He did not step in front of the firing squad. The way things should ideally go is, because one regularly goes to concerts, while occasionally demoing hifi he steps in front of something and goes Ah...this is closest to my concert experience
Unfortunately the way this thread started is, because I went to a cello concert yesterday, I realized the thing that I own at home is right and all others are wrong. There was no discovery of a hifi component relating to a concert, it seems to be the discovery of a concert confirming the bias of a set up owned at home
You don't know me Ked but those who do know that this is not at all how I have got from where I was to where I am. I had a live-in top profi violinist for close to 5 years and know intimately what a violin of the highest order (think Strad, Guarneri, Amati) sounds like: in my former listening room, in small chambers, in large halls etc. etc. I made recordings, I analyzed the sound patterns different instruments made because of my curiosity as to what harmonics they make and what makes them sound different. I went from conventional speakers with good SS and later good hybrid on planars to SET BECAUSE it sounded more like what I heard live. I have been relentless in that direction...not meandering in the wilderness like most here and you it seems. It always sounds more real even though there are still plenty of flaws...no one is denying this. I have influence on people's choices because of my consistency to a goal and that they hear that it bears positive fruit. So they slowly, slowly change because they hear it too.
Before becoming "domestically compliant" I had a huge system with two pairs of Acoustat: Spectra 2200s from full range and Spectra 4400s for the "subs". All driven by KR Audio VA350s (I had 3 of them at one time). I cut the "subs" in around 60Hz and balanced the two speakers with the gain separately adjusted and measured with a spectrum analyzer. That system gobsmacked a lot of people, including a professor/musician friend of mine who swore he never heard a system sound so real (his rich parents held home concerts on a regular basis and he is a pianist and neurobiologist). I had at least three or four others more or less trying to copy the system. I KNOW that SET + electrostat can sound wonderful.
I had an interesting experience in London once as well. I went to KJ West One to audition a pair of Wilson Benesch Arc speakers that they had for sale for a reasonable price. I made an appointment and went with my wife to audition. They had it set up in a downstairs room with top Audio Research preamp (Ref 3 at that time) and Reference 210 monoblocks. CD player was the Krell SACD standard. The sound, for lack of a better word, sucked and it was over 40K worth of gear on speakers selling for 1K. I said to the guy that sorry the WBs didn't sound very good and he said..."It's the Audio Research amps that are damaging the sound". Well, I was bowled over by that candid admission. I asked if maybe the Krell player was to blame and he said that no, the Krell was actually superb and so was the Ref 3 preamp. Damn! The most expensive part of the system was letting it down.
I asked to come back and bring my KR with me and they said fine. A week later I returned and they had the same Krell player but now the speakers were just upstairs in their main room with lots of other gear. I hooked up the amp, warmed it up and hit play. Damn if that wasn't fine sound coming out. The main guy there (now has a shop called Audio Lounge near Oxford Street) was impressed with what he heard and came over. A totally random guy, who was there shopping for Sonus Faber speakers, suddenly came over and asked if I minded if he joined me and could play some of his music. The sound was really good with that simple system...better than most would believe but it drew people in to listen. I ended up leaving without the speakers (got some small Odeons that were even better) but I did leave my amp with them for a week because they liked the sound so much. It simply blew away ARCs best at that time.
I had another dealer (Choice Hifi guy) come to my london flat and hear the KR with the Odeons and my Monarchy DAC (still my main choice although Lampizator is closing in on me) and he was just smiling saying how good that little system sounded...so musical, transparent and coherent. THis was a guy with hundreds of thousands in gear at home and a lot of experience. He helped me sell one of the KRs.
FWIW, for the sake of domestic compliance, I tried to go back to normal speakers and more conventional amps. After I returned from London, I got a pair of Genesis VI speakers. Quite ok and I drove them with an Einstein "The Absolute Tune" to protect my newborn daughter at the time from burning tubes. That was less ok. Despite the pedigree (I had liked the OTLs from Einstein very much) it was merely ok with everything and a trial on Apogees against NAT showed how flawed it was tonally, dynamically and transparency. Then I went to Reference 3a speakers, for dynamic speakers they are very good actually, despite being quite affordable. Probably the first brand ever to go to carbon fiber drivers. I also tried other amp technologies like push/pull triode in the form of the VAC 30/30, which I believe you are familiar and the SE(Transistor) hybrid from NAT, which I doubt you have heard. Inexorably though, I was drawn back to SET and in search of a speaker because every time I listened live I heard the gaps in my system. I couldn't, for domestic reasons, go back to planar...although I toyed with the idea but I always remembered how good Odeons had sounded at shows and my little pair (only horn tweeter) in London. Yes, Odeons sound FANTASTIC at shows...consistently. Guess what? THey sound that way at home too. I auditioned my La Bohemes and realized that here was a horn that had coloration levels low enough to be satisfied with all the other strengths that horns bring. Now it was a perfect platform for a SET amp. I have been through a few to find the least colored that balances closer to live like i heard last Sunday.
So, I tried to go back but there was no going back once you know what the instruments should sound like. The horns I found just happen to fit more domestically than big stats, which I still love to listen to. Avantgarde's smaller horns didn't cut it for me...too many flaws and coherence issues. Other brands were too big or too expensive.
I commented on the concert because it had been a while since i had heard instruments played in earnest up close. It brought back a lot of memories, like the concert in a London Victorian home, like the home concerts my ex used to play in rich patron's houses in Zurich (with a Bosendorfer concert grand as accompaniment), like the recordings I made of the 24 Paganini Caprices with my ex playing between my speakers and so on. I analyze data for a living and i have learned how to analyze what I hear and I know enough about electronics and distortion to see how the two fit together. If I listen to cello at home, my sound is a bit lighter weight than I heard live...but the main elements are there. I can turn on my powered sub and get the weight correct but it smears a bit the coherence and transparency...a tradeoff. Sometimes, with electronic music, I am willing to make it for the punch of the sound and depth of bass but for acoustic music I prize the transparency and insight of leaving it off.