After fast and swift action from my side and quick response from Lampi team, Duracell Pac arrived yesterday on my door steps in big and hefty flight case. Didn’t take long to plug it in and something what i was silently wishing for for quite some time started to sing. As my system is currently in “few things” on the fly update mode I could not give it a proper spin but still it was sufficient enough to hear that this will make an anchor point of digital for the upcoming years (maybe shorter if Lukasz comes with something more crazy

Versus my GG2.5 I still don’t want to draw any conclusions until i get the entire system in the right state but for the start it is super promising.
But i can instantly draw one conclusion and that is that at least with Pac Elrog tubes are a pure no match. Talking about 300b and 274b. Just to slow, mellow, dull you name it. After swapping with ACME 274b and RK242 it was just “kaboom” - big, bold, fast, transparent, details,...just today i’ll try with PX25 and one of these will be in for good...while with recti i might still play...