Allowing the tubes to bed in a few more days before I experiment with position.
After the benefits of lower noise > greater resolution, and this new tonal sweetness revealing my previous tubes to be grey and gritty, I'm now picking up a real uptick in air, and greater layering to my sound.
My soundfield just feels like it's both expanded and is drawing me in. As a result instrumental ease and separation is way up...but not a forensic pinpointing of detail. More the kind of thing you hear in live music where instruments and voices are spacious and unstrained, but the integral relationship of every strand is holistically maintained.
I can "look" at individual elements more easily, but the whole still remains greater than sum of parts.
This is yet more proof that noise reduction has effectively been my quest...from eliminating the harshness and smear of my old room acoustics, to dropping the noise floor via my mains and Sablon power cords, now to quieter tubes.
I cannot recommend Brent highly enough, urge anyone needing tube advice or inspired choice of tubes to refer to him. He pretty much backed up Bazelio's original suggestion to mix these selfsame tubes.