IMO it 5akws some $
For those who prefer the sonic experience of streaming to physical CDs played on transports, how much does one need to invest, and what products must one buy and assemble? Are we talking about Wadax level or Taiko Extreme or something a bit more pedestrian? Do all the cables and power supplies need to be carefully chosen and optimized for a particular system/location context, or can one say spend $30K and buy a list of stuff, put it all together and be set?
I'd like to read from those who advocate for streaming and better understand what is required to create a listening experience that they prefer to other digital alternatives.
IMO. it takes some $ to have a serious CD playback system that gets near vInyl.
I had a Luxman D08-u (and many others before) and the playback was good, but it wasn’t vinyl. However, when we switched to the EMM TX2 Transport things drastically improved. I’d say it’s at 90% of our vinyl with the EMM Pre and DA2V2 DAC. It’s really very good.
However, I heard the Vitus MP-201 Mk II and it is 98% or so of our vinyl on most comparisons with a Vitus Signature Line Stage. And depending on the DAC (so far we enjoy the Ideon Absolute E + Time the best, but we haven’t heard the Lampi Horizon yet) it may be equal to our Vinyl, or even exceed it. I won’t know until everything is hooked up for a while. But my initial impression is it will be right there with our vinyl. And we are getting the MP Line Stage, not the Signature, so we’re expecting another level improvement there as well.
Our streaming is exceptional. We use the Aurender N30SA, which IMO a year ago sounded better than Taiko Extreme to us. However, Taiko has made several improvements since then so I may be of a different opinion after hearing it again.
Overall though I enjoy our CDs more than streaming Qobuz (192 kHz/24 bit) or Tidal (384 kHz/24 bit) or even playing back ripped CDs (which I also like more than Tidal or Qobuz). I hear more depth and detail. And something about Tidal / Qobuz streaming just seems a little lacking, not sure what. It shouldn't be this way but CDs just sound more real the majority of the time. While I’ve come to enjoy the sound of Tidal more than Qobuz (but hate their rap emphasis, but Tidal playback is normally superior on what I enjoy listening to, female vocals, jazz, soft rock) on most songs (not all) I still enjoy the CD playback better at this point. I’m sure some of it is nostalgia …
By the time I add our Line Stage, DAC, and Transport together I’m 160-180k (Depending on the DAC we choose). Of course the Line Stage and DAC is used with streaming as well. A good Transport like the Vitus MP or the Kalista Dream Play X only runs 40-70k. Out of these two we enjoy the Vitus the most.