I can alrady see a movie script. "South African psycho". He does have the same demeanor as Patrick Bateman.....
Steve, I am no more clairvoyant than anyone else on this forum.
However, having been to SA on numerous occasions, the possibility of what is unfolding was definitely on my mind. A little background on the typical SA's opinion of the police force may be in order. Most ( perhaps all) of the white population seem to have VERY little faith in the police force..corruption is felt to be rampant and criminal activity is many times overlooked. Like in several societies, money controls justice and power. As to the event with the taxi, a little background here may be helpful as well. The taxi's in question have little resemblance to taxi's in this country, they are typically owned by poor black people who drive them and transport other poor blacks. The taxi's themselves are usually worn out mini vans and are carrying upwards of twenty plus people. They are generally known to transport less than salubrious characters that would typically be armed. Shooting at one of these vehicles by a police officer would not be unheard of.
Nonetheless, I do feel VERY sorry for the family of Miss Steenkamp, justice may or may not prevail
Yes, agreed. If you dont know how to handle a gun and when to engage it, you need to go down, and I agree that stupidity is no excuse either when it comes to lethal, pre-meditated force, firing blindly into door, give me a break. That fish is bigger than moby dick. (WC is water closet, or toilet)
It's not open-and-shut, but it looks like ****, and if he walks from this, then the law in SA is just an illusion.
You wake up, you don;t see your fiancee, you hear noise and you shoot through the door of a closed WC ? No question to where she is? And still not knowing where she is you shoot? 4 times??? I suppose that she felt no pain when he shot the first time and didn't make any noise? Just getting her ultimate ration of lead, silently? He may need to be incarcerated for sheer stupidity if that were the truth and if you ask me, I don't think it is. I am not a judge or a lawyer, nor do I know anything about the Law but this as fishy as they get to me. Too weird to be true. I'll take Spontaneous Combustion anytime but not that.
......Mr. Pistorious needs to be considered INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY. I'm sure that all of us here would agree with that, and 3) even the most presumed "open and shut" case isn't necessarily that...as perhaps evidenced by the OJ case here in the US.
Much like OJ, many will probably continue to presume his innocence even if evidence beyond reasonable doubt is mounting he is not innocent. Much like a parent will have a hard time coming to term with the notion that their child has murdered someone, many in SA (and in sports) will have a hard time coming to terms with the idea their favorite son actually committed this crime. It will be extremely interesting to see how this plays out.....
Frantz, once again, I am in NO WAY attempting to justify Mr. Pistorious's actions or his lack of guilt. I am simply trying to point out a few things...1) SA law and the application of same isn't necessarily what one would expect coming from a shall we say.... less than 'third world country', 2) Mr. Pistorious needs to be presumed INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY. I'm sure that all of us here would agree with that, and 3) even the most presumed "open and shut" case isn't necessarily that...as perhaps evidenced by the OJ case here in the US.
That's all.
I've been to SA several times. Beautiful place, but crazy. There are "Armed Response" signs everywhere, houses have barbed wire topped walls around them, armed guards in residential areas and people protect expensive cars through printed threats of electrocuting thieves that try to get away with the car. At restaurants in Jo'burg you have to check your personal firearms before being allowed to enter the restaurant proper.
Pistorius applied for permission to purchase another 6 weapons, the day before the shooting.
They found steroids in his apartment.
The police officer that is, mildly put, tainted - is not a witness to the shooting, he came after the shooting happened, and the fact that he seems to be gun challenged himself does not have any bearing on the known facts of what happened inside Pistorius' dwelling.
Pistorius behaved irresponsibly to an extreme degree. Even if he challenged burglars, you can't simply fire away as he did, without there being a clear threat to his own life. And as he knew his girlfriend was in the apartment with him, the irresponsibility he displayed reaches stratospheric levels, as he fired four times without knowing what he was shooting at.
Just speculation, but if it's true that 17 minutes passed from the first shot to the three last shots, then it's easy to imagine a quarrel, Pistorius firing his pistol and the girlfriend hiding in the bathroom.
She is keeping the door shut, he argues with her, tries to open the door and can't, possibly because she is holding the door knob shut.
He fires three shots. One hits her hip, she starts slumping down, the next hits her arm, she slumps down even more, and the third shot goes to her head.
It's not open-and-shut, but it looks like ****, and if he walks from this, then the law in SA is just an illusion.
I am originally from Haiti a definitely "Third World" country. Haiti law systems is patterned after the French Code of Law. I would think that France would qualify as "more than a third World" country but I digress. BTW I do not mean you are trying to justify his actions. Simply that IMHO he is guilty. Strangely enough I feel for him. There , is a man with glory and fame and money who overcame extraordinary difficult circumstances to achieve what many thought impossible: Participate to the highest level of Athletic competition, the Olympics Game. Today, a broken , destroyed individual. Very sad fate, very disheartening circumstances.
The evidence are heavily against Mr Pistorius the more you learn about the incident or shall we say the murder. To recount what I have learning this thread alone: The first which might have been fired 17 minutes (!!) before the others ... Still, he fires in a closed or locked WC without trying to ascertain the identity of the person inside the WC!!! Three shots!!.. In all but he most absurd way to interpret the law would such translates to a non-guilty verdict, I dare hope. Not a matter of law system or degree of economic advancement of the country ...
On a lighter note and speaking of income and legal repercussions of violations of the law, in Swisterland and Finland (as well as in Sweden I believe) fines are proportional to income. A very reasonable idea in my opinion. So this rich guy clocking 180mph in switserland in his merc, is eligable for a $1mln. fine. What a concept!
The only thing that is needed to make it almost a duplicate is the "not guilty" verdict.