes are almost new, and there is an additional set of Westinghouse 12AX7's, so tubes are well in hand for years of use. I purchased these amps 4 months ago and they had been just gone through at the Lamm factory prior to my acquisition.

these amps are legendary and need no introduction. they work perfectly and sound amazing. in my opinion the Lamm ML3's are very best tube amp you can buy. if 32 SET watts is enough for you then it does not get any better than this. these are remarkably linear and have the best bass I have heard. why not own the best tube amps?

you are welcome to visit me and listen prior to purchase. there are multiple reports on various forums from people who have heard these amps in my room.

in my very large room they are simply not quite up to working with my speakers on all the large scale music I love so I am going with my solid state darTZeel's.

I have the original factory wooden crates for the ML3's, and appropriate cardboard boxes for the SRA stands. the crated ML3's would ship strapped to a pallet. so shipping would be appropriately safe and secure.

call me--425-766-1561 or email;

accept paypal with fees paid by buyer, personal check once cleared, or wire transfer.




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edit: the problem was not the size of the room, but the bottleneck present by the inadequate gain available from the Dartzel would be best to make a trip listen to the amplifier, with an appropriate preamplifier; say, in Steve’s Southern California or David’s Utah bigger-than-Dallas room.

edit: the problem was not the size of the room, but the bottleneck present by the inadequate gain available from the Dartzel would be best to make a trip listen to the amplifier, with an appropriate preamplifier; say, in Steve’s Southern California or David’s Utah bigger-than-Dallas room.


you could be right. my dart preamp might have held back these great amps.
edit: the problem was not the size of the room, but the bottleneck present by the inadequate gain available from the Dartzel preamplifier...(...)

Not just the gain - IMHO the mismatch is more than that. Considering that when we pair two top of the top excellent pieces we just get the best of each is not true. :eek:
Great deal? I would say fantastic and unbelievable bargain - if they were for sale close to me I would immediately become a SET fan! :)

Timing is bad for me since I'm spending close to a half mill on my new home renno's...otherwise I would be all over these. The SRA kicker makes the deal that much more enticing.
Timing is bad for me since I'm spending close to a half mill on my new home renno's...otherwise I would be all over these. The SRA kicker makes the deal that much more enticing.

Well. Another $50k to $500k is not much. Just consider this is part of your renovation.
Timing is bad for me since I'm spending close to a half mill on my new home renno's...otherwise I would be all over these. The SRA kicker makes the deal that much more enticing.

You have the optimal speakers for these. You should go for it.
You have the optimal speakers for these. You should go for it.

Very temping. I don’t think they would match well with my Pass XS pre which I believe is only 10dB gain. The Lamm pre’s are 17dB. That is significant. Also being single ended... What would I do with all my expensive Odin XLR interconnect ? I hardly relish the thought of cable shopping again so it’s not only the amps, it’s now a new preamp and new cabling. The stars are not aligning at this time unfortunately.
Timing is bad for me since I'm spending close to a half mill on my new home renno's...otherwise I would be all over these. The SRA kicker makes the deal that much more enticing.

You could postpone part of your renovation like in your bathroom or kitchen.
Very temping. I don’t think they would match well with my Pass XS pre which I believe is only 10dB gain. The Lamm pre’s are 17dB. That is significant. Also being single ended... What would I do with all my expensive Odin XLR interconnect ? I hardly relish the thought of cable shopping again so it’s not only the amps, it’s now a new preamp and new cabling. The stars are not aligning at this time unfortunately.

Save money for the 488 Pista Christian?

Very temping. I don’t think they would match well with my Pass XS pre which I believe is only 10dB gain. The Lamm pre’s are 17dB. That is significant. Also being single ended... What would I do with all my expensive Odin XLR interconnect ? I hardly relish the thought of cable shopping again so it’s not only the amps, it’s now a new preamp and new cabling. The stars are not aligning at this time unfortunately.

Re - terminate the cables. You know you can't resist :))
the ML3's certainly have XLR inputs which, i'm led to believe, don't degrade performance (the Lamm LL1 preamp has XLR outputs too if you get around to doing that).

i'm just say'n.:rolleyes:
Hi Mike,

Why not borrow a Lamm preamp (with the higher gain) and see if it solves your insufficient power issue before you sell the Lamm monoblocks?

Hi Mike,

Why not borrow a Lamm preamp (with the higher gain) and see if it solves your insufficient power issue before you sell the Lamm monoblocks?


1300 posts in the related thread speaks to my perspective.....and i would rather not go down that rabbit hole again. I'm no longer personally curious about it.

I've moved on from the ML3's.....and tube amps in my system.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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