Pacific dac: Lampizator's new top of the line dac

I don’t know about Redphu’s problem, but with an upgraded Atlantic TRP I got last September, I had and may still have, a bad (new) hum/buzz going from its faux-XLR ports directly to ATC active balanced speakers with MG Audio balanced ICs. The dac and speakers were powered from a PS Audio P15 Regenerator. The hum was so loud it required an extra 10 dB on the volume knob vs. the RCA outs; i.e., the noise audibly played along with the music. I’ve been using the past tense because for the past couple of months it’s been in for repair, including rewiring of the XLR outputs, so to be seen what turns up. Plus, I now have a preamp and will soon have a balanced one. But looking back, I would strongly advise against getting unbalanced XLR outputs with the Lampis, at least not without speaking directly with Lukasz first. Adapters are probably in most if not all cases a better choice if needed.
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Hello good people, Happy new year and I hope you all get rich as well. I did some re wiring and now I have 4 furutech outlets next to each other, all sharing a common ground/same single circuit. Ive tested the each outlet and I get 120 volts and with the SPERRY TESTER confirming no open ground or open neutrals, etc. I also confirmed by wiring with a friend who's a professional electrician. Note that I also removed my cable box and modem.


All components plugged into each of the 4 wall outlets OR 1 out the 4 outlets feeding a Power conditioner and both AMP/GAT2 plugged in: NO HUM/STATIC when both AMP/GAT2 powered on. If I put my ears right up to the speakers, I hear a very small/very faint continuous hiss/buzz from both speakers (esp. mid/tweeter) I was told this is normal by CJ.


ALL components plugged STRAIGHT INTO 3 of the 4 wall outlets and powered on=no HUM/STATIC. DEAD QUIET AT LISTENING CHAIR. STREAMS CLEAN SIGNAL FROM QOBUZ.


ALL connected the 4 outlets:

With the PACIFIC OFF and RCA connected and POWER CORD unplugged or plugged in =no HUM/STATIC with AMP/GATV2 powered ON.

With the PACIFIC ON and AMP/GATV2 Powered on= YES HUM/STATIC, regardless of the outlet combination used; HUM/STATIC goes away with RCA disconnected.

Plug a POWER CONDITIONER into 1 of the 4 outlets and PACIFIC DAC into Power conditioner and AMP/GATV2 into 2 of the remaining 3 outlets (ALL 4 share a common ground/circuit):

With PACIFIC ON=YES HUM/STATIC with RCA connected and goes away when RCA disconnected

This occurred regardless of 4 outlet combinations used.

SITUATION 4: AMP, GAT2, PACIFIC DAC COMBO into POWER CONDITIONER which is plugged into 1 of the 4 furutech outlets:

When PACIFIC DAC ON=YES HUM/STATIC, goes away when RCA disconnected.

SITUATION 5: When the GAT2 is plugged into a different circuit regardless if STRAIGHT TO OUTLET, TO A POWER STRIP or POWER CONDITIONER=HUM/STATIC when both AMP/GAT2 powered on

So the GAT2 needs to share a common ground with the AMP.
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Ty for the replies
Try a simple small gauge wire from the back of the pacific to your ground screw on the back of your pre amp
Take note and reply
If this solves it let’s go to other steps.

Have you tried a different pair of RCA cables ?
Have you tired just using one of the rca cables at a time ? take note and reply

So there any other devices in close proximity to the left side of the pac ? If so what device

Is the hum a steady common 60 cycle hum ? Or is it a buz thst has a hiss component or warble sound ?

