We are just getting information from the links you provided in this thread, Bob. Something seems strange about the article though. How can she be described in the headline as a billionaire when she does not have control of the money and only lives on a small monthly income? I'd call that sensational journalism and perhaps even Fake News. The article leaves absent some key information and details about how the Norwegian system calculates the fines they levy for drunk driving. We assumed the fine was based on income, but it was also partially based on some wealth that she does not currently have. Perhaps a future inheritance. It seems to be a sensational story delivered by the Drive-By Media to describe class divisions, point fingers at the 1% and promote class envy and division. Nothing new. It's a nice photograph.
Actually it is quite simple Peter: In Norway, as in most other countries where people have more money than people from other countries having no water, anything you can do to protect yourself from paying taxes is good...Panama, Jamaica, etc. Her dad is billionaire, and he has to protect that money...here that's where her daughter came into play. I provided another link yesterday, from 2003, where the examples are even more pronounced.
The money people are trying to hide from the tax collectors would be best used in reinvesting into their own economy, from solid future beneficial healthier planet and to the people living on it. But in most cases it just don't happen; the fear of paying more taxes is so intense that people are blinded by their own power grid. ...Way of speech...greed.
Journalism earn their money from news that people read. The more people reading the more money. We know the score and we know the sickness of some people from those media.
But there is good journalism too, like National Geographic.
That short article here is mainly to say that in Norway, if you drink and drive you get fine according to what you make per month...1.5 times that salary. E.g..; if one earns $5,000/month the fine for driving drunk will be $7,500 ... etc.
What I can do next is to provide a PDF file on the specific laws in Norway about drinking and driving, plus an evaluation of her exact income based on the calculations made from the concerned authorities.
I'm sure the privacy act will provide the secret loopholes under the protection of the laws established for the rich. ...Way of speech.
Anyway, I don't see it as fake news or sensationalism, but open to discussion on how the laws in each country works about drinking and driving. And, how us we perceive this and how can we improve it further in our own country.
Crime and punishment. The balance between right and wrong, what right crime fits the wrong punishment...I mean what right punishment fits the wrong crime.:b
The news is only some info given to start learning about the world...lawmakers, space exploration, car industry, planet's air quality, global climate, deforestation, gas emissions, oil pipelines, urbanisation, surpopulation, skyscrapers, drug trafficking, police brutality, women and child exploitation, abuse of power, government corruption, money laundering, tax heavens, the Panama papers, the Paris accord, the future of mankind, the human rights, the wildlife protection, the respect of the air we breathe, the control of the food we eat, the technological advancements, AI, Elon Musk, the diamonds of Africa, the Italian shoe designs, the pursuit of happiness.
It's all fine, everything is good, the music keeps playing and sounds better and better day after day.
We are just humans who love expanding the horizons of our mind and soul...very very natural for any audiophile and cinémathèque.
Drinking and music listening. Alcohol impaires our listening faculties. The level @ which it starts to affect in ways that we cannot judge accurately any longer I don't know...perhaps .05%? I just don't know, but it would be nice to know, depending on your weight and tolerance. But here it doesn't kill, it is not dangerous to others, it can even enhance in agreeable sensations. ...Not like the news but similar. :b
It's nice to have fun a little too, as long as nobody gets hurt.
Recreational drugs ... all that music jazz ... John Coltrane.