Lampizator Komputer vs. Aurender N10


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2014
Does anyone have any experience using the Lampizator Komputer? I am curious how it stacks up sonically compared to the Aurender N10. Right now these two are the top choices to be the music server in my system.

The Contenders:

Lampizator Komputer:

Aurender N10:

I have always loved the flexibility of using a computer in my audio system. I currently run a stock Mac Mini. Although it is less than optimal sonically, I love its flexibility as it has multiple USB outputs for using more than one DAC, can play any music software you want (JRiver, Audirvana & HQPlayer), can play any music service (Tidal, Spotify, Pandora & Apple Music), can play any internet radio station (WBGO, Radio Swiss Jazz & Greece Audiophile Jazz) as well as other valuable websites (YouTube and Jazz Sets NPR). The computer would also give me access to DSP room correction through JRiver.

Does anyone have any experience using the Lampizator Komputer? I am curious how it stacks up sonically compared to the Aurender N10. Right now these two are the top choices to be the music server in my system.

The Contenders:

Lampizator Komputer:

Aurender N10:

I have always loved the flexibility of using a computer in my audio system. I currently run a stock Mac Mini. Although it is less than optimal sonically, I love its flexibility as it has multiple USB outputs for using more than one DAC, can play any music software you want (JRiver, Audirvana & HQPlayer), can play any music service (Tidal, Spotify, Pandora & Apple Music), can play any internet radio station (WBGO, Radio Swiss Jazz & Greece Audiophile Jazz) as well as other valuable websites (YouTube and Jazz Sets NPR). The computer would also give me access to DSP room correction through JRiver.


I have exactly the spec of the Komputer (which is the Elberoth version of the CAPSv4 Pipeline); with added hot-rodded parts the Teradak ATX275 LPS for the Mobo, the Uptone JS-2 LPS for the USB card, and the battery powered SATA card.

it's sitting in my 2-channel room; I have a 24 terabyte NAS upstairs and another 24 TB NAS in the house for back up.

I'm very happy with the performance I'm getting. I'm running 2 dacs from the JCat USB card, and can run another 2 dacs from the other generic USB's if I want to. I'm using JRriver. the OS is Win Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition running in 'core mode' and Audiophile Optimizer.

I have no experience with the Aurender N10.
I have exactly the spec of the Komputer (which is the Elberoth version of the CAPSv4 Pipeline); with added hot-rodded parts the Teradak ATX275 LPS for the Mobo, the Uptone JS-2 LPS for the USB card, and the battery powered SATA card.

it's sitting in my 2-channel room; I have a 24 terabyte NAS upstairs and another 24 TB NAS in the house for back up.

I'm very happy with the performance I'm getting. I'm running 2 dacs from the JCat USB card, and can run another 2 dacs from the other generic USB's if I want to. I'm using JRriver. the OS is Win Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition running in 'core mode' and Audiophile Optimizer.

I have no experience with the Aurender N10.

Thanks Mike for your detailed response! Very helpful.

Does anyone have any experience using the Lampizator Komputer? I am curious how it stacks up sonically compared to the Aurender N10. Right now these two are the top choices to be the music server in my system.

The Contenders:

Lampizator Komputer:

Aurender N10:

I have always loved the flexibility of using a computer in my audio system. I currently run a stock Mac Mini. Although it is less than optimal sonically, I love its flexibility as it has multiple USB outputs for using more than one DAC, can play any music software you want (JRiver, Audirvana & HQPlayer), can play any music service (Tidal, Spotify, Pandora & Apple Music), can play any internet radio station (WBGO, Radio Swiss Jazz & Greece Audiophile Jazz) as well as other valuable websites (YouTube and Jazz Sets NPR). The computer would also give me access to DSP room correction through JRiver.


