Exactly. I like valves, but the best systems I have heard are SS. However I have heard more no. of good valve systems as opposed to good SS systems. I think what happens is, when one has the room, the dynamics and bass of SS can be combined with the tone and decay provided by the room. Also, the transparency of SS can allow the cartridge + recording to flow through with high tone. The good SS amps are expensive though.
When one has a smaller room and budget, valves provide a better decay, body, and tone that cheaper SS cannot. In a compromised system, I find valves and small speakers more musical.
Unfortunately people on the forum get carried away with trying to push their preference over being open minded.
I have yet to hear a SS system that can touch the best tube based systems...and I have heard most of the stuff at the top of the food chain. Bass and macrodynamics I can concede to one degree or another (although most SS amps sound overdamped and lacking bass texture and decay) but microdynamics and the breath of life I will not concede to any SS amps I have heard so far. Tone from a room? Decay, sure, tone? The Aries Cerat and latest Ayon offerings are more transparent in an openly natural way than any of the top SS I have heard...same for the best OTLs, although they are actually more limited I think. SS has a kind of fake transparency that still doesn't allow things to sound REAL. Everything is there (or so it seems)...except real. Its kind of like 4K resolution on a Samsung or LG LED TV. It looks unnaturally sharp and, well, synthetic.
What one can hear with the Living Voice/Kondo set up is not like that. It doesn't tick hifi boxes about bass, slam, transparency etc. it simply sounds more real with simply less synthetic nature. It may not be totally devoid of artifice but it is far closer than anything else I have heard.
The cartridge, I have found, is less important than the phono preamplifier. I get better analog sound with my superb Silvaweld phonostage and a $400 Audio Technica than a friend of mine with a $6000 Transfiguration Proteus and a $1000 SS phonostage. Its not even close really. Now, would I get better sound with the Proteus with my phonostage (assuming that the gain was sufficient...which it isn't)? Almost certainly but not to the night and day degree that the phonostage makes. I think it is likely more important than the TT itself!
Ok SS amps are expensive. Surprisingly, one of the best sounding ones is not so expensive. I am talking about the Nagra Classic Amp. Also, the Brinkmann monos are very good. Both of these would be a reasonable choice if your speakers were in the mid 80s db and not too tough a load. Once you get above 90db/watt then you are in high power SET world and you can forget the SS unless your room is huge or your tastes run to AC/DC at 130db. Hybrids from Ypsilon would be a reasonable alternative if one doesn't want to go SET.
You can treat the hell out of a room but you cannot remove electronic signature with it.
Your opinion is as strong on this forum as anyone else's...just a FYI...