And please allow me to ask you the following, Lee: did you maybe listen in the past to the DCS Vivaldi in the same audio set up? And if yes, is it possible to put into words the sonic differences between the Vivaldi and Varese? I am asking because I have never been a ‘fan’ of the Vivaldi (and I listened to the latter at home in my Tidal La Assoluta system, albeit in the ‘pre Apex era’).
Yes, Scott had the Vivaldi stack on the left side of the rack and the Varese on the right. Each went into a different input on the three box Relentless preamp. At the dCS event Scott and David Steven A/Bed several tracks and it really wasn’t close which is sad news for me as I want a Vivaldi at some point.
It’s like I describe it in my review. It is a completely invisible dac that music flows right through. There is such low noise that everything feels effortless and real.
The Apex was a huge step up for the Vivaldi and the Rossini. There is more innovation from the Varese coming soon I am told.