NADAC Thread closed

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Actually, Andrew, Spaz is a nice guy I have dealt with. He can't be Blizzard because, like I said, he is a nice guy :)
Thank you.

I saw in both spazmatron's and blizzard's profile that their posting activity features in each others profiles.

See here:

See here:

compare that with my profile activity: where only I appear.

Odd don't you think?

In any event if I have maligned you Spazmatron, I sincerely apologise and retract any suggestion you have acted in any way improperly.
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I would suggest logging on to Computer Audiophile, and sparing everyone Blizzard's posts. Win Win situation
fair enough bonzo your so knowing in the first place it must be hard for anyone to add insight too you.

spare a thought for us mear mortals before weilding your mighty axe of influence down on mike.

Hey Spaz, didn't you see. You are my other personallity :)
I have decided not to post while Mike is active, or at least as he currently is, as I just don't feel it is safe to.

I dislike anyone citing my views as support for anything they advance, without my knowledge and permission. Here is an example of Mike citing me incorrectly

I did not say that. I said

It may not seem a big deal to the casual reader, but I take my reputation and integrity seriously, and value accuracy. I post under my own name, and am easily found via google if anyone really wants to. I am conscious that a number of people follow what I post mainly because I have a reputation for being completely honest, and fearless, in my opinions. I get asked alot of questions via PM, mainly on Stereonet in Australia, where I mainly post, and I am very careful to speak only from my experience to date.

I explained my network set up on many occasions including here. To say otherwise incorrect.

And it was this nonsense that prompted me to ask the thread to be closed.

Simply put, it is apparent to me Mike that you cannot regulate your behaviour online. I had hoped to be able to help you become a valued member, as I thought (and think) you have many good and positive qualities. Fundamentally I feel you are a decent man. However it is apparent you have some form of personality disorder or other compulsion that propels you into conflict at almost every opportunity. I wonder if you just do not realise how offensive you can be to others?

It is this lack of insight, this lack of ability to regulate, the failure to accept responsibility for your actions, your grandiosity and pressured posting that makes me worry for you. I see narcissists all the time in my professional life at the Bar. And frankly my dear, you fit into the mould rather too easily. In any event, as much as I would have liked to help, I have reached the limit of what I will do for you. Ultimately if you cannot regulate your behaviour then I will not associate with you. My time is precious and I post for fun and a hobby, not for conflict. So, while you are active here and post as you do, I prefer not to.

That is my choice. No one else's.

Be well and travel safe,

edit: Mods - is Spazmatron in fact Blizzard by another name?:

This isn't even worth commenting on. Because anyone who would actually listen to it, would have to be so dense that I couldn't care less what they thought.

PS: that avatar sure is creepy. I hope it doesn't give me nightmares.
Spaz, I have no interest in clicking on new posts to see every thread, even something like a Kronos review, ruined by BS from Blizzard, with him purposefully antagonizing multiple people. Rockitman, Audiophile Bill, Steve Williams (Blizzard stated very early on that Steve had warned him), me, Andrew, and I am sure there are others have called for him to be restricted or banned. He has been banned on the CA forum. Most of the activity on this forum in recent days has been responding to his noise.

Also, if you think you are being fair to him, spend a thought on are you being fair to the rest of the forum, and to the manufacturers whom he consciously disses with lack of knowledge or experience? If anything he is misleading people like you who think he is providing insight.
And for the record, I was responding to Wisnon about something unrelated to the Ravenna protocol and certainly it was not him that asked me to post over at CA, and all I was asked to share was the thoughts I posted here, and I did here . That is all. And I think you will find if you look at the examples I posted above, my conclusions have factual foundation.

The paranoia is concerning.

I very much wanted the Ravenna protocol to be successful out of the box, and it is direct from a laptop. I first reported problems via the network quite early in my thread.

I did edit some of my posts as I felt they were too effusive, and I did not feel they ultimately reflected my opinion. It is only natural when one gets a new toy to be enthusiastic and have a rosy glow, and my early posts reflected that perhaps too much. I often go back and edit what I have written latter, as my thoughts develop and mature. No great conspiracy there.

