Hi, Nyal,
Your 2nd question first. We've talked about doing an AES paper. Just kicking it around. In the meantime, hey, there's work to do!
Which brings me to your 1st question. The process took 30-40 man-hours in the early days and is now down to about 20. The optimization routine we wrote -- and which "talks" to the CFD engine while it's beavering away through the night -- is the key to keeping the engineering time at a manageable level.
BTW, we don't "count" computer time, we just let 'er rip all day & night, but FWIW it takes a dedicated multicore multiprocessor 64-bit workstation to run the CFD simulations, with 32GB RAM a bare minimum. Processing time is sensitively dependent on the number of possible subwoofer locations we include in the study, and what the max allowable number of subs is. On the first job we did, I marked out 70 sub locations. Put a mic at each of the 8 head locations, moved the sub to location #1 and captured the impulse response at each seat. Moved the sub to location #2 and repeated until we'd gotten it all (70 sub locations x 8 mic locations = 560 IRs). Then modeled the same thing in software and compared them, overlaid the curves. ("Holy mackerel!" I screamed when I first saw the prediction curves overlaid on their measured counterparts.) Anyway, took the workstation a couple days to get through it.
Not there quite yet, but at the current rate of demand, in another 5 or 6 months the workstation will become the choke-point for this thing we call BOSS ("Bass Optimization & Specification Service"). In the meantime I have enough acoustical engineers with CFD chops to spread the work load; they just dial into the workstation from wherever they are and get it in the queue. (I've been at the CFD thing for 12 years now, and have made that specialty one of the things I look for in new hires.)
Your 2nd question first. We've talked about doing an AES paper. Just kicking it around. In the meantime, hey, there's work to do!
Which brings me to your 1st question. The process took 30-40 man-hours in the early days and is now down to about 20. The optimization routine we wrote -- and which "talks" to the CFD engine while it's beavering away through the night -- is the key to keeping the engineering time at a manageable level.
BTW, we don't "count" computer time, we just let 'er rip all day & night, but FWIW it takes a dedicated multicore multiprocessor 64-bit workstation to run the CFD simulations, with 32GB RAM a bare minimum. Processing time is sensitively dependent on the number of possible subwoofer locations we include in the study, and what the max allowable number of subs is. On the first job we did, I marked out 70 sub locations. Put a mic at each of the 8 head locations, moved the sub to location #1 and captured the impulse response at each seat. Moved the sub to location #2 and repeated until we'd gotten it all (70 sub locations x 8 mic locations = 560 IRs). Then modeled the same thing in software and compared them, overlaid the curves. ("Holy mackerel!" I screamed when I first saw the prediction curves overlaid on their measured counterparts.) Anyway, took the workstation a couple days to get through it.
Not there quite yet, but at the current rate of demand, in another 5 or 6 months the workstation will become the choke-point for this thing we call BOSS ("Bass Optimization & Specification Service"). In the meantime I have enough acoustical engineers with CFD chops to spread the work load; they just dial into the workstation from wherever they are and get it in the queue. (I've been at the CFD thing for 12 years now, and have made that specialty one of the things I look for in new hires.)