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From Yahoo Finance

Apple has more cash than the federal government

By Chris Moody
Political Reporter

Paul Sakuma (AP)

As the BBC has reported, the software company Apple has more cash on hand than the United States federal government, according to the company's financial records.
Apple's quarterly financial report shows that the company responsible for the iPad, iPod and the iPhone now has $76.4 billion in reserve cash, while the Treasury Department is sitting on just $73.7 billion.
The feds could probably learn a thing or two from Apple's success. Congress remains embroiled in a debate over spending and whether the federal government, which currently owes trillions in debt, should be allowed to borrow even more. International credit rating agencies have threatened to downgrade the national debt for the first time in the nation's history if Washington doesn't come up with a solution to lift the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling while implementing a concrete plan to get the nation's financial house in order.
Meanwhile, Apple's financial report shows that the company's profits, even through the last recession, are booming.
The excesses of life, whether personal, company or government driven, will always bite you in the ass at the end!
I don't think Apple is does investments in bankruptcy situations ;-))
Guess Apple should just "buy" the U.S. in a hostile takeover!

Then Steve Jobs would be the proud owner of THE money pit..
How about Celebrity Apprentice with Steve Jobs instead of Donald Trump with our leaders of all 3 branches as contestants. Steve Jobs can say "you're fired" in the Trump tradition and teach the one he hires how to keep money in the bank
Obscene profit margins,pitifully low offshore wages and the free market world economy will kill the golden goose and then what?
I think Warren Buffett should walk into the Oval Office and say......."Barrack, I know to some you're "all that", but get the *&^% out...there's a new Sheriff in town!".
It is actually fairly simple. Apple is run by business men and the US Government is run by lawyers. Not lawyers who have chosen to practice the honorable profession of law, but rather those who chose to get into Congress and see how many times they could get re-elected, not pay Social Security, receive ridiculous retirement packages and in other ways screw the American public. :mad:

[But I have no strong feelings on the subject] :rolleyes:
A few years ago, I accompanied my sister to the Harvard Global Leader's Conference in D.C. (She's the alum not me, the only Ivy I ever got was of the Poison variety). In one talk inside the Pentagon, one of the Harvard people asked why military spending was so inefficient. The Sec Def's appointed speaker said "Imagine you are Walmart except you don't know when and where Christmas will come."

I'm as big an Apple fan as any, but one thing for sure, if basic services suffered the shortages and delays of the iPad2, Jobs would be lynched! :)
A few years ago, I accompanied my sister to the Harvard Global Leader's Conference in D.C. (She's the alum not me, the only Ivy I ever got was of the Poison variety).....Snip
Now that made me smile :)

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