This isn't even worth commenting on. Because anyone who would actually listen to it, would have to be so dense that I couldn't care less what they thought.

And that, me old darling, is the problem.

Now, I am over and out.
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And for the record, I was responding to Wisnon about something unrelated to the Ravenna protocol and certainly it was not him that asked me to post over at CA.

The paranoia is concerning.

I very much wanted the Ravenna protocol to be successful out of the box, and it is direct from a laptop. I first reported problems via the network quite early in my thread.

I did edit some of my posts as I felt they were too effusive, and I did not feel they ultimately reflected my opinion. It is only natural when one gets a new toy to be enthusiastic and have a rosy glow, and my early posts reflected that perhaps too much.

Well somebody asked you to slander mine and Merging's name over there. Unless you were lying about that. Your motives were clear here. Everything was fine until you decided you didn't like what I posted on the Analogue warmth thread. Which was absolutely absurd that it would bother you anyways. So you decided to go on a slandering rampage against both me and merging. And according to your admission, you didn't act alone.
blizzard you need to understand a lot of people dont like thier name being used by some one they dont know to suport an argument they have no involvement in. i cant speak for andrew but i know it would **** me off to put it lightly and i like you lol.

Ok even if he didn't like that, is that a good reason to go onto the NADAC thread, trash the product, edit a bunch of old posts adding more trash, deleting things, then go onto CA to trash both me and merging some more?

Man this is stupid. If you don't want people talking about your posts, don't post them on a public forum. Simple

I can see right through the guy. He was being way too nice for it to be real. In my experience these guys are the ones to watch out for. Wolves in sheep clothing.
We would all benefit from replies being less personal in nature. It seems that Blizzard elicit that kind of reaction :D.

I am however sincerely enjoying Blizzard contribution here on the WBF where we need fresh (Arctic Cold in this case :D) thinking. I don't think we learn much from the "congrats" threads or at least I don't, YMMV. It is clear that there is a strong DIY ethos in Blizz posts but they seem coming from strong belief and experimentation. I would say this to Blizzard publicly: Please continue to post and educate those of us who care ( and those who don't want to admit they do :) ) but try no to be so acerbic and opinionated.
I sense also in Blizzard posts an Open Source ethos too. I have been the very happy beneficiary of that ethos in my own business where people I don't know and from various different countries spent tens of hours working with me on a Billing Platform for a service We provided to our customers. Late a night (their day) or during the day (often their night) without asking compensation and in some cases actively refusing it when we dare proposing it. Carry on Blizzard just observe a little pause before posting. Edit the spur of the moment reaction or the knee-jerk ones would make it more palatable and civil... That is all...

The only thing about those new discovery about digital is that now I am completely back to square one. I was (still am actually) considering strongly a Devialet .. DAC technology is however evolving so rapidly and the prices keep falling down that I have to reconsider .. Darn ! that audiophile mentality :)
Anyways we don't need the mods to wake up and have to worry today. Enough was said here and I'll be back in my rubber room. Too many wolves out here beyond those cozy confines :)
I am not referring to your input, but to his
All I can say is you know you're winning when you're the only one smiling :) :) This is an audio forum. Those confident in their equipment, and knowledge, wouldn't be bothered in the least if someone had an opposing opinion. And that's the absolute truth. See all you folks in Blizzards corner. We will discuss the gear Bonzo and co will be listening to a couple years from now :)
All I can say is you know you're winning when you're the only one smiling :) :) This is an audio forum. Those confident in their equipment, and knowledge, wouldn't be bothered in the least if someone had an opposing opinion. And that's the absolute truth. See all you folks in Blizzards corner. We will discuss the gear Bonzo and co will be listening to a couple years from now :)

Thanks. Please stay in your corner and off the other threads. We will come looking for your help when we move on to the relevant gear.
To the mods.. do you really want this to continue.. when a user brings more strife than good to a forum , its time to act.. do so please.
No, we don't want this to continue. With that said, the truth is that one of the mods deems this perfectly acceptable. Why? Ask him.

