Quite nice. More than nice...A Dr. down in Pittsburgh said he'd take $2500 for the pair if I drove over and picked them up, couldn't resist, drove down from Chi for a sunny-day road trip and a nice deal....I rolled in grey glass 1940's drivers (marked Admiral, but I think they were RCAs) and c. 1942 RCA 805s outputs, can't recall the inputs, but all relatively cheap tubes, a nice plus. Big soundfield, coherent, balanced, drew you in...sometimes wished I would have kept them, but I'm getting along and can't have amps all over. The LMs were like an old friend; a pint of Guinness in a London pub you ducked into from the spitting rain...I thought they sounded great together. Kondo copper spkr wire...I also liked the United 805 output tubes too, more dynamic that the RCAs, which sound akin to RCA 211s of the same era, a tad plump in the lows on some material, a tad rolled off sweet at the top. Can't go wrong with the pairing of LM 755is and Wavacs....SOTA mids, open highs...and not obscenely expensive. Who wouldn't like that?