NADAC Thread closed

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Feb 3, 2011
Does Andrew run the board?
He obviously is clueless regarding the NADAC and networking in general and paints a very negative opinion regarding the NADAC
He was asked many times to give details regarding his set-up and refused to answer. It almost appears that there is another agenda regarding his posts.
Also, closing it disrespects Blizzard

What is going on with WBF? Much controversy again IMO...
Does Andrew run the board?
He obviously is clueless regarding the NADAC and networking in general and paints a very negative opinion regarding the NADAC
He was asked many times to give details regarding his set-up and refused to answer. It almost appears that there is another agenda regarding his posts.
Also, closing it disrespects Blizzard

What is going on with WBF? Much controversy again IMO...

It bothers me too after all the effort I put into helping him. Then he refuses to even share how he had it hooked up, and closed the thread after basically slandering the product for unjustified reasons. It also is strange how his opinion of the DAC changed so drastically when he didn't even have it in his possession. It was out for review as he claimed. I noticed he went back and edited a bunch of stuff from previous posts as well.

Something not right there for sure. And not fair to Merging.

Merging has distruptive technology on their hands. So this kind of thing is to be expected.
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Does Andrew run the board?
He obviously is clueless regarding the NADAC and networking in general and paints a very negative opinion regarding the NADAC
He was asked many times to give details regarding his set-up and refused to answer. It almost appears that there is another agenda regarding his posts.
Also, closing it disrespects Blizzard

What is going on with WBF? Much controversy again IMO...

Andrew has started a new thread on the NADAC over on the Computer Audiophile forum.
There is no controversy. I do not run the board. It was my thread, and I asked that it be closed. And it was. You are all free to start your own Nadac thread, and sing its praises should you wish to. Its a free interwebs.

I did so because Mike has repeatedly and persistently misconstrued what I had said, and attributed thoughts and actions to me that I did not express or have, across multiple threads, which to me is dishonest. And no, I am not getting into "show me where I did that" exchange with you Mike. If you don't know where you have done it then you have even less insight than I imagine.

Mike so you are aware I also made a formal compliant about you misrepresenting my thoughts and views, for your own purposes; which apparently has had no effect.

As it stands Mike, I simply don't have the time or the energy for you anymore. I won't post on WBF while you are active here. I wish you well, and thank you for all your assistance, but I don't thank you for your rudeness and abrasive personality, which I am well and truly tired of. BTW no one held a gun to your head - you posted because you wanted to. I don't owe you anything.

@Kingsrule - that was a most ungracious post. Shame on you.

If you go back through my thread you will see on multiple occasions I explained my set up, and my network.

I didn't slander anything, I gave a balanced and honest account of my experiences to date in a straight forward and frank manner. You may or may not agree with my opinions, and that is entirely your prerogative.

You may also recall that I have said nothing but wonderful things about the Nadac's capacity as a DSD converter, which I regard as SOTA and exemplary. It is a pity that is not all it is, as that would have been a far more compelling package than what has been brought to market. I certainly couldn't recommend it to my friends as it stands unless all they wanted was DSD replay. In which case, subject to the caveats I posted, I would. But as a pcm converter I certainly was underwhelmed by its performance. I have experienced many better CDP's for instance.

But that is me. You may have a different view.

Please express your views on the performance of the Nadac based on your experience openly, rather than snipe at me from the side lines. I don't think unless you are a consumer, and have paid money for one, as I did, then you really have a right to comment. Mike's comments are as usual, based on what he thinks something should be, not actual experience with eg a Nadac.

I tell you what Mike, I'll sell you mine for 8k shipped, and you can post your experiences and a review for all the world to see, as I have. How does that sound?

You may also care to remember that the average audiophile that is in the market for a level of converter at the Nadac level is unlikely to have advanced networking skills, perhaps as kingsule and Mike do. That is a relevant consideration and one which I highlighted.

Oh, and I started the thread over at CA purely to link to my thoughts on the Nadac here here simply because I was asked to. There is nothing sinister going on.

Goodness. Can everyone just calm down, worry less about me, and my opinion, and venture your own instead.

Really. The paranoia is palpable. @bmoura - you too? I am surprised. I had credited you with a level of insight above your fellow protagonists here.

In any event, gentleman I will leave you all to it.

Happy forum posting.
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There is no controversy. I do not run the board. It was my thread, and I asked that it be closed. And it was. You are all free to start your own Nadac thread, and sing its praises should you wish to. Its a free interwebs.