The Lampi will and can be upgraded, the Aurender may be firmware upgrade only.
Wow, that Lampizator is very expensive for just a small pc with some stockparts. Nowadays you can get usb cards, mobo's and even SSD's with their own high precision clock modules. I am using a dual pc setup with all these goodies, upgraded part for part and all made a noticable difference. Best part, it cost me somewhere around 3000 euro's for all parts...
Wow, that Lampizator is very expensive for just a small pc with some stockparts. Nowadays you can get usb cards, mobo's and even SSD's with their own high precision clock modules. I am using a dual pc setup with all these goodies, upgraded part for part and all made a noticable difference. Best part, it cost me somewhere around 3000 euro's for all parts...

You need to look deeper. The parts count alone on the lampi and Mikes PC will likely exceed your €3K budget! Then you add software, labour, transportation costs and support. Can you playback Bughead Emperor controlled by JRiver, for example? Do you have an 8TB internal drive? Do you run AO in core mode with a wifi hotspot still enabled? Can you run in full battery mode? And its not a small PC, apparently the Chassis will be huge to accomodate the 9 separate power supplies. Not everybody is inclined to build for themselves and keep up with the latest software tweaks.

From their website:
There is no rocket science in our Komputer. Anybody can, and really SHOULD make such one for himself. It just takes time and money to buy EVERY part from a different vendor from a different country. First we have to import and stock this stuff in bulk. Pay shipping, customs and duties. Make sure everything matches. Have a skilled IT man put everything carefully together which takes 3 full days and 2 days testing and troubleshooting. Playing test music always with Golden Gate DAC as our ultimate sound benchmark ! Playing in our special dedicated listening room that no other computer company can even comprehend.
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This is Ethics. The reason Lukasz built up a strong following was he always created world beating products at a relatively low price. He could easily have said this has hidden magic ingredients.

From their website:
There is no rocket science in our Komputer. Anybody can, and really SHOULD make such one for himself. It just takes time and money to buy EVERY part from a different vendor from a different country. First we have to import and stock this stuff in bulk. Pay shipping, customs and duties. Make sure everything matches. Have a skilled IT man put everything carefully together which takes 3 full days and 2 days testing and troubleshooting. Playing test music always with Golden Gate DAC as our ultimate sound benchmark ! Playing in our special dedicated listening room that no other computer company can even comprehend.[/QUOTE]
You need to look deeper. The parts count alone on the lampi and Mikes PC will likely exceed your €3K budget! Then you add software, labour, transportation costs and support. Can you playback Bughead Emperor controlled by JRiver, for example? Do you have an 8TB internal drive? Do you run AO in core mode with a wifi hotspot still enabled? Can you run in full battery mode? And its not a small PC, apparently the Chassis will be huge to accomodate the 9 separate power supplies. Not everybody is included to build for themselves and keep up with the latest software tweaks.

No, the parts are just regular pc parts. There are more then enough shops that built to spec. if you ask, and they will only charge you 50 euro's more to put everything together.

Don't get me wrong, I am not here to bash Lampizator. I am really keen on computer audio, and can only encourage people to participate in this part of our audio hobby.

I took a look at the website and can tell you the following. The mobo is just a normal workstation one, just like the processor. They even use a normal samsung SSD. The case from Streacom, but with their own logo. ECC server memory is also available for everybody. These parts cost actually less then the ones I use. Nothing is ordinary about it. Most of the parts can’t even be bought in regular computer stores. Even on-line it is very hard to get. So this is a bit far from the truth, but hey, a company has to do some marketing right?

I will show some parts I use, which are more audiophile orientated, and will make a nice difference in SQ.

Mobo: This is also a normal mobo, but with an upgraded clock. A TCXO clock, running on 25,000000MHz. Very precise, and far better then the regular clocks found on all mobo's (also the workstation ones)

SSD: Same story with the mobo, a SSD with an upgraded clock.

USB card: This one runs laps around the JCAT

The dual pc setup I use do run on Windows server 2012, with AO, JPlay, Bughead Emperor. The SSD and Compactflashcard reader setup have their own battery psu, so does the USB card. To power the mobo I use lineair psu's, but could easily switch to batteries. I also use different sata and power cables then stock, they cause quite a bump in SQ.

