To all concerned, I am not saying the the sound of the Kaiser/Kawero was good or bad, what I am saying all that I witnessed in the room. If you pick any particular room and ask 10 different people there would be a divide, unless something was REALLY great. Again, judging sound at a show with any system that is set up in one day is not on my radar, I just don't comprehend how the specific sonic evaluation is all that useful. BUT there is nothing wrong with people having their opinions on the sound in rooms....again I just said what I witnessed.
I do NOT want people to think that Kaiser/Kondo are novices....they do understand

We knew it was "pushing" it with the Kaweros in the size of the room that we acquired. MOC is very difficult to get a good room and Kaiser has only been there exhibiting for a few years, as well as Kondo. The space this year was huge, but available and so Kaiser brought in three large truckloads of Kaiser woodworking to bring the room down to a more realistic size, although you still had to "pressurise" the full volume of the room.
Possibly next year Kaiser will have a speaker that they have been working on that WILL fill up the size space that was used this year. Although the Kawero was being asked to do yeomen's duty as I've stated, and it was my only point that a LOT of people loved the sound. People understood that it was a large space but they still appreciated the music that the Kondo/Kaiser system offered. Even though for many this room was not their cup of tea for a whole lot of the visitors it was. This was my only point.
As a dealer I am biased so I definitely would not offer my personal opinion on the sound, although I do know what the sound is like in client's homes who own the Kaweros. Not the Kondo and Kaweros, but the Kaweros. I know MANY people on this forum didn't like the set up, but I'm telling you there were a LOT of people that did, per the post below from Europe.
Here is a post (#86) from in Europe (I translated it)
Now I can not keep it anymore.
The best room at the fair. I thought it already on day 1 and had this room as the clear favorite for day 2, but after day 2, I was floored.
Kaiser Kawero and Kondo wins the fair's best sound in place 1 and also 2. No one was really around in my opinion. This year Kawero pimped to somewhere between 900,000 and 1.000.000kr. Starting at approximately SEK 500,000 then you can pimp it to about 1.500.000kr. It was what it cost last year, but it sounded better this year with turntables and electronics from Kondo.
Esoteric accounted for CD games the year. On the approximately 2 hours I was in the room in total, we heard a bar pianolåt CD and it sounded great.
They had much effort to make the room good. It was a room that was large, certainly more than 100sqm.
This system does everything I want in a system.
Dynamics both micro and macro is good. Really good .I will be amazed at these relatively small speakers that play credible in scale 1: 1. Very unusual, I think.
The dynamics are linear in the frequency range which means that everything stays together. As levels. That sounds believable. You miss måååånga other manufacturers ..
Klang Balance is good. The instruments have a credible sound.
Transparency is top, free airy and soft where it should be, hard where it should be, a little there it must be there, big where it should be.
I tried to find something that could be better but it could not defend himself because I was so taken by the music that I fell head over heels. Maybe it is the best system I heard that music is central. I have heard more spectacular systems and more brutal in different ways, but no better as music mediator. And this at a trade show !!!
The soundstage was great. It had pulled apart the speakers more than normal for that reason. You can increase focus and tight to sound a bit if you move it all together a bit.
Thanks Kaiser Kawero that I got this experience.
Possibly it could be a bit more depth strained base if you were playing something challenging electronically. But there is nothing I would just cry over.
The summary is that it plays music I want to hear music.
DIFFERENT STROKES FOR DIFFERENT FOLKS....keeps the world "spinning round".