Marc, I'm inviting the owner and the designer Arek Szweda to join us here. Hope he comes and explains his designs himself.
Hi all, thanks for ivititation Jarek.
My name is Arek Szweda, I'm owner and designer at Sveda Audio company.
On the Audio Video Show we showed two module speaker set - Yellow one called Blipo is sealed box active monitor, Black with 3 drivers is called Chupacabra, it's low end active extension module, or subwoofer your choice.
Blipo is 2 way MTM active monitor with Scan Speak 6,5" midwoofers (8535) and 1,1" Scan Speak soft tweeter (small revelator 9700) , midwoofers are powered by 300W class A/B amp designed in house, tweeter amp by 80W amp. Dimension are WxHxD 220x600x500 mm, weight 28 kg per unit. Blipo work from 40Hz to 20kHz.
Chupacabra is low end extension, with 3 pcs of Scan Speak 23W revelator woofers per side, 700W class D amplifier and analog filters. Twaron Angel hair dampening material. Dimension are WxHxD 330x860x800 mm , weight more then 100kg per unit. Chupacabra work from 16Hz to 30-120Hz depend regulators.
Here is more photos from Audio Video Show :