Regarding the 8TB, I have no use for a disc like that but can easily hook it up if I want. But I don't want it because I built this pc's to be free from mechanical moving parts. Mechanical moving parts are causing electrical noise in the system, and also just noise when you are inches away of it. That's why you do not want a normal HDD or blu ray discplayer in your system. You don't want wifi because that is not a really "clean" connection either. I rather use an "audiophile" ethernet cable that comes with it's own test protocol:

@bonzo75: This is just ethics? I just quoted some sentences that do not really make sense with what I wrote above in mind.

Here it is - our Windows 2012 R2 Server machine that is as no-compromise and as high specs as possible.

Nothing is ordinary about it. Most of the parts can’t even be bought in regular computer stores. Even on-line it is very hard to get. A machine as such can’t be bought anywhere even at much higher price - simply speaking noone makes such machines and especially the real IT people would tell you it is insane.

The mother-board is the best, of professional breed, with guaranteed shop life span of 7 years in case of failure, dedicated to Intel processors and and to the Windows Server 2012 with professional XEON 4-core, multi thread processor (XEON is again a professional line of processors, which enable us to use Windows 2012 and server motherboards and Windows Optimizer).

You can even run Windows server on a Intel Celeron.... And unfortunately all parts are ordinary...

The only thing I can not comment on is the psu, because it is not shown in pictures.
Sorry - these are indeed the best CAPS part. I don't know if you hang out on Computer Audiophile, the best CAPS machines are built with these parts. Now, your contention that it can be also done with a Celeron, or that JCAT USB card and other USB cards sound the same, is no different from someone saying you don't need to buy an audiophile cable as compared to a stock cable. That is a different discussion. I have bought parts for a CAPS machine (haven't set it up yet), and even after buying the linear power supply used at a great discount, and adding the JCAT USB card and JCAT battery supply, it is costing me in Euro terms 3k. This does not include the Lampi power supply, and the roughly 1k+ or so charge that some people charge to put this together, for labor. It does not take into factor resale values or looks. And does not have an integrated Bughead Emperor
the parts we (myself and my network engineer son) purchased for my server cost about $4500 sourced from the places he purchases parts for the networks he manages, except for a few JCat pieces and the case. in addition to that we spent $800 for the Teradak LPS and $900 for the Uptone JS-2 LPS. then there is the $699 for the Win server 2012 RC Standard Ed, and the $150 Audiophile Optimizer.....and the upgrade to JRiver.

I did not have to pay my son but I'm sure it will work out in some value exchange. :)

if you want a quiet 'in-room' server it's not cheap to do it right. but in the context of Aurenders and such, and considering the level of gear I have, it was reasonable.

if you have the knowledge to substitute different, cheaper alternatives then more power to you. but people who are not selling this stuff have spent a lot of time optimizing this approach. they are not making a dime on it and it's a result of multiple efforts of better and better servers over time and this is where they are now. so unless you investigate the whole process I realize how hard it is to equate a $6k investment to a PC. again; no one is trying to sell you something. even Lampizator is simply trying to offer their customers with expensive systems but no computer knowledge the right product and support to feed their Lampizator dacs. that is what is happening. I'd guess it's a break even at best for Lampi to build and support this. it's their way to expose their products to more customers.

if I did not have the support I have I would have to go a different route, and the Lampizator Komputer would be high on my list. you have to see where their product is aimed. it's not for the the computer savy techie.....although likely some even in that category might see the value all around of it.
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Sorry - these are indeed the best CAPS part. I don't know if you hang out on Computer Audiophile, the best CAPS machines are built with these parts. Now, your contention that it can be also done with a Celeron, or that JCAT USB card and other USB cards sound the same, is no different from someone saying you don't need to buy an audiophile cable as compared to a stock cable. That is a different discussion. I have bought parts for a CAPS machine (haven't set it up yet), and even after buying the linear power supply used at a great discount, and adding the JCAT USB card and JCAT battery supply, it is costing me in Euro terms 3k. This does not include the Lampi power supply, and the roughly 1k+ or so charge that some people charge to put this together, for labor. It does not take into factor resale values or looks. And does not have an integrated Bughead Emperor

Regarding the Celeron, I mentioned this because the following was stated in a way that it sounds like you can only run Windows Server 2012 on a Xeon (XEON is again a professional line of processors, which enable us to use Windows 2012 and server motherboards and Windows Optimizer). Perhaps I was not clear about the JCat card. It is better then a normal usb card, but certainly not the best around. And Lampizator states multiple times that they only source the best of the best parts....

