It's not about loss it's an obvious clipping at the input of any dac I have tried 5 in totalMp3s being louder is most likely the dynamic range has been compressed to give a perceived increase in detail. The upper limit of 0db should not be reached in any case.
To do so is a break away form the hard rules any decent recording studio has to adhere to. And if it is clipping, going beyond 0db, reducing the levels will not 'fill in' the data. If you open up the file in sound software, and view the wave form, you will see the louder elements going above 0db are sliced off, so flat, no extra data is there to 'complete' the detail. So reducing levels in Room or whatever will not repair the missing or truncated data.
Pop music is often compressed in dynamic range anyway, regardless of bit rate or file format. But it should NOT go above 0db.
So what I am saying is, you shouldn't need to cap the levels on your DAC no matter which format or file types you are playing. Just reduce the volume on your pre-amp.
On digital volume capping, I need to be convinced there is no loss, I can hear it in all the software I have used to date.
I remember s big backlash when Metallica recorded Death Metallic, as it had obvious digital clipping and sounded hideous. Apparently the mixing engineer has a big argument with the band, and refused to do it, but they threatened to walk out. So he did it anyway. You can't get any louder than 0db on a digital file. The only way to increase perceived loudness is compass the dynamic range. so the mid level sound comes up to nearer the high level sounds.
On your Lampi DAC, if you do hear a better most balanced sound by reducing levels, I would say that you are overloading your pre-amp input. This is nothing to do with clipping in the data file, and is probably an issue with your DAC, not a universal issue. Maybe try different tubes to reduce the output?
It's real now of there ages losses I can't hear any and i used software to show me bit depth to know when it's getting a loss
My system is so transparent I can easily know a MP3 from red book and above
I can tell formats as well.
Flac even at no compression and not enabled is a bit glazed compared to AIFF or wav.
They have many more layers and seem a bit softer for it.
I know what I hear I just sound like others to try as asked them comment please