Have you tried other tubes ?
Have you tried to remove the set tubes and comment.
if the hum persists after set tubes are removed this helps greatly

Is the pacific dac stacked with a device above it or below it

Let me solve your issue I’m pretty sure I can

I look forward to your replies
I don’t know about Redphu’s problem, but with an upgraded Atlantic TRP I got last September, I had and may still have, a bad (new) hum/buzz going from its faux-XLR ports directly to ATC active balanced speakers with MG Audio balanced ICs. The dac and speakers were powered from a PS Audio P15 Regenerator. The hum was so loud it required an extra 10 dB on the volume knob vs. the RCA outs; i.e., the noise audibly played along with the music. I’ve been using the past tense because for the past couple of months it’s been in for repair, including rewiring of the XLR outputs, so to be seen what turns up. Plus, I now have a preamp and will soon have a balanced one. But looking back, I would strongly advise against getting unbalanced XLR outputs with the Lampis, at least not without speaking directly with Lukasz first. Adapters are probably in most if not all cases a better choice if needed.
There are a few ways to convert SE to BAL or back. How we do it makes a big change in sound hum or not.
A Lampi is a tube dAc and it uses a tube recti as well.
They are dead silent but they are open to environmental issues Perhaps more then some devices. Back when I had an a msb stack it to had issues but it had features to lift grounds. It was effective in solving it. As a side note when the ground is lifted there was a shock hazard of I touched my dac stack and ground of another component.
Justin you can't universally repeatedly diss the entire line without having ever heard them outside your system where your older preamp was too low resolution to show any goodies and the older power amp was clearly under running your speaker. Feel free to diss them after listening to at least two other Lampi set ups.

Where does this low resolution preamp of which you speak live? Not in my house. Not only is that rude, it is untrue.

Additionally, those 211s are excellent amps and still are. They outperformed everything I threw at the Duettas for many years.

So stop talking rubbish Ked, basically.
Justin of all the people to argue with kedar lol. A man who has heard more hi end audio systems then anyone I know lol.
Justin of all the people to argue with kedar lol. A man who has heard more hi end audio systems then anyone I know lol.

Not true, Justin had heard more in his own home though he ended up buying the amps I recommended him two years ago. Though for a while he thought it was his idea.
Where does this low resolution preamp of which you speak live? Not in my house. Not only is that rude, it is untrue.

Additionally, those 211s are excellent amps and still are. They outperformed everything I threw at the Duettas for many years.

So stop talking rubbish Ked, basically.

Justin, it is no more rude than you dissing everyone's valve choices without ever having heard them outside your set up. Btw I am not denying it did sound that way with your old pre and 211. After you do that and again compare the KR and EML valves with your upgraded preamp and amp, let us know
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Hello good people, Happy new year and I hope you all get rich as well. I did some re wiring and now I have 4 furutech outlets next to each other, all sharing a common ground/same single circuit. Ive tested the each outlet and I get 120 volts and with the SPERRY TESTER confirming no open ground or open neutrals, etc. I also confirmed by wiring with a friend who's a professional electrician. Note that I also removed my cable box and modem.


All components plugged into each of the 4 wall outlets OR 1 out the 4 outlets feeding a Power conditioner and both AMP/GAT2 plugged in: NO HUM/STATIC when both AMP/GAT2 powered on. If I put my ears right up to the speakers, I hear a very small/very faint continuous hiss/buzz from both speakers (esp. mid/tweeter) I was told this is normal by CJ.


ALL components plugged STRAIGHT INTO 3 of the 4 wall outlets and powered on=no HUM/STATIC. DEAD QUIET AT LISTENING CHAIR. STREAMS CLEAN SIGNAL FROM QOBUZ.


ALL connected the 4 outlets:

With the PACIFIC OFF and RCA connected and POWER CORD unplugged or plugged in =no HUM/STATIC with AMP/GATV2 powered ON.

With the PACIFIC ON and AMP/GATV2 Powered on= YES HUM/STATIC, regardless of the outlet combination used; HUM/STATIC goes away with RCA disconnected.

Plug a POWER CONDITIONER into 1 of the 4 outlets and PACIFIC DAC into Power conditioner and AMP/GATV2 into 2 of the remaining 3 outlets (ALL 4 share a common ground/circuit):

With PACIFIC ON=YES HUM/STATIC with RCA connected and goes away when RCA disconnected

This occurred regardless of 4 outlet combinations used.

SITUATION 4: AMP, GAT2, PACIFIC DAC COMBO into POWER CONDITIONER which is plugged into 1 of the 4 furutech outlets:

When PACIFIC DAC ON=YES HUM/STATIC, goes away when RCA disconnected.

