I concur with your last sentence , However , as far as I am aware you have not directly compared the Red Sparrow cartridge A/B against a height quality dedicated mono cartridge both transducing the same true 25um mono cut recording ? On the same turntable ?
what is height quality? I compared the two different Miyajima heights (1.0 and 0.7) against each other on the same table. I don’t know what the marketing hype is, delta is very low and difficult to make any consistent judgement like Miyajima claims. I think it is their marketing hype else each company will have come out with two mono cartridges.
i did not compare Miyajima or another mono on vyger against red sparrow on vyger. I haven’t compared other non mono carts at all anywhere in fact apart from Miyajima
At the end I am basing my judgement that the findings on monos I read or experienced on forums almost 99 percent of the cases come from people with no quality monos as compared to the vyger RS playback
the vyger RS on mono playback was quite superior. In that same system, would you have been able to beat it with a mono switch, or by mounting some other quality mono cart on that table, or found some other unique synergy, maybe with Schroeder LT and a mono cart? Possibly. Not interested in finding out. What I need to hear is a stop me in my tracks mono playback better than the vyger RS.
also, I heard monos for only a short time at Mike’s on his Miyajima, but I found his stereo much superior at that time. For me, monos should be such that you don’t need to listen to stereo except for the recordings which are good on stereo. On the vyger RS you could easily do that. Any recording that was good, stereo or mono, was equally thrilling. Any bad recording was bad, stereo or mono. You shouldn’t have to think. Just reach on your shelf and pull out the LP.
You will find that somewhere around 2017 or 2018 I initiated or participated in a lot of mono cartridge/phono switch EQ based threads both here and on audionirvana. Then the interest totally died down. My first visit to Tom’s was because he had Miyajima monos and an external EQ. I took some monos to tang’s to experiment on his EMT
If anything I would rather pursue 78s by getting a cartridge for those and setting up a separate playback for 78s. if nothing else then to get Annie Fischers Beethoven sonatas on 78s.