i have plenty of constraints. what "apparent" assets people commit to hifi is a different thing than their balance sheet. i'm guessing i have far greater constraints than many here. but i am more committed....to finding a way. and my biggest asset, my room, is long ago bought and paid for. i get by with 10 year old speakers, 15 year old RTR decks, minimal modest cables, and cheap acoustic treatments.....and much sweat equity.
yes, i want to enjoy myself, but that comes from the feeling the music is real and i can lose myself into the experience. no different than many others. it's fair to say i don't over think whether performers are playing a certain way, and why the music sounds better. if i like it better, it's better. not because i understand how it was played or not.
read my Wadax performance description. my biggest take away is how much more real in real space the presentation is and that part is new for digital. recording dependent of course. the more natural the recording, the more we hear this.
absolutely. i like music in any way i get it. but dedicated listening must be convincing or it's not worth the effort.
do you see any Zero, or K3, or M9? my guess is you could buy these if it was your choice. not me.
but getting top performance from relatively (to the tip top level) modestly priced pieces is how i must do it. a great room helps. i have splurged on the digital recently, although i got good value from my previous gear.
less real, or more real. more a sense of reproduced, or less a sense of reproduced. better textures and timbre, with natural tonality. better flow? more involving? do my shoulders relax? more physical and organic?
right now i'm assessing doing more cable treatments; i've suspended my pre to amp interconnects and then used the Audioquest Fog Lifters under it and under my power cords. it definitely did increase the realism. but did it tilt the tonality? i did this on Sunday and by yesterday determined it was a 100% win. no downside. but i wanted to take my time about it.
Thank you Mike for your excellent and thoughtful response to my questions. I am certainly envious of your room and the effort to which you went to make it sound right.