SITUATION 5: When the GAT2 is plugged into a different circuit regardless if STRAIGHT TO OUTLET, TO A POWER STRIP or POWER CONDITIONER=HUM/STATIC when both AMP/GAT2 powered on

So the GAT2 needs to share a common ground with the AMP.
I asked one question on a ground wire connected to the pac supplied ground post to ur cj preamp ? I don’t see this in your reply ?

Sorry for the delay. I’ve been busy cleaning up my AV environment to eliminate variables. I removed my cable box and cable modem, switching to AT&T fiber. I removed all the WiFi gadgets from the general area. Also I rewired my two separate duplex into a quad (4 outlets) sharing a common ground. Finally I wanted to reach out to Conrad Johnson to verify our method and get some ideas/feedback before proceeding.

Per Jeff, CJ technician, I was informed NOT to hook up the rear black screw to the PACIFIC grounding post as that will create a Second ground thereby causing a hum. Jeff said the ground is designed into the RCA jack on the GAT preamp so grounding is accomplished once the various components are connect via RCA cables.
As a gentle reminder to any WBFers at the Florida Audio Expo... Make sure you make it up to our exhibition in room 408.

We are really cooking with gas showing the Pacific DAC and SuperKomputer with the VAC 450 iq integrated, Daedalus Apollos and Wywire cabling
so here's question for all of you card carrying Lampi Pacific owners

How many of you are using HAL's tube dampers?

I ordered a full set for all tubes but I am loving the sound of my Pacific as is. IOW I am not hearing any ringing with the tubes and love what I am hearing. I have talked to several users who also heard no ringing But used the tube dampers anyway and said there was a blacker background.

Others warn that the tue dampers might damp the sound too much and then there are other users who've not only placed the tube dampers around the middle part of the tube but so also placed dampers at the top and bottoms of the tubes

Having said all of this I have found that my personal preference with the Pacific is to use the gain control on my Lamm preamp and then use the volume control on the Pacific to dial in the best sound. I find for my ears the gain on the Pacific seems to always be between -10 Db to -16 Db with -12 Db seeming to be the sweet spot for me
Steve your volume on the pac comment is spot on. I hAve said this for a while now and get I’m Loosing bits and little to know observation.
Reg Tube damping there are two kinds. One is yours this is both a drain and an acoustic effect cancel.
  1. Second I like better it’s just acoustic only. A large glass sleeve the kind used for large candles are good and if you place a foam under the glass this is even better.
    If any of us were to shut the amps down and get close to the tubes they sing. Some more then others. SS do as well transformers. It’s all part of the end result. I have tried many ways and tube dampeners still ambience to me
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so here's question for all of you card carrying Lampi Pacific owners

How many of you are using HAL's tube dampers?

I ordered a full set for all tubes but I am loving the sound of my Pacific as is. IOW I am not hearing any ringing with the tubes and love what I am hearing. I have talked to several users who also heard no ringing But used the tube dampers anyway and said there was a blacker background.

Others warn that the tue dampers might damp the sound too much and then there are other users who've not only placed the tube dampers around the middle part of the tube but so also placed dampers at the top and bottoms of the tubes

Having said all of this I have found that my personal preference with the Pacific is to use the gain control on my Lamm preamp and then use the volume control on the Pacific to dial in the best sound. I find for my ears the gain on the Pacific seems to always be between -10 Db to -16 Db with -12 Db seeming to be the sweet spot for me
Have em. Cant find em now, except for the Recti one.

Was not a huge difference and is tube dependent, I imagine.
Btw Steve, are the 242 giving you great pleasure or are they sounding ordinary or some issues. This is a very binary tube. If you just like yeah, nice dac, it means the tube is not gelling with downstream electronics, and you should try the PX25. You should also try the Lampi 45s. Knowing your tastes you will love them if the 242 don't work
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Not true, Justin had heard more in his own home though he ended up buying the amps I recommended him two years ago. Though for a while he thought it was his idea.

Delusional rubbish of course and a completely untrue.

I can guarantee I didn't make the choice based on anything Ked said.

Though Ked did recommend a Luxman