Someone here just did me a great favour by flattening two records of mine (I asked him if he would and he agreed, but I never asked permission to give his name here so will leave that to him).
Of the two records, one had two large warps in it that, if played, would actually send my cartridge airborne followed by it bouncing hard on the cantilever, a major risk to my cartridge. The other, a Dynaflex, had one mild warp but enough to affect the sound so also not played.
The Orb owner started out very gently at the lowest settings and times, which helped but not enough. Both needed a second go at least, but the process succeeded.
The worst record is now playable with only a very slight movement up and down of my cartridge at one point on each rotation to show a minor defect, but absolutely no effect on the sound. I have seen that much movement on brand new pressings. The Dynaflex is absolutely flat with no evidence whatsoever that it was ever warped.
Orb's instructions say do not put flexidiscs into the machine (I think those paper thin records found in magazines at times?), but did not mention Dynaflex records (also fairly thin). The results with mine suggest that, with care, there should be no problem with these. The heavily warped record I should have just replaced from Discogs, however it was a from a friend who thought it Kaput so I thought if I could repair it and record it playing back for my friend?
My indirect experience with the Orb tells me it is a marvellous product that does what it says on the tin. Highly recommended.