Again, you are quoting someone and not speaking from direct experience. My direct experience is that all the resistors (whether fixed or variable) in the feedback loop affect the sound. Every brand of resistor will sound like itself there. Same with the brand of solder you use will have a different sound. The man you quoted may have much knowledge on how to make a circuit, but it does not mean he listens to everything. Very few designers are seriously tweaky. Anotherwords, he has no knowledge of how resistors sound in the feedback path unless he has done extensive listening tests on a very tweaky system using super recorded music. The stuff here is not measureable. All resistors measure the same (except for inductance). All resistors sound have to listen to know. The only real knowledge is direct experiential knowledge. I wish you would keep to that. Stop quoting other "experts"!!!!!! Just tell us what you have directly experienced....this is the ONLY TRUTH.
How do you know anything is real? Repeated listening tests backed up by other peoples findings is certainly one way. Cynics are cynical....doubters are doubtful....lovers are happy. I like happy.
I did not call him an are exaggerating, as you tend to do. I just said he has not done critical listening tests to resistors in the feedback path. Many, many high end designers are not very tweaky. They do not listen much to parts or subtle ways or implementation. That does not make them not good designers......just not great tweakers. I am done with this conversation. Please, lets move on here....or do you always have to have the last word?
You got me.......let's make that.....He has more than likely not done critical listening tests to resistors in the feedback path. I have done these tests and I always hear the "sound" of the resistors.
Maybe 25 years ago I had a Theta Gen III in for tweaking. I changed the 75 ohm load resistor on the digital input to different brands of resistors. The whole sound of the system became colored by whatever resistor brand I used. My friend who was there with me listening said "It is the same as if it were a resistor load on a moving coil cartridge"......really blew his mind. This game is so cosmic, infinite and subtle. Everything changes the sound.
Does "everything " include expectation bias ?..... Everything changes the sound.
I figured that is where you are going. It does for some people. I think I am pretty open I hear is in the now.....not preconceptions. I have had my mind blown so many times thinking this "magnet wire" cannot sound good, etc. Things are as they are, not as we would like. It is certainly a skill to stay in the open possibilities of things. Open mindedness is a good thing. Since we all "create" our own reality.....if you hold on to things being "just so" then that is what you will experience. If you hold the universe as completely open in each second then you can experience what is real in this moment. There is a saying " don't believe everything you think" should be "don't believe anything you think". What you think is not a reality. They are just thoughts in your head. However, thoughts held strongly and intensely will manifest in the physical reality. This is why holding loving and positive thoughts creates happiness. Love creates love. Joy creates joy, etc. What do you want to create? How do you want the world to be? Become it and radiate it out......Bless exceptions.
What I expect is that I will experience more and more love and joy and share it with more and more people....helping to heal the planet. That is my "bias".
so if my direct experience (and that of many others too) is that I suffer from expectation bias, then that's the reality I'm creating and it's all good.
Damn shame this thing isn't balanced. I would be on it like white on rice. Never hurts to have a decent passive lying around
Torgua sells a fully balanced version.
I think I've lost interest already after visiting the sites. I'll never understand why these small shops can never seem to find the money or time to post up any useful specifications or measurement data on their products
I guess a working website, friendly demeanour and a smile is all that’s needed nowadays to sell audio equipment
Hi cfj, don't know about the other clones, but my specs are listed everywhere, these are about the only specs you can do for a passive.
Cheers George
Had anyone compared the LDR preamps with those famous TVCs, such as Music First and Townshend?