Magico on the cover of Stereophile

And I just talked to Peter Mackay at Magico regarding the midrange enclosure in the S5 Mk I vs Mk II and to BE CLEAR: THERE WAS NONE IN THE MK I UNTIL SOME VERY LATE UNITS, which had some form of an enclosure. The Mk II, as we see, has a really good one.

Like I said.....anything is possible. Thanks ack:)
I really like the fact you are very open minded Leif, here, on the MB threads, and elsewhere.
This is an official statement by Alon Wolf, to end this nonsense:

'Of course the S5 mk1 had a separate midrange enclosure as well as all our three-and four way designs. The "sub enclosure" wording that some seems to be confused about is used in the context of describing the new polymer material first used in the S3. However all 3 and 4 ways before it used sub enclosures usually from aluminum. The S5 always had a sub enclosure made up of aluminum.

Alon Wolf
Magico LLC
510_649_9700 Voice
510_649_1180 Fax'
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I thought it was a very complementary review and measured quite well - interesting he heard several resonances in the cabinet. Also that his Pass XA-60 monoblocks didn't work in the bass (no surprise to me, but others claim low wattage amps work with Magicos)...

I wish he had compared the S5mk2 sonics to other recent speakers he's reviewed - JA is usually excellent at that.
Like I said.....anything is possible. Thanks ack:)

Leif S - excuse me, what is your position in VSR ? You are a speaker designer ?

I'm asking, simply because I cannot understand, how a person who claims to be a speaker designer, can say putting 5" mid with dual 10" woofers into a common volume in a sealed box is even remotely possible. That is a technical nonsense.
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(...) I wish he had compared the S5mk2 sonics to other recent speakers he's reviewed - JA is usually excellent at that.

He did not compare, but we can compare his review of the Alexia and the S5 mk2. Just did it and IMHO it is all there. We just have to read and think. Curiously, comparing the Martin Colloms reviews of the Alexia and the old S5 was also very instructive.
Leif S - excuse me, what is your position in VSR ? You are a speaker designer ?

I'm asking, simply because I cannot understand, how a person who claims to be a speaker designer, can say putting 5" mid with dual 10" woofers into a common volume in a sealed box is even remotely possible. That is a technical nonsense.
Yes I'm one of the owners/designers as well as the founder and designer of Endeavor Audio Engineering. I think your missing my point, I was referring to the fact that there are speakers where the woofer(s) and mid share air space. I wasn't referring to the Magico's directly. I've already stated that I would never allow a 5" midrange to share air space with 2-10" woofers in a sealed box. I wouldn't do it in a ported box for that matter. Yes, if you were to do this the amount of pressure on the mid driver would be horrible. It is not up to me to say this is impossible. Especially if it turned out that the Magico didn't have a sub enclosure for the mid driver, although I never thought for a minute that they didn't.
Yes I'm one of the owners/designers as well as the founder and designer of Endeavor Audio Engineering. I think your missing my point, I was referring to the fact that there are speakers where the woofer(s) and mid share air space. I wasn't referring to the Magico's directly. I've already stated that I would never allow a 5" midrange to share air space with 2-10" woofers in a sealed box. I wouldn't do it in a ported box for that matter. Yes, if you were to do this the amount of pressure on the mid driver would be horrible. It is not up to me to say this is impossible. Especially if it turned out that the Magico didn't have a sub enclosure for the mid driver, although I never thought for a minute that they didn't.


No, you only admited that AFTER I have directly asked you what driver configuration you had on your mind. The whole discussion was VERY specific and was about the Magcko S5 driver arrangement used, nothing else.

IMO, beeing a speaker designer, you are at a special position, where you should tell people what is possible from practical point of view, and what is a pure nonsense - even if that would mean defending a competing manufacturer.

