New WAMM details

those amps are by ypsilon.
they look a bit like ca hercules don't they?

Thanks...yes that inward curved middle section of the front plate is Ypsilon. I have heard their ref monos a number of years ago. Nice system to be sure. I wonder if he recalibrated his Opus speaker cables for this new load.
Ferrari does it all the time. If the demand is gonna be higher than what they plan to build I don´t see a problem that they put Wilson owners first in the line.

i agree. new model ferrari's are always offered to current ferrari owners, full stop. it makes complete business sense as ferrari will need to know what their final production numbers need to be but it also supports their dealers. the dealers get income from the initial sale, the resale of the trade, and then the sale of new model.

regarding wilson, they just have to many speakers imo. they remind me of a the paradigm speaker company with the numbers of different speaker designs they have now. we have way to many choices already. wilson could learn a lot from those companies (albeit the list is very small) who don't focus on making a new model each year but instead focus on carefully selecting a handful of designs they fell represent their best technology.
Regarding marketing / customerservice/ productquality , i think wilson does an exxcelent job with many satisfied customers .
Its a brand build out of passion , and the first one imo that made big speakers look good

yes, wilson is fantastic with customer service ... probably one of the best in the industry. thier marketing is clever, but again it is catered to thier existing clients not trying to get new ones. product / quality is good. is it the best? no. can it be better? yes, of course.
yes, wilson is fantastic with customer service ... probably one of the best in the industry. thier marketing is clever, but again it is catered to thier existing clients not trying to get new ones. product / quality is good. is it the best? no. can it be better? yes, of course.

I don't believe that to be true about being catered to existing clients. Perhaps that is your opinion and not fact? I owned Martin Logans both Odyssey and Sequel 2. I was at a Wilson dealer one day and played the same disc I played at home and discovered that the differences were good to my ears. I found a great deal on demo Watt/Puppy 7's and bought them. Since then the factory has expanded their line adding Sabrina which is an entry level Wilson speaker. That will attract curious customers.
I don't believe that to be true about being catered to existing clients. Perhaps that is your opinion and not fact? I owned Martin Logans both Odyssey and Sequel 2. I was at a Wilson dealer one day and played the same disc I played at home and discovered that the differences were good to my ears. I found a great deal on demo Watt/Puppy 7's and bought them. Since then the factory has expanded their line adding Sabrina which is an entry level Wilson speaker. That will attract curious customers.

Vern your experience is not unusual. Certainly Wilson Audio, like many exceptional brands, has a large percentage of repeat buyers. Who wouldn't want to keep their happy customers within their family?

We also have many first time Wilson buyers. Some come from other brands and others are buying their first high end speaker. Certainly Sabrina has helped to grow the latter group more than any Wilson speaker since the WATT/Puppy. In addition to new speaker sales, our Certified Authentic[SUP]TM[/SUP] program supports the sales of technically/cosmetically Authenticated Wilson products through Authorized Wilson dealers. Many of those who buy Certified Authentic[SUP]TM[/SUP] are first time Wilson buyers. They get a new buying experience, including warranty and dealer set-up, with a pristine product that was most likely taken in trade toward another Wilson speaker. But whether new or Certified Authentic[SUP]TM[/SUP], Wilson Audio couldn't be growing the way we are without a large number of new Wilson owners.
I don't believe that to be true about being catered to existing clients. Perhaps that is your opinion and not fact? I owned Martin Logans both Odyssey and Sequel 2. I was at a Wilson dealer one day and played the same disc I played at home and discovered that the differences were good to my ears. I found a great deal on demo Watt/Puppy 7's and bought them. Since then the factory has expanded their line adding Sabrina which is an entry level Wilson speaker. That will attract curious customers.

i suppose that is true. but i would still be willing bet of the ... say 250 wilson products produced each year (or whatever the actual number is) greater than 50% are sold to current or existing wilson audio clients. it is not a bad thing, not at all, actually i think it is a good thing in some respects. for example, say someone trades in an old pair for a new pair ... that old pair could be sold to someone who would not normally be able to afford a new pair. if that new buyer finds the wilson sound to be favorable wilson now has a brand new client for life with zero marketing costs. that is why i say wilson is very clever. especially with the introduction of the "certified authentic." if you are a porsche owner they offer the same type of thing with their CPO program. it gives the new user piece of mind. the fact that wilson is local and has great customer service and they take pried in their products and really do strive to give the best to the end user in each price category is a very commendable thing to do. do i think they have two many products? yes, but that is just me. lots of other speaker manufactures have to many speakers in their lines. regardless, i heard the sabrina for the first time at RMAF and they are actually my favorite speaker in the line. a major leap forward from their earlier designs.

but let's remember one thing. a $16K pair of speaker is not reasonable. in fact, it is a lot of money for anything. music is very important so ultimately it comes down to how you prioritize. but if you walked up to a non-audiophile consumer and said you have a pair of $16K speakers they would either think you are crazy or have one of the best speakers on the planet. high-end audio is tiny market. many people don't know about it or what is possible. my point is wilson has always specialized in a high quality low production speakers and for the end user that equates to expensive.

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