I've done it Norman - see above! OK though you will gain about 20 seconds if he does.
Did he say that it is not a major leap over the GG ? Or did I misunderstand ....
Super. Can you also capture the 2 minute intro I posted on that same FBook thread as a comment?
Yup he did say that.
Did anyone get what he said about Emission Labs tubes not be a player anymore i.e. what the reason was?
Understatement. LoLDid he say that it is not a major leap over the GG ? Or did I misunderstand ....
But he clearly stated the difference between Pacific and GG: dynamics and top end.
Now we urgently need a comparison between the Select II and the Pacific
There is one person on this forum, who can definitely do it, if we all ask him nicely
Super. Can you also capture the 2 minute intro I posted on that same FBook thread as a comment?
yes , it is super amanero board
As you are in Wales Tom, join us in Harrogate to hear it
you are more than welcome, we will have GG2 there as well
Super Amanero...new version.
Do you know if this "super Amanero" is an OEM product or if it's designed/produced internally at Lampizator?