I did so because Mike has repeatedly and persistently misconstrued what I had said, and attributed thoughts and actions to me that I did not express or have, across multiple threads, which to me is dishonest. And no, I am not getting into "show me where I did that" exchange with you Mike. If you don't know where you have done it then you have even less insight than I imagine.

Mike so you are aware I also made a formal compliant about you misrepresenting my thoughts and views, for your own purposes; which apparently has had no effect.

As it stands Mike, I simply don't have the time or the energy for you anymore. I won't post on WBF while you are active here. I wish you well, and thank you for all your assistance, but I don't thank you for your rudeness and abrasive personality, which I am well and truly tired of. BTW no one held a gun to your head - you posted because you wanted to. I don't owe you anything.

@Kingsrule - that was a most ungracious post. Shame on you.

If you go back through my thread you will see on multiple occasions I explained my set up, and my network.

I didn't slander anything, I gave a balanced and honest account of my experiences to date in a straight forward and frank manner. You may or may not agree with my opinions, and that is entirely your prerogative.

You may also recall that I have said nothing but wonderful things about the Nadac's capacity as a DSD converter, which I regard as SOTA and exemplary. It is a pity that is not all it is, as that would have been a far more compelling package than what has been brought to market. I certainly couldn't recommend it to my friends as a compelling proposition as it stands unless all that si wanted is DSD replay. In which case, subject to teh caveats I posted, I would. But as a pcm converter I certainly was underwhelmed by its performance.

But that is me. You may have a different view.

Please express your views on the performance of the Nadac based on your experience openly, rather than snipe at me from the side lines. I don't think unless you are a consumer, and have paid money for one, as I did, then you really have a right to comment. Mike's comments are as usual, based on what he thinks something should be, not actual experience with eg a Nadac.

I tell you what Mike, I'll sell you mine for 8k shipped, and you can post your experiences and a review for all the world to see, as I have. How does that sound?

You may also care to remember that the average audiophile that is in the market for a level of converter at the Nadac level is unlikely to have advanced networking skills, perhaps as you and Mike do. That is a relevant consideration and one which I highlighted.

Oh, and I started the thread over at CA purely to link to my comments here because I was asked to. There is nothing sinister going on.

Goodness. Can everyone just calm down, worry less about me, and my opinion, and venture your own instead.

Really. The paranoia is palpable. Extraordinary. @bmoura - you too? I am surprised. I had credited you with a level of insight above your fellow protagonists here.

In any event, gentleman I will leave you all to it.

Happy forum posting.

Well the content that you didn't edit out is still there. So I guess we can leave it up to others to see where I was so rude and abrasive with you. The reason it was difficult for you to connect is because you were trying to get a dual LAN system going which is very untypical way to do things, but would offer better performance. But you actually have to do it properly if you want it to work. But it seemed like you refused to take the advice on how to properly connect it, and then bashed the product because of it. Then you didn't even explain the setup procedure that didn't work.

To to me that was more a review of your lack of listening skills and basic understanding of not only networks, but DAC's in general (IE 6.1v RMS output not being enough when 4-4.6v is industry standard), than it was of the product.

And I seriously don't know how I could have been more patient trying to explain thing to you.

I just looked and you edited out your comment about preferring DSD 256 to vinyl with the NADAC. You must of did that after reading I told people you said that. I see you also replaced positive words words with negative ones you had said earlier in the thread. Well all I can say is don't say things on a public forum if you don't want people to know them. I see your edits came shortly after I shared this information. I guess you were afraid the analog guys wouldn't like you anymore. So because of this, you decide to drag Merging's name through the dirt.
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Mike's comments are as usual, based on what he thinks something should be, not actual experience with eg a Nadac.

Oh boy, and from what Mike said the whole time about the Nadac I could have sworn he actually owns one. But then, he hasn't heard the dCS Vivaldi either, nor SOTA analog playback, but claimed that the HQ player/Nadac combo must be better than both -- apparently all on purely 'theoretical' grounds.

Oh boy, and from what Mike said the whole time about the Nadac I could have sworn he actually owns one. But then, he hasn't heard the dCS Vivaldi either, nor SOTA analog playback, but claimed that the HQ player/Nadac combo must be better than both -- apparently all on purely 'theoretical' grounds.


I wouldn't take Andrews claimed experience with the DAC as a solid opinion. He clearly didn't hook it up right. Then he went and edited out half the good things he said about after after he found out I was telling people the NADAC could beat vinyl.

