This thread has been some of the best breakfast reading I've had in some time. Makes my regular reading of news editorials sound lame. LOL!
thank you.
No problem. I haven't heard them personally, but I'm using NC500 based amps with fully discrete pure class A input stages in my system right now and they are amazing. I'm sure Bel Canto did a good job on their input stages as well.
no. not strange.
it's the recent techie 'attack mode' posture of our forum owner just coming thru loud and clear. get over it. it's who we are now.
who cares about listening? look at a circuit and simply project a judgment. who cares who it hurts? not their problem. gets more hits and recognition for the web site. first time posting skeptics feel right at home here. more will be coming. agenda's? maybe, but no worries.
This thread has been some of the best breakfast reading I've had in some time. Makes my regular reading of news editorials sound lame. LOL!
It's never too early for popcorn!Is it too early for popcorn?
I'll have to look through my RMAF material but there was a British couple presenting their NC500 based amps for about half the price of Bel Canto.
Here it is:
Someone should start up the "ignorance is bliss" audio forum for those who can't handle the truth.![]()
I'm calling out B U L L S H I T. Here
We get a bunch of armchair engineers who have never brought an audiophile product to market taking pot shots at a product they have NEVER HEARD. It has to stop.
it is offensive, presumptiious and down right rude, among other things.
I see TWO F U C K I N G posters (with BLANK profiles) here who MAGICALLY appear here and their FIRST G O D D AM post is to attack Redgum. I smell competitor shills or sour grapes...perhaps the ex importer?
“Offensive”? “Down right rude”? “Rotten”?
Maybe the fact that you used a sexually-charged and misogynistic epithet in the title of your thread - which as well as being potentially offensive to women toward whom the word in question is most frequently directed, could also be seen as being offensive to anyone who has been subjected to sexual violence and/or enforced servitude against their free will - lead to the tone of the thread descending fairly quickly toward you needing to then follow up with a profanity-laced defensive tirade in an attempt at self-justification.
I mean, I get it... it’s a pop-culture reference, a word reappropriated by modern feminism and hip-hop... I get it. Far be it from me to tell you what to do or say, Andre, but as much as I will fiercly defend your right to freedom of speech here on this forum, unless you’re attempting reclaim the word on behalf of feminists, lesbians or victims of prison rape, perhaps the professional writer in you could be more self-selective of the words you choose to express yourself, especially given the heavily male-centric and male-dominated industry the high-end has historically been - and in the context of this forum, continues to be.
Just sayin’.
Damn....I ran out of popcorn!
Andre - Don't concern yourself with all of the're better than that. I, for one, greatly appreciate your contributions here and bringing to the forefront some components that would otherwise never garner a mention. There's more to audio appreciation than a few exalted brands, and quite frankly those are starting to bore me.
As an audiophile, I look at build quality, among other things. This 'thing' is the worst I have ever seen in over 30 years. An 'amateur job' doesn't begin to describe it in my mind - the manufacturer appears to take no proud in his/her work, and the circuit boards are not even laid out in parallel to make it look even half-decent. Sometimes, the truth aches, or ack's, as I like to say. Sorry Marc, this one isn't worth anyone's attention in my mind. I don't know who this manufacturer is, and I don't care that they've been in business for 21 years... Some products are just substandard, and this *appears* to be one of them. And no, I don't need to listen to it, or read a review on stuff like that.
As an audiophile, I look at build quality, among other things. This 'thing' is the worst I have ever seen in over 30 years. An 'amateur job' doesn't begin to describe it in my mind - the manufacturer appears to take no proud in his/her work, and the circuit boards are not even laid out in parallel to make it look even half-decent. Sometimes, the truth aches, or ack's, as I like to say. Sorry Marc, this one isn't worth anyone's attention in my mind. I don't know who this manufacturer is, and I don't care that they've been in business for 21 years... Some products are just substandard, and this *appears* to be one of them. And no, I don't need to listen to it, or read a review on stuff like that.
Armchair designers........The "worst in 30 years'? Really. Get real. How many amplifiers have you designed and brought to market? How many countries distribute your products?
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