A fully assembled server by PPA is also around 3k and does include all these "good" parts. The fact I saw only stock parts, a hope sentences with "best of the best parts", and the 6k price triggered me to join this discussion. Just so people can read there is more and better (and even for less, especially if you have some basic pc building skills). I know labour ain't cheap and a company like Lampizator also needs to make some profit to service, but the way they positioned their server, I was expecting somethin else then marketing blabla and stock parts...

I do hang out on ComputerAudiophile, since most of the new things are discussed there and I like to try new things first :D
the parts we (myself and my network engineer son) purchased for my server cost about $4500 sourced from the places he purchases parts for the networks he manages, except for a few JCat pieces and the case. in addition to that we spent $800 for the Teradak LPS and $900 for the Uptone JS-2 LPS. then there is the $699 for the Win server 2012 RC Standard Ed, and the $150 Audiophile Optimizer.....and the upgrade to JRiver.

I did not have to pay my son but I'm sure it will work out in some value exchange. :)

if you want a quiet 'in-room' server it's not cheap to do it right. but in the context of Aurenders and such, and considering the level of gear I have, it was reasonable.

if you have the knowledge to substitute different, cheaper alternatives then more power to you. but people who are not selling this stuff have spent a lot of time optimizing this approach. they are not making a dime on it and it's a result of multiple efforts of better and better servers over time and this is where they are now. so unless you investigate the whole process I realize how hard it is to equate a $6k investment to a PC. again; no one is trying to sell you something. even Lampizator is simply trying to offer their customers with expensive systems but no computer knowledge the right product and support to feed their Lampizator dacs. that is what is happening. I'd guess it's a break even at best for Lampi to build and support this. it's their way to expose their products to more customers.

if I did not have the support I have I would have to go a different route, and the Lampizator Komputer would be high on my list.

I know nobody is selling me something, but offering stock parts and claiming it is the best of the best is selling bullsh*t... Would you mind posting a parts list of your server? Do you know you can rearm the trial of Windows server 2012 five times? So you can use it for free five times a period of 180 days, fully functional. After 2,5 years you probably have to do a fresh installation anyway because of newer versions of AO, JPlay and so on. It is even legal to do so, and could have saved you $699 already... Allthough I understand lampizator can not offer such solution to customers, I would have slapped my dad when he wants to spent $699 on a license he does not even need ;)
I know nobody is selling me something, but offering stock parts and claiming it is the best of the best is selling bullsh*t... Would you mind posting a parts list of your server? Do you know you can rearm the trial of Windows server 2012 five times? So you can use it for free five times a period of 180 days, fully functional. After 2,5 years you probably have to do a fresh installation anyway because of newer versions of AO, JPlay and so on. It is even legal to do so, and could have saved you $699 already... Allthough I understand lampizator can not offer such solution to customers, I would have slapped my dad when he wants to spent $699 on a license he does not even need ;)

Motherboard: Supermicro X10SLH-F
Case: Streacom FC10
CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1240L v3
RAM: Crucial (2 x 8GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM ECC Unbuffered DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Server Memory (CT2KIT102472BD160B)
SSD: Samsung 850 Pro 128GB 2.5-Inch SATA III Internal SSD (MZ-7KE128BW)
PSU: HDPlex Linear Power Supply in combination with the HDPlex 250W Internal DC-ATX PSU
Music App: JRiver Media Center
USB Card: Jcat USB card
SSD Battery PSU: Jcat
SATA cable: Jcat

+the Teradak ATX275 LPS....for the MoBo--with the Teradak you don't need the other power supply listed.
the Uptone JS-2 LPS....for the JCat USB card and Regen

not listed is the actual Streacom 'pipe' riser (for cooling) which later we realized was missing from the list as we thought it came with the case. it was not too spendy, less than $100, plus we needed one other (less than $10) cable which I cannot find the info on. oh yeah, it was a standard SATA cable since we elected to not buy the JCat one.

my son told me that we have to pay for the $699 License for the Win Server 2012 RC Standard this week (or soon). if it requires renewal I don't know about that. I can find son knows about this.
Mike get the R2 version of Windows 2012 Server ... that should cost a one time $350 price, IIRC. There are many pitfalls in this thing and prices are nightmare, as they are all over the place.

