I am very pleased that you are enjoying your cables Mike. I do agree that cables form a core part of the system and they play a very important role. However, all cables have their own voice. My experience tells me that as a listener, you need to know truly what voice you want to hear otherwise you will spend the rest of your life chasing cables. Knowing the voice you want to enjoy holds the key to the cable question. And perhaps one does need to try various cables before you discover the voice you are after.
I am a music person first and foremost and I have two reference points, the Melbourne Recital Centre for chamber music and the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam for the rest. They are not the absolute sound but they are very helpful reference points! They certainly helped me find the right voice for me and that has been most helpful for my own cable journey. I can understand if you are a transparent to the source kind of person, this search could be quite elusive.
Just my two bobs worth on cables.
it seems like you are making 2 points. (1) that somehow you question my reference for how a cable should sound. and (2) that only live music is valid for that reference and that somehow my approach, which you identify as 'transparent to the source', is not correct.
i suppose i would invite you to sample LFD cables and then let us know what you think. but maybe your comments are not about LFD cables, but about me.
i certainly respect your live music experiences, and have enjoyed mine too. and i'm very happy with my particular system building and cable viewing approach. my 'ear' for my sound references is not anything singular, but a learned thing over many years of listening, including live music.
there are dozens of threads on WBF regarding system building references; 'live music' verses 'transparent to the original recording' or variations of that theme. i guess we know how you think about that.
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