No, we don't want this to continue. With that said, one of the mods deems this perfectly acceptable. Why? Ask him.


I am guessing because Blizzard likes digital. And that mod thinks Blizzard's thoughts will challenge some ideas in the forum. There are a lot of people challenging ideas in the forum, in the right fashion. Kal and Fitzcarldo provide a lot of challenge to 2-Ch, advocating MCH. There are many Analog and Digital people advocating one or the other. Dallasjustice and others advocate DRC. None of them cause problems. Blizzard does nothing except cause noise, there is no challenge and progress to the forum. At least people like Ethan had actual experience, it was just the posting style. Blizzard seems to combine lack of gear and music experience with bad posting style.
No everything was fine, until right at the end when he read I was sharing his thoughts on HQplayer and the NADAC to the analog guys, and referencing his name and thread. So he was worried all of you guys would be mad at him for it. So he went on a rampage editing several posts, deleting positive comments and replacing with negative. He added a bunch of negativity to his original long review as well, and this was during a time he didn't even have the DAC in his possession to discover more things he didn't like about it. Then to ensure nobody else came on the thread to clarify his misconceptions, he had it closed. Next he went on to CA, to slander my name, as well as the NADAC some more. His own words on that before he decides to edit out "Oh, and I started the thread over at CA purely to link to my thoughts on the Nadac here here simply because I was asked to". I wonder who it was???

View attachment 24710

That's exactly what happened there. And all of it just because he knows I believe in the Ravenna protocol, and plan on using it in my system. So you can clearly see he attacked Ravenna mainly, but left positive comments on the DSD sound. And this was just down right wrong. Anyone who can't see this, is blinder than a bat. Where was all the network issues at the beginning when he was raving about it for a couple weeks? They didn't come until he edited it right before closing the thread. Just look at the edits at the bottom. I should have trusted my instincts about this guy.

And as far as Astrotoy, sounds to me like the perfect guy to ask about the NADAC, especially VS vinyl. He knows probably more than anyone on here about the NADAC. He even visited the personal home of Dom the software engineer for an audition before it's official release. So he's the man to talk to if you ask me.

Is this a JOKE?

I am not even involved with this thread here nor most other NADAC threads.

I PMed Andrew and he tried to respond but my inbox was full. YOU should know that more than most as it happened to you over the holidays as well. How many times did you PM me only to say my box was full and we finally had to go to email?. I need to purge some old PMs, but it seems like too much work at the moment. I have contact info on many of these, so not a simple process.

Andrew and I have many other things to discuss OTHER than the Nadac and I have not been keeping up with the Nadac happenings much. I have some printouts that I am currently reading, but still am not fully up to speed. i have NOTHING to do with these NADAC threads, despite your wild imagination.

I have repeatedly advised you that when you DONT KNOW, do not act as if you do. You have been so wrong many times in your speculation. You claimed that I pushed Lampi to do this or that when the man was on vacation incommunicado and I was with my family on holidays in the US.

Blizz, it is poor form to be making FALSE public statements!
Grow the frak up.
Is this a JOKE?

I am not even involved with this thread here nor most other NADAC threads.

I PMed Andrew and he tried to respond but my inbox was full. YOU should know that more than most as it happened to you over the holidays as well. How many times did you PM me only to say my box was full and we finally had to go to email?. I need to purge some old PMs, but it seems like too much work at the moment. I have contact info on many of these, so not a simple process.

Andrew and I have many other things to discuss OTHER than the Nadac and I have not been keeping up with the Nadac happenings much. I have some printouts that I am currently reading, but still am not fully up to speed. i have NOTHING to do with these NADAC threads, despite your wild imagination.

I have repeatedly advised you that when you DONT KNOW, do not act as if you do. You have been so wrong many times in your speculation. You claimed that I pushed Lampi to do this or that when the man was on vacation incommunicado and I was with my family on holidays in the US.