For whatever reason, you had chosen to participate in this thread, but instead of directly addressing the issue, you decided to give some general remarks about 'some speakers you know', which only added fire to the discussion.
This is an official statement by Alon Wolf, to end this nonsense:

'Ack is wrongly quoting Peter Mackay. Of course the S5 mk1 had a separate midrange enclosure as well as all our three-and four way designs. The "sub enclosure" wording that some seems to be confused about is used in the context of describing the new polymer material first used in the S3. However all 3 and 4 ways before it used sub enclosures usually from aluminum. The S5 always had a sub enclosure made up of aluminum.

Alon Wolf
Magico LLC
510_649_9700 Voice
510_649_1180 Fax'

Wrong Mr. Alon Wolf. I quoted Mr. Mackay VERBATIM. I also asked Mr. Mackay if he could remember which year the revised Mk I version came out, and he could not provide an answer.
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Can I reverse the argument

The original s5 was one of the best measuring speakers at the NRC

If it did not have an enclosure for for the mid

It would be a tour de force how they managed that

Subsequently from the S3 they went to the new type mid enclosure

Since s3 and 7 had mid enclosures

It seems unlikely though not impossible the s5 didn't

If it didn't how they got round it electroacoustically is be be commended

And other than someone's personnel ego trip ....I am not sure the relevance ?
Well, if anyone knows his speakers, it is Alon. Anyway, all this talk of S5 v2 has influenced me to take the money I was saving for a Lexus SUV, and order a pair. This is actually better than the car since, with my S5 trade-in, I am saving a ton of money. :)
I went to Barnes and Noble to grab a copy.. They didn't order any for this month...

No, you only admited that AFTER I have directly asked you what driver configuration you had on your mind. The whole discussion was VERY specific and was about the Magcko S5 driver arrangement used, nothing else.

IMO, beeing a speaker designer, you are at a special position, where you should tell people what is possible from practical point of view, and what is a pure nonsense - even if that would mean defending a competing manufacturer.

For whatever reason, you had chosen to participate in this thread, but instead of directly addressing the issue, you decided to give some general remarks about 'some speakers you know', which only added fire to the discussion.

Hi Adam,

My intention was not to add fire to the discussion. I was actually enjoying reading this thread and the responses by other posters.

If you look at my first post you will see it was a response to a test to see if the woofers and mids shared the same air space. All I was saying is there could be more variables to which that test may not be 100% accurate. It really didn't have to do with the brand of speaker.

As far as the Magico's.....
I don't know the parameters of the midrange your referring to and I seriously doubt anyone else hear does either, unless it's posted on Magico's website in which case I would be wrong.
I'm not going to state this is impossible because we happen to have a 6" midrange driver that dam near has the same peak to peak excursion of some of the woofers we use. So that driver could be used in an enclosure sharing airspace with the woofers. So it's not impossible. Would the mids sound as good as a mid in it's own enclosure? Highly unlikely.

Anyway, you got your answer directly from Alon himself:)
My guess is that Wilson and Magico have reached that much coveted critical mass. More fellow owners to bond online with, more people to talk about them to the uninitiated, more readers to snap up the copies off the shelves or generate hits on a site. How they got to that point in a market with so many choices it can make anybody's head do the Linda Blair is indeed fascinating. Goes to show that when running a business, one needs the whole package. Pure quality can only take one so far in this day and age. Communication is crucial. These two companies are experts at putting themselves out there both in the press and in the field. They really know how to leverage the quality they possess.

Glad to read that you omitted the green vomit spewing from the head rotation!
Wrong Mr. Alon Wolf. I quoted Mr. Mackay VERBATIM. I also asked Mr. Mackay if he could remember which year the revised Mk I version came out, and he could not provide an answer.

Yeah, right.

Let me think - who would have a better idea what is inside the speaker: an export manager, who only joined Magico last year and is not even based in California (Peter works remotely out of New York) or the speaker's creator himself ?

Not to mention the fact, that you are most likely even is wrongly quoting Peter Mackay.
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