new 45rpm direct-to-disc---Dvorak Symphony No.9---he who hesitates...

Mike Lavigne

Member Sponsor & WBF Founding Member
Apr 25, 2010
this was on another thread, but those posts on that thread might not alert those who need to see this in time before it's sold out, i figured members might appreciate starting another thread so they would be alerted.

and thank you to @MikeHorns for the post i saw :) that alerted me.

Mr. Fremer's review....

where to order it.

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Thank you for the alert!
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Ordered. Thanks for the separate thread on this, Mike. But I couldn’t order this from Naxos, where Mikey’s link took me. I ordered from Presto, even though their price was much higher than one of the other sites. But a quick online search gave me a bad feeling about that one. Orders suspiciously canceled. Last thing I’d want to happen to this one!
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I received my copy yesterday and transferred it to DSD after cleaning with the Degritter. I listened through headphones during the transfer and noticed that the vinyl is quite noisy. I am used to modern issues from the likes of Analogue Productions stamped on super quiet vinyl, and these discs have more of the fine crackling type of noise rather than vinyl rush. This is a shame since D2D does not have tape hiss, and it should be amazing if the vinyl is quiet. I will listen again through my system to see if the noise is intrusive.
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I bought mine from and they have shipped yesterday, I hope to listen to this next week! It was a no brianer for me as I love what they have done with Ma Vlast.
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Got my copy today. Presentation is as good as with the Smetana - beautiful, with good descriptions and photos of the event. Need to warm up the system…

I listened to the whole recording this afternoon. As I mentioned earlier, there is a background constant fine crackling noise throughout sides A and B, with louder random pops throughout the two sides. This level of noise is what I would normally associate with well used 50 year old LPs, not a new LP made today. The noise level is much lower on the other 4 sides, except towards the end of side D, when a regular pop appeared over about 8 revolutions. The noise is most likely a QC problem, something that they should have rejected. I have not come across noise to such an extent with the dozens of LPs I bought from Analogue Products or even Speakers Corner, and it should not happen with such an expensive set.
The performance I rate as excellent. I heard Jakub Hrusa in Paris conducting the Vienna Philharmonic this May, and I was mightily impressed. He was actually in Hong Kong with the Bamberg Symphony earlier in the year, but sadly I had to miss that concert. He played with the same level of intensity in this recording, and there is beautiful phrasing and a sensitive touch. The band is well disciplined with sharp entries and highly responsive dynamics. Compared to the best symphonic recordings (using tapes as reference), the scale and dynamics is a shade lower. The sound could do with a bit more transparency and ambiance, but this could be the acoustics of the venue. The presentation is mid-hall, and there is good depth of image and decent width. The sound is tonally well balanced.
I went back and surveyed the DGG Original Vinyl LPs that I have. The Mahler 5th has a similar background noise problem, though not as severe as the first two sides of this recording. The others are pretty clean, even though not as clean as the typical Analogue Productions LP. I think the first two sides of my set is inacceptable, and should have been rejected. Aside from that, I would put this recording in the top rank of contemporary classical recordings, though still not quite reaching the heights of the best Decca SXL, RCA LSC or Mercury Living Presence (on master tape). Of course, this LP is still much better than your average second hand original SXL or shaded dog LP, but one should expect better quality control with such a niche product.
Disappointing for such a pricey release.
Just ordered mine. Excited to hear it! One of my favorite pieces
I am interested to hear what others think. Maybe I am just unlucky.
Don’t think so. My copy is noisy from the beginning of side A. It’s a bit better afterwards but when I turned it to the side B, oh my… It is so wrapped that I thought the diamond cantilever on my Kuzma CAR-60 cart will fall off. I don’t know how to post a video to show you this, but believe me it’s scary. Unacceptable for such a costly record! For any record! It goes back to the JPC!
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this was on another thread, but those posts on that thread might not alert those who need to see this in time before it's sold out, i figured members might appreciate starting another thread so they would be alerted.

and thank you to @MikeHorns for the post i saw :) that alerted me.

Mr. Fremer's review....

where to order it.

Thanks for the alert Mike.
1) Jakob Hrusa is not a well known conductor quite yet. However, that might be short-lived. This highly respected Czech conductor is on a very short list to replace Ricardo Muti at the Chicago Symphony after Muti steps down next year. (The odds-on favorite however is Esa Pekka Salonen). Hrusa will be in NY conducting the NY Phil w Hillary Hahn playing Prokofiev's 1st violin concerto in January but I'm going to pass on that one. However he sure is making the rounds globally.
2) I will pass on this D2D LP as the noise issues appear to be considerable. Not sure why, but I have enough super recordings of the Dvorak 9th to last a few lifetimes so I won't regret passing on this one. (Surprisingly, I've had considerable QC issues such as warpage with a few recent purchases such as the much praised Janos Starker Bach Suites. I have no idea why but these QC LP issues appear to come in waves).
Don’t think so. My copy is noisy from the beginning of side A. It’s a bit better afterwards but when I turned it to the side B, oh my… It is so wrapped that I thought the diamond cantilever on my Kuzma CAR-60 cart will fall off. I don’t know how to post a video to show you this, but believe me it’s scary. Unacceptable for such a costly record! For any record! It goes back to the JPC!
Wow, maybe I am one of the luckier ones !
I read somewhere (do not remenber where) that the pressing is made at Optimal Media. Not the level of Pallas.
Listened to the second box set yesterday (#595). I wouldn’t say it’s perfect as the first record is also far from flat, but listenable and nothing that a good flattener couldn’t fix. A few ticks and pops, that’s all. Records #2 and 3 are flat and perfect. A few of my friends also report that the first record from the set is bent, but nobody has experienced such an extreme issue as I. Sent a video to the Accentus Records, and I'm curious what they will have to say.
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I listened to the whole recording this afternoon. As I mentioned earlier, there is a background constant fine crackling noise throughout sides A and B, with louder random pops throughout the two sides. This level of noise is what I would normally associate with well used 50 year old LPs, not a new LP made today. The noise level is much lower on the other 4 sides, except towards the end of side D, when a regular pop appeared over about 8 revolutions. The noise is most likely a QC problem, something that they should have rejected. I have not come across noise to such an extent with the dozens of LPs I bought from Analogue Products or even Speakers Corner, and it should not happen with such an expensive set.

I wouldn’t say it’s perfect as the first record is also far from flat, but listenable and nothing that a good flattener couldn’t t fix. A few ticks and pops, that’s all. Record #2 and 3 are flat and perfect. A few of my friends also report that the first record from the set is bent, but nobody has experienced such an extreme issue as I. Sent a video to the Accentus Records, and I'm curious what they will have to say.

Thanks for your comments. Issues with both copies are unfortunate. Will you keep or return? Replacement could be a bit dicey with limited editions.

edit: I see this on for this record
Extended return period until January 31, 2024
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It's already on its way back. I'm not overly concerned about the replacement. It can't be worse. I hope...:rolleyes:

Btw, the customer service consultant of JPC informed me that they sold 166 boxes until that moment without any returns...
Waiting for my copy from JPC. I ordered it the day before reports about sub standard copies where posted here. Fingers crossed but must say concerns starts to grow. Will report back when it arrives.
Me too. Fingers crossed

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