Blizz, it is poor form to be making FALSE public statements!
Grow the frak up.

Hey I just shared a screen shot. I didn't accuse you of anything. What's with the harsh reaction? Someone told Andrew to slander the NADAC and me on CA. He's the one who said it. Since you guys are chatting up a storm, with lots to discuss, I thought maybe you were in the loop.
Against my better judgement I am posting here again to link to the post I made in my Nadac thread giving my thoughts. I have re-read it and feel it is balanced, fair and reflective of my experience to date. It isn't effusive or gushy or laden with hyperbole. It is frank and blunt as I am accustomed to being. Perhaps if someone other than Mike has a major problem with my "review" and they actually own a Nadac, they can provide their own opinion based on their experiences, as someone just has on CA. Funnily enough that poster, who I do not know from a bar of soap, agrees with my assessment of the networking issues with Ravenna, disagrees about my view of the UI, and is agnostic about the volume control as he uses a pre, which accords with my view it is redundant for the intended market. Oh and he likes PCM well enough , and prefers it to dsp'ed DSD. So there you have it. A perfectly valid user experience by an owner. Excellent. I welcome all and every counter view. Just not from Mike, who has ZERO actual experience with the unit itself

(I'm still waiting for your PM Mike - it still for sale to you!)

I really don't see how Mike can claim I have attacked Merging or him in posting by thoughts as I did. Seriously, its just my opinion borne of my experience robustly presented. Mike actually said it was an excellent review over on the next page.

And the funny thing is when you pays your moneys you gets to have an opinion. That is the way it works. I don't owe anything to Merging, or anyone else. I don't have to keep a manufacturer happy.

I couldn't care less about any product Mike may bring to market using Ravenna. Good luck to him.. Personally I don't see Ravenna catching on, but hey, that is just me.

And incidentally Mike, I was unhappy with you well before I posted my "review" as you call it. I just had the good manners not to show it.
Against my better judgement I am posting here again to link to the post I made in my Nadac thread giving my thoughts. I have re-read it and feel it is balanced, fair and reflective of my experience to date. It isn't effusive or gushy or laden with hyperbole. It is frank and blunt as I am accustomed to being. Perhaps if someone other than Mike has a major problem with my "review" and they actually own a Nadac, they can provide their own opinion based on their experiences, as someone just has on CA. Funnily enough that poster, who I do not know from a bar of soap, agrees with my assessment of the networking issues with Ravenna, disagrees about my view of the UI, and is agnostic about the volume control as he uses a pre, which accords with my view it is redundant for the intended market. Oh and he likes PCM well enough , and prefers it to dsp'ed DSD. So there you have it. A perfectly valid user experience by an owner. Excellent. I welcome all and every counter view. Just not from Mike, who has ZERO actual experience with the unit itself

(I'm still waiting for your PM Mike - it still for sale to you!)

I really don't see how Mike can claim I have attacked Merging or him in posting by thoughts as I did. Seriously, its just my opinion borne of my experience robustly presented. Mike actually said it was an excellent review over on the next page.

And the funny thing is when you pays your moneys you gets to have an opinion. That is the way it works. I don't owe anything to Merging, or anyone else. I don't have to keep a manufacturer happy.

I couldn't care less about any product Mike may bring to market using Ravenna. Good luck to him.. Personally I don't see Ravenna catching on, but hey, that is just me.

And incidentally Mike, I was unhappy with you well before I posted my "review" as you call it. I just had the good manners not to show it.

You can stop your back peddling and minipulations already. Your damage was done before this thread even started. Anyone intelligent will be able to see what happened, because it's so blatently obvious.

And it was your pre-edited review, before you doubled the size with negativity after you no longer even had it in your possession, that I said nice review on. Also I thought it stunk anyways due to the plethora of errors. Some of which you removed I see once you realized they made you look stupid. IE output voltage levels being too low.
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