There is indeed a glitch for which I submitted a work ticket a few weeks ago only to be told all is well. I resubmitted another ticket this morning for them to have a look again
Steve, it is so minimal, and happens only rarely, that I truly doubt that they can find it or replicate it.
It only happens when I first post on a brand new day, for the first time or two...then after that it's ok.
A little message appears asking you if you want to navigate out of the page or remain on it.
I click on "remain", then click on the post "submit", then the message reappears. ...Click again on "remain", then "submit" and if lucky it won't reappears a third or fourth time.
This never happened in the past; it is only recently (couple months or so) that it started behaving like that occasionally.
My reply to Mark was only to reassure him that he wasn't personally experiencing it...nothing else.
I've seen much worse than that from other sites, and I reported the issue...(double posting glitch); it took almost a year to fix, but fixed it they did. :b
Here that issue is not even 2% of what was over there. And the other issue, @ the other site, I doubt that it would be ever resolved...the painful slowness...due to multiple animated advertising and heavy daily traffic. Here zero problem of that sort; 1. No advertising. 2. No heavy traffic.
Anyway, I wouldn't sweat it too much, but thx for letting them know.
Mark's real issue is the serious stuff. When you start thinking about switching countries (continents), it isn't like switching interconnect cables.
It is a peace of mind that we are hoping for all our families; and that, is a world thing. It is part of life, and Mark I'm sure is in need of that peace of mind.
I can only offer my support and understanding; that, he has from me. Anyone going through rough times I will support them.