LOL, you are not serious. I live in the land of top solid state (darTZeel, CH Precision, Soulution, Nagra, FM Acoustics). I have heard them all in shows, showrooms, homes etc. Ironically, the new Nagra Classic is one of the better sounding ones.
Not to mention too German ones like MBL, Audionet, T+A, Bumester, etc.
Every year at shows, dealers and private I hear this stuff and it never sounds beyond hifi. I am sadly never pleasantly surprised with this unnatural sound. This year I heard the Magico Q1 with the new 500 series Integrated from Soulution ( an ironic name if ever I heard one). My friend rightly pegged the bass as sounding like someone banging on an empty shoebox! So lacking in tone color, microdynamics and an hugely overdamped bass. Poor.
Now, much better sounding was a pair of Vandersteen Treos driven by an all Brinkmann system. Cheaper too.
I guess you could say I already did as advised and what you get ticks all the boxes except music. As I said this latest live event just reinforced that thought.