I will not argue with RubenV, as I have spoked with Elberoth/Lukasz/ALrainbow who has built 4 or 5 top class servers now, AudioPhil and many others about the cost. I also know that what is on the Lampi website is dated from back at the start of the Summer and what I heard about was the latest from less than a week ago.

Lukasz does not rest on his laurels with dacs, so it stands to reason that he does the same with the Server and as always, the website lags behind.
Motherboard: Supermicro X10SLH-F
Case: Streacom FC10
CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1240L v3
RAM: Crucial (2 x 8GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM ECC Unbuffered DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Server Memory (CT2KIT102472BD160B)
SSD: Samsung 850 Pro 128GB 2.5-Inch SATA III Internal SSD (MZ-7KE128BW)
PSU: HDPlex Linear Power Supply in combination with the HDPlex 250W Internal DC-ATX PSU
Music App: JRiver Media Center
USB Card: Jcat USB card
SSD Battery PSU: Jcat
SATA cable: Jcat

+the Teradak ATX275 LPS....for the MoBo--with the Teradak you don't need the other power supply listed.
the Uptone JS-2 LPS....for the JCat USB card and Regen

not listed is the actual Streacom 'pipe' riser (for cooling) which later we realized was missing from the list as we thought it came with the case. it was not too spendy, less than $100, plus we needed one other (less than $10) cable which I cannot find the info on. oh yeah, it was a standard SATA cable since we elected to not buy the JCat one.

my son told me that we have to pay for the $699 License for the Win Server 2012 RC Standard this week (or soon). if it requires renewal I don't know about that. I can find son knows about this.

Motherboard: Supermicro X10SLH-F = 233 euro (
Case: Streacom FC10 = 300 euro (
CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1240L v3 = 304 euro (
RAM: Crucial (2 x 8GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM ECC Unbuffered DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Server Memory (CT2KIT102472BD160B) = 128 euro (
SSD: Samsung 850 Pro 128GB 2.5-Inch SATA III Internal SSD (MZ-7KE128BW) = 93 euro (
PSU: HDPlex Linear Power Supply in combination with the HDPlex 250W Internal DC-ATX PSU
Music App: JRiver Media Center
USB Card: Jcat USB card
SSD Battery PSU: Jcat
SATA cable: Jcat

The pc-parts alone (no JCAT and psu's) are 1058 euro. The Uptone is around 800 euro’s?. That makes it roughly 1800 euro’s, add the plex (500 euro’s?) and the JCat goodies (400 euro’s for the usb card? And 340 for the battery if you buy it together) and you are slightly above 3000 euro’s. 100 euro’s for the pipe riser and 150 for AO, 60 for JRiver brings it to 3350. Add the license and it will still be below 4k.

Anyway, rearming your Windows Server 2012 trial is super easy. Just press the windows key, type “CMD”. The command prompt will appear and you only have to type the following: “slmgr.vbs –rearm” hit enter, reboot and you are good to go for another 180 days. You can always decide to buy it after 2,5 years when you have used the rearming command 5 times.

Regarding the Celeron, I mentioned this because the following was stated in a way that it sounds like you can only run Windows Server 2012 on a Xeon (XEON is again a professional line of processors, which enable us to use Windows 2012 and server motherboards and Windows Optimizer). Perhaps I was not clear about the JCat card. It is better then a normal usb card, but certainly not the best around. And Lampizator states multiple times that they only source the best of the best parts....

