Hello from the other side...
I was chatting today with Whatmore (Trevor) who was kind enough to tell me straight up that according to some of the statements made by my initial post on the Melb HI Fi show, I have upset/offended quite a lot of members. Therefore, this is my second post that I had replied on Stereonet and also wanted to clear up any drama/issues that I may have caused without intention.
dear fellow members, I write this note to everyone with my sincere apologies.
I was just talking with whatmore ( Trev) and according to him, my opening statements ref to the show were quite damaging and offensive and has made many upset. Therefore, I just wanted to say sorry for upsetting anyone, that was certainly not my intention...
I am a very passionate person when it comes to audio and I'm overly passionate towards stats & ribbons. hence perhaps the reason why I went slightly off the rails, sorry for that.
sometimes I do tend to go off like this, even the good wife has commented on my high end manners.... I need to work on that.
on a lighter side of things, being a Melbournian and having lived here for nearly 15 years, the show was well organized. parking & accessibility are very crucial to such venues and free parking on Sun certainly helps. Most of the rooms were obviously not ideal... but the gear on display were outstanding indeed. I was very disappointed though with the Halcro set up being a panel lover I was expecting more since they also had the ideal space for stats.
rooms being smelly or congested is obviously because of the rooms! if this was based in a large convention center then things would be more airy. apart from that, I feel sorry for the exhibitors after all they're the ones who spend the entire 3 days in bloody congested environments, it's a wonder that none of them fainted, let alone put up with us public...
Overall, I think there was a lot of effort and energy put into this show, and I should be proud to have a show like this in our very own backyard! so well done to the organization committee and all exhibitors. I certainly learned a lot from that Sun and especially the time spent with Cameron at AG and Mac & SF speakers. again I'm terribly sorry if I have offended or upset anyone here and caused unnecessary drama, I will be more considerate the next time I post something. Thanks Trev for pointing that out, I do appreciate your honest feedback.
cheers to all and a big woof!
So with that said gentlemen & any ladies out there, next time I will be more thoughtful and not so frustrated, and try my best to make the statements more diplomatic/kind.
Cheers to all, RJ