I realize this is not a super exiting earth shattering revelation here with all the amazing new equipment going on here lately, but I am going to share anyways.
Been thinking about platter mats lately and it started to hurt so I had to try something.
So I got up off my chair and went nude...sort of.
The stock felt that came with the Rega was deplorable and someone recommended a Herbies Record Mat. It was much better in many ways as far as sound, less static and there for less dust.
But so much life missing out of the music.
So I went nude!
First problem discovered, the damn taper on the Rega spindle (first picture) sticks up above the platter surface so the record does not sit flat.
OK, go get a sacrificial record and drill it out to sit flat as a temporary mat, well that worked fine with the exception of label relief.
For testing purposes it worked fantastic!
Got back so much dynamics and involvement not to mention high end and clarity, game changer!
I found this acrylic platter mat with a label relief online, got the countersink bit out and matched the spindle taper on the back side and off we go!
Soooo much life back in the music, drawing me back in, love it!
As I tell my wife all the time, if you are ever in doubt, GO NUDE!
The problem

The cure

The Magic!

Been thinking about platter mats lately and it started to hurt so I had to try something.
So I got up off my chair and went nude...sort of.
The stock felt that came with the Rega was deplorable and someone recommended a Herbies Record Mat. It was much better in many ways as far as sound, less static and there for less dust.
But so much life missing out of the music.
So I went nude!
First problem discovered, the damn taper on the Rega spindle (first picture) sticks up above the platter surface so the record does not sit flat.
OK, go get a sacrificial record and drill it out to sit flat as a temporary mat, well that worked fine with the exception of label relief.
For testing purposes it worked fantastic!
Got back so much dynamics and involvement not to mention high end and clarity, game changer!
I found this acrylic platter mat with a label relief online, got the countersink bit out and matched the spindle taper on the back side and off we go!
Soooo much life back in the music, drawing me back in, love it!
As I tell my wife all the time, if you are ever in doubt, GO NUDE!
The problem

The cure

The Magic!