Need advice choosing between 2 new to me dacs


Sep 30, 2022
I’ve decided to upgrade from my Bricasti M21 dac and I’m trying to decide between an EMM Labs DA2 V2 and a MSB Reference. Both will be used, and while the MSB is slightly more expensive, it is surprising close in price. If anyone has any insights into one or both of these days, I’d appreciate hearing it. Thx, Bob
I upgraded from Bricasti M12 to MSB Premier. I preferred the DSD board in the M12 to the great PCM sigma/deltaboard. (I used Roon to resample all files to DSD64-128) The MSB has all the sweetness with an extra big dose of both relaxedness and clarity. No resampling needed. I still have not messed with the filters in the digital director.

Agreed that the differences at high $ levels are smaller asymptotically. At the $ you are looking at spending, you really should listen to both these DACs, preferably in your own system. At least visit one of the several audio shows and try to decide which sound profile you prefer.
Thx for the reply. While I would love to audition both units, they are both demo units from dealers across the country from me. After I posted my thread, I came across a similar thread by Audire, comparing the DA2 V2 to the Select2, and was surprised that the DA2 more than held it’s own against something more than 3 times it’s price.
I owned a DA2 for a while and it had a wonderfully large and holographic soundstage. I recently demo’d an MSB reference but it just didn’t resonate with me so you should really try and listen to at least one of them … if you love it you probably won’t like the other as they both sound very different. Best case audition both in your system … they are both great products but they do sound very different. and there are no wrong answers just different flavors between those two choices! Good luck!

Hi, I have not heard any MSB DAC yet, but I own an EMM Labs DV2. About six months ago, I have an opportunity to test the latest new firmware and has it installed in my DAC. The outcome was staggering. Every aspect of the sound has improved dramatically. The sound now is so lifelike. The dynamics can shock you. My suggestion is, if possible, listen to both in your own system and decide which one you prefer. Bear in mind also that if you chose the EMM Labs, you will benefit from a future new firmware installation!

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