New Product Test: Ground Box Booster from Heartsound Audio


Feb 14, 2022
Disclaimer: This post is about a new product I am testing for a friend, who is the maker, and I am getting it in exchange for testing it.

It’s called Ground Box Booster. It is made made by Heartsound Audio, owned by Krissy Tetrault. It is a small black box with a single 5-way binding post. It is not powered, and does not plug into an AC outlet. It is simply wired into a port on any grounding box, such as those from Synergistic Research, Nordost, Entreq et al. I am using it with my Puritan Audio Labs RouteMaster and GroundMaster City. A cable is not included, so the user needs to supply one, premade or DIY. I used wire from an old set of TARA Labs ICs I had hanging around.

Krissy gave me two units. I hooked up the first one, and heard a substantial difference/improvement. I then added the second one, which took things even further. I heard an increase in clarity, sense of ease, natural detail, and dynamics. Voices and instruments were simply more “real” and emotionally engaging. After 4 days of breaking/settling in, these qualities took a rather startling leap to another level, and have remained there since. I have to say that the improvement may be the largest I have yet heard in my system. Needless to say, I am very pleased with this product, and it will be staying in my system. I believe that the area of grounding is still a wide open frontier in the world of high end audio.

What's inside the box, and how does it work? You’ll have to ask Krissy that. If you’re intrigued, and want to know more, do a search for Heartsound Audio. Ground Box Booster is not currently on the website, but you can contact Krissy from there for more info.

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mmm those 4 screws look fairly easy to take off and have a peep inside...
I have two of the Ground Box Boosters on each of my monoblocks and one Ground Box Booster plugged in my Synergistic Research Active Grounding Block SX that treats my Router/Modem, DAC, and Preamp. The results in my system echo what tommyloin experienced. I’d never pull them out.

I actually have looked inside, and all I can say is…good luck trying to figure anything out.
Contacted Krissy today enquiring about when the Ground Box will be available and after exchanging a few friendly emails she suggested that she send me some of her goodies to try. Hopefully by next week I should have a set of Holostages and a Ground Box Booster to play with. Will report back.

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