In all this and I do understand the point about THD not being
that much perceptible. I don't know for sure but I could understand the case for the distortion spectrum of a SET being mostly in the under 100 Hz region. That is fine my objection is in the construction of SET as being the end-of-it-all. How they present the musical information could well be prefered by a person but to make of this the absolute and only correct way to present musical information is to me wrong.
I , for one find many SET tend to beautify the music. Making it sound nicer when this is not called for. Can this be preferred? of course. Do they always do that? No Some do, not all

The other side of the story is how do SET interface with other people preferred speakers. Some people, DDK , for example take the approach of getting the amp first then finding a speaker that would match with it. This is a hobby and we're talking about preferences here, so in this realm this is a valid approach. I don't subscribe to it. I chose my speaker first, i believe and this can be demonstrated BTW that a speaker impose more of if itself to the reproduction that electronics. I do thus go for speaker I like first ( these days horns

) and find the electronics to go with it. The "Tone", "presence". "body" notions are the listener's, personal characterizations of the reproduction and cannot be construed as proofs. They're subjective by nature being influenced by a plethora of inputs and stimuli ranging from knowing to what he/she is listening to (Great looking and known SET amplifers, speakers , front end) to his mental state at the time ( happy to be there, happy at the time or sad for that matter) or to his level of intoxication or lack thereof

While it is true that some system provide to some listeners a great level of believability. Something that they like and that they construe as being closer to the musical reality they perceive when experiencing Live Music. This is by no means universal. And in that SET or Tubes are no more valid than a person using Class A or D SS... it is what float that person's boat that counts at the end ... Let's not make of this debate that
My preferences are superior because I have more exposure than another in listening to live music... Nothing could be further from the Truth.
Well, if it was only sound that influenced people's choices in systems I think there would be a LOT less choice and subjective blah blah out there. The fact is that people are just as heavily influenced by appearance, what they "know" and have been taught as they were inducted into this hobby and their friends than what they actually hear. I am sad to say that very few know how to really listen critically and make the connection between what they hear in live, unamplified concerts or recitals and how that translates into what is heard from playback.
It has been demonstrated that THD has NO correlation with sound quality...none. Geddes et al. demonstrated this in a couple of papers. AND if it was the case then it would be clear that SET has no chance in delivering even acceptable sound quality. When they were first being reintroduced to the world that is exactly the kind of knee jerk reaction that the audio press had about them. There is NO WAY they could possible sound good...8 watts with 5% THD??? Outrageous!!! And yet, it gained a foothold and now a stronghold because it rather sounds more realistic in many implementations (not all but many).
What does correlate with sound quality is the harmonic structure of the distortion that is generated...the order of the harmonics and their relative and absolute levels. This has been known at some level since the 1930s but was largely ignored once negative feedback pushed all naysayers away into a THD arms race.
Both Geddes and Cheever have put forth their pyschoacoustic models that should do a better job of predicting sound quality from electronics (it applies not only to amps but also preamps and output stages of DACs and phono as well). Cheever looks at the ear/brain and self-generated harmonics and how that affects masking. It turns out to be SPL dependent, which has implications for amp/speaker matching.
Based on this work, it is clear that in the absence of a truly distortion free linear amplifier, there are psychoacoustically preferrable ways of designing electronics. This inexorably leads to a limited number of topologies that will get you the desired distortion pattern that can "hide" in the blind spots of perception. The point is that there will always be people who prefer something else and not necessarily because of sound quality, despite what they claim because they don't even know their own psychological blind spots, as this area is not and never will be exact science. What can be done though is to show a strong correlation with a certain types of distortion and then design products to mimic or avoid certain patterns. Of course some people will continue to drive towards zero distortion...who knows maybe they will get there and if they do maybe it will sound the best...but the current way of doing it with negative feedback doesn't seem to get there because of the other problems that this path creates.
Some designers openly say they are using a psychoacoustic model for optimizing their designs...Lamm comes to mind. It is no wonder then that their top tube amps are SET and that they have disotortion patterns that largely agree with the papers I have mentioned. Lamm claims not to do listening tests, just optimization towards a model of hearing. Not sure if it is true but I wouldn't be surprised. The ML2 (and its successors) are really good sounding amps...I haven't heard the ML3 but I can't imagine it being worse.
DDK, is IMO, largely right to start with the right electronics and then find the best speaker to convey the signal it is given and not the other way around. That is not to say that optimizing the speaker is not important, it is to get max realism but you can never get realism from a system without the best electronics you can afford. I have heard so many times that it is hard to count a great set of electronics elevating a speaker that most would consider ok or mediocre to something really great and, conversely, a great speaker completely ruined by the sound of the electronics behind it. That is not to say that the great electronics/mediocre speaker could not be further elevated by replacing with a great speaker...it can of course. But you can go to the very pinnacle of loudspeakers and not get realistic sound of any kind with mediocre electronics. That is because distortions from electronics are wholly unnatural and outside our evolutionary experience. Speakers are largely mechanical things that makes distortions that our evolutionary experience can still relate to and accept more easily. Therefore, getting that right, is both harder and more important, IMO, than the speaker choice. To get to a very high level requires both of course.
A SET, like all tube amps except OTLs, can have issues in the bass due to saturation of the output transformer core. This makes a lot of distortion and it is clearly audible and goes right up through the midrange to color the sound. It is also output power dependent. SETs in particular are difficult this way because of the static bias on them (a Push/pull has zero net current running through it) that reduces the linear headroom. This means the core needs to be BIG but a big core makes having a wide bandwidth difficult without clever winding ideas. For example, Aries Cerat Diana has 18Kg output transformers! That is to ensure no core saturation within the rated power. The amps sounds very clean and uncolored as a result of NOT having significant core saturation. If the SET or PP amp has taken care of this issue then the < 100Hz performance can be stellar.
So, you can claim pure relativism an that there is no preferred way to do these things, but it seems that the science that has been done in this area would not really support that at least for a majority of listeners and if you remove the other non-sound quality factors from the equation. Would Lamm sell more if their amps looked more sexy or had lower THD?? Probably but at least for the latter point it might not sound better.