Get some more opinions. Bruce B uses the Horus, which is the same as the Hapi, only more bays for studio use. He's had it for a couple of years now and is someone who can be trusted. Brian Moura has a NADAC, and same with Kingsrule.
I wouldn't take Andrews claimed experience with the DAC as a solid opinion. He clearly didn't hook it up right. Then he went and edited out half the good things he said about after after he found out I was telling people the NADAC could beat vinyl.

Get some more opinions. Bruce B uses the Horus, which is the same as the Hapi, only more bays for studio use. He's had it for a couple of years now and is someone who can be trusted. Brian Moura has a NADAC, and same with Kingsrule.

But you apparently don't have actual experience with one, nor with many of the other things you have opinions about. That's a real problem when it comes to the credibility of your opinions.
Oh boy, and from what Mike said the whole time about the Nadac I could have sworn he actually owns one. But then, he hasn't heard the dCS Vivaldi either, nor SOTA analog playback, but claimed that the HQ player/Nadac combo must be better than both -- apparently all on purely 'theoretical' grounds.


Frosty The Snowman is basically a fiction writer.
But you apparently don't have actual experience with one, nor with many of the other things you have opinions about. That's a real problem when it comes to the credibility of your opinions.

If you don't think my opinion is credible, I provided the names of 3 others you can ask. I'm sure you can find more if you're resourceful. Oh yes we also have Astrotoy. 4 very knowledgeable guys.

Vintage King audio has a 30 day return policy on the Hapi with no restocking fee and free shipping. Try it out, and if you think it's no good, come on my forum, and tell everyone to stop taking my advice. But use with Hqplayer to resample everything to DSD 256. The only issue with the Hapi is it has a pro sound multi pin connector for the XLR out's. So you need to get an adapter cable for the XLR's. But considering the $7300 savings vs the NADAC, might be worth it.
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Gentlemen, I followed that thread and Andrew was a gentleman throughout, he was just tired of blizzard haranguing him.

As for starting Astrotoy as an example, he gives two hoots about digital. He has thousands of vinyl and some tape, and uses digital for MCH fun. He had exasound and upgraded to nadac. Doubt he out much research into it anywhere near what he does on analog. He can correct me, of course
Gentlemen, I followed that thread and Andrew was a gentleman throughout, he was just tired of blizzard haranguing him.

As for starting Astrotoy as an example, he gives two hoots about digital. He has thousands of vinyl and some tape, and uses digital for MCH fun. He had exasound and upgraded to nadac. Doubt he out much research into it anywhere near what he does on analog. He can correct me, of course

No everything was fine, until right at the end when he read I was sharing his thoughts on HQplayer and the NADAC to the analog guys, and referencing his name and thread. So he was worried all of you guys would be mad at him for it. So he went on a rampage editing several posts, deleting positive comments and replacing with negative. He added a bunch of negativity to his original long review as well, and this was during a time he didn't even have the DAC in his possession to discover more things he didn't like about it. Then to ensure nobody else came on the thread to clarify his misconceptions, he had it closed. Next he went on to CA, to slander my name, as well as the NADAC some more. His own words on that before he decides to edit out "Oh, and I started the thread over at CA purely to link to my thoughts on the Nadac here here simply because I was asked to". I wonder who it was???


That's exactly what happened there. And all of it just because he knows I believe in the Ravenna protocol, and plan on using it in my system. So you can clearly see he attacked Ravenna mainly, but left positive comments on the DSD sound. And this was just down right wrong. Anyone who can't see this, is blinder than a bat. Where was all the network issues at the beginning when he was raving about it for a couple weeks? They didn't come until he edited it right before closing the thread. Just look at the edits at the bottom. I should have trusted my instincts about this guy.

And as far as Astrotoy, sounds to me like the perfect guy to ask about the NADAC, especially VS vinyl. He knows probably more than anyone on here about the NADAC. He even visited the personal home of Dom the software engineer for an audition before it's official release. So he's the man to talk to if you ask me.
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To the mods.. do you really want this to continue.. when a user brings more strife than good to a forum , its time to act.. do so please.
To the mods.. do you really want this to continue.. when a user brings more strife than good to a forum , its time to act.. do so please.

The only reason I'm posting outside of my sub forum is because there was some clear attacks going on here to both me and Merging.
I don't see how Andrew's message "Clear your Inbox Wisnon" has anything to do with anything.