A fully assembled server by PPA is also around 3k and does include all these "good" parts. The fact I saw only stock parts, a hope sentences with "best of the best parts", and the 6k price triggered me to join this discussion. Just so people can read there is more and better (and even for less, especially if you have some basic pc building skills). I know labour ain't cheap and a company like Lampizator also needs to make some profit to service, but the way they positioned their server, I was expecting somethin else then marketing blabla and stock parts...

I do hang out on ComputerAudiophile, since most of the new things are discussed there and I like to try new things first :D

Marketing blabla? He actually said everyone should build one for himself and there is no rocket science in his komputer.
Marketing blabla? He actually said everyone should build one for himself and there is no rocket science in his komputer.

You only read the bottom of that page? I quoted it before and will quote it again for you, these exact sentences are coming before the rocket science stuff...

Here it is - our Windows 2012 R2 Server machine that is as no-compromise and as high specs as possible.

Nothing is ordinary about it. Most of the parts can’t even be bought in regular computer stores. Even on-line it is very hard to get. A machine as such can’t be bought anywhere even at much higher price - simply speaking noone makes such machines and especially the real IT people would tell you it is insane.

The mother-board is the best, of professional breed, with guaranteed shop life span of 7 years in case of failure, dedicated to Intel processors and and to the Windows Server 2012 with professional XEON 4-core, multi thread processor (XEON is again a professional line of processors, which enable us to use Windows 2012 and server motherboards and Windows Optimizer).

That actually makes is more crazy and it suggests it is really marketing blablabla. Thanks for bringing it under attention again ;)
You only read the bottom of that page? I quoted it before and will quote it again for you, these exact sentences are coming before the rocket science stuff...

Here it is - our Windows 2012 R2 Server machine that is as no-compromise and as high specs as possible.

Nothing is ordinary about it. Most of the parts can’t even be bought in regular computer stores. Even on-line it is very hard to get. A machine as such can’t be bought anywhere even at much higher price - simply speaking noone makes such machines and especially the real IT people would tell you it is insane.

The mother-board is the best, of professional breed, with guaranteed shop life span of 7 years in case of failure, dedicated to Intel processors and and to the Windows Server 2012 with professional XEON 4-core, multi thread processor (XEON is again a professional line of processors, which enable us to use Windows 2012 and server motherboards and Windows Optimizer).

That actually makes is more crazy and it suggests it is really marketing blablabla. Thanks for bringing it under attention again ;)
What does Phil recommend for best Mobo? Did you see the spec for Elberoth's Server?

In any case, i already TOLD you that Lukasz already upgraded his Server from what you see written some 2-3 months ago…

It seems like you are just trying to brag that you think your personally built server is better. I doubt it given the advanced I heard abot when I got an update last week, but who knows?

Next think is you are gonna say you are better than the Sound Galleries upcoming Server as well.
Could somebody refer to differences in SQ between Aurender servers and Lampi Komputer pls?
Very curious.
Regarding the Celeron, I mentioned this because the following was stated in a way that it sounds like you can only run Windows Server 2012 on a Xeon (XEON is again a professional line of processors, which enable us to use Windows 2012 and server motherboards and Windows Optimizer). Perhaps I was not clear about the JCat card. It is better then a normal usb card, but certainly not the best around. And Lampizator states multiple times that they only source the best of the best parts....

A fully assembled server by PPA is also around 3k and does include all these "good" parts. The fact I saw only stock parts, a hope sentences with "best of the best parts", and the 6k price triggered me to join this discussion. Just so people can read there is more and better (and even for less, especially if you have some basic pc building skills). I know labour ain't cheap and a company like Lampizator also needs to make some profit to service, but the way they positioned their server, I was expecting somethin else then marketing blabla and stock parts...

I do hang out on ComputerAudiophile, since most of the new things are discussed there and I like to try new things first :D


If you feel you can build a better audiophile computer for much cheaper than the Lampi Komputer then more power to you. But for the average non-tech savvy audiophile such as myself, Lampi is offering a really nice alternative for an audiophile quality computer. It is basically the same computer that Mike and many other audiophiles have had to assemble themselves brought together in one turn-key unit complete with the latest and greatest music software. Sounds like a great deal to me.


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