As for the differences.. We all remember the differences we felt in our cars after an oil change, even if the oil didn't need changing .. We always felt the car more performing , better everything ..
They may not sound best when perfectly vertical - depends on the listening seat height and the actual height of the listener...
The dude is right - shim as needed. A good digital level, and may be even a laser level.
They may not sound best when perfectly vertical - depends on the listening seat height and the actual height of the listener...
Would 2 or 3 degrees be audible .
Assuming you have an articulate, transparent system the answer, from my experience, is definitely yes.
This being said with no amount of irony: You think you can sit that still for 2 minutes? You head will move more than that with respect to the vertical ... The transparency of the system notwithstanding you are moving much more than 2 degrees of vertical wen you are listening to music.
The effect is mostly related to the reflections in the room, not exactly to your head position - fortunately the stage height produced by my speakers does not change a lot when I move my head. Remember that height information is perceived in a very special way - we had such debate in a dedicated thread in WBF long ago.
BTW, people should consider that a 3 degree tilt change in a 5 feet tall speaker moves the top about 3 inches (I hope my metric to imperial conversions are correct)
I would concede you that much but said reflections will also suppose that your head is not moving at all. Therefore their effect will constantly vary as your head moves, involuntarily, I understand the need to precisely set one's system but ...
(...) .
While I do worship at the temple of symmetry, I have no illusions that biologically the vast majority of us are not perfectly symmetrical with our hearing apparatus'.
For linesources I would definitely go for perfectly vertical or identical rake angle. For Omnis I'd go further than perfectly vertical by making sure that they had the exact height too. Try measuring that since measuring floor to top wouldn't work if it is the floor that isn't level!
That said, I do agree with Frantz to a great degree. How many times have you observed people sitting forward and back, tilting their heads this way or that and maybe even moving their chairs around a bit using their butts to find that best spot when in anal retentive OC mode? I know we've all seen it a million times and have done the same ourselves. While I do worship at the temple of symmetry, I have no illusions that biologically the vast majority of us are not perfectly symmetrical with our hearing apparatus'.
The great thing about going through all the AROC stuff is that while it seems stupid at first glance, going through the process actually puts you in a more relaxed state, a ready for music not sound state, later on. That to me is priceless even if you WILL find something else to tweak eventually! LOL! If even only for that, go for it! If the aural benefits are obvious all the better!