Mods, now you have a gentleman like Andrew stating that he won't post on the forum till Blizz is active. Well Done.
I don't see how Andrew's message "Clear your Inbox Wisnon" has anything to do with anything.

Mods, now you have a gentleman like Andrew stating that he won't post on the forum till Blizz is active. Well Done.

No you're right. But timing was impeccable. Wisnon has thick skin, him and I are buddies :)

Does the forum need people who do things like that? Amir and Steve will be bright enough to put 2 and 2 together. Amir knows how helpful I was on that thread, I was polite, courteous and patient with Andrew the whole way. The references I shared on other threads (which he since edited out) were direct copy and paste's from him. Not sure what's wrong with that? Especially since it was all positive talk about his own DAC he seemed to be thrilled with.
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Sorry he doesn't add insight. This is regular stuff on computer audiophile. And he doesn't have one antagonizing post, he is a repeat offender spoiling many threads
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I have decided not to post while Mike is active, or at least as he currently is, as I just don't feel it is safe to.

I dislike anyone citing my views as support for anything they advance, without my knowledge and permission. Here is an example of Mike citing me incorrectly

We have Andrew on the NADAC thread raving about the vinyl like sound. Saying how the quad DSD is outshining the vinyl rig he has hands down.

I did not say that. I said

In any event, this is the closest I have heard my digital get to great vinyl, which I love.

In fact for classical, which I prefer to listen to most of the time, I am leaning toward Roon - HQP - Nadac combo as my preferred playback chain. Lower noise floor, certainly more convenient and has the same (or at least remarkably similar) liquidity and involvement

It may not seem a big deal to the casual reader, but I take my reputation and integrity seriously, and value accuracy. I post under my own name, and am easily found via google if anyone really wants to. I am conscious that a number of people follow what I post mainly because I have a reputation for being completely honest, and fearless, in my opinions. I get asked alot of questions via PM, mainly on Stereonet in Australia, where I mainly post, and I am very careful to speak only from my experience to date.

I explained my network set up on many occasions including here. To say otherwise incorrect.

And it was this nonsense that prompted me to ask the thread to be closed.

Simply put, it is apparent to me Mike that you cannot regulate your behaviour online. I had hoped to be able to help you become a valued member, as I thought (and think) you have many good and positive qualities. Fundamentally I feel you are a decent man. However it is apparent you have some form of personality disorder or other compulsion that propels you into conflict at almost every opportunity. I wonder if you just do not realise how offensive you can be to others?

It is this lack of insight, this lack of ability to regulate, the failure to accept responsibility for your actions, your grandiosity and pressured posting that makes me worry for you. I see narcissists all the time in my professional life at the Bar. And frankly my dear, you fit into the mould rather too easily. In any event, as much as I would have liked to help, I have reached the limit of what I will do for you. Ultimately if you cannot regulate your behaviour then I will not associate with you. My time is precious and I post for fun and a hobby, not for conflict. So, while you are active here and post as you do, I prefer not to.

That is my choice. No one else's.

Be well and travel safe,

edit: Mods - is Spazmatron in fact Blizzard by another name?:
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I have decided not to post while Mike is active, or at least as he currently is, as I just don't feel it is safe to.

I dislike anyone citing my views as support for anything they advance, without my knowledge and permission. Here is an example of Mike citing me incorrectly

I did not say that. I said

I explained my network set up on many occasions including here. To say otherwise incorrect.

And it was this nonsense that prompted me to ask the thread to be closed.

Simply put, it is apparent to me Mike that you cannot regulate your behaviour online. I had hoped to be able to help you become a valued member, as I thought (and think) you have many good and positive qualities. Fundamentally I feel you are a decent man. However it is apparent you have some form of personality disorder or other compulsion that propels you into conflict at almost every opportunity. I wonder if you just do not realise how offensive you can be to others?

It is this lack of insight, this lack of ability to regulate, the failure to accept responsibility for your actions, your grandiosity and pressured posting that makes me worry for you. I see narcissists all the time in my professional life at the Bar. And frankly my dear, you fit into the mould rather too easily. In any event, as much as I would have liked to help, I have reached the limit of what I will do for you. Ultimately if you cannot regulate your behaviour then I will not associate with you. My time is precious and I post for fun and a hobby, not for conflict. So, while you are active here and post as you do, I prefer not to.

That is my choice. No one else's.

Be well and travel safe,

edit: Mods is Spazmatron in fact Blizzard by another name:

Excuse my ultra denseness this early in 2016, but what does this last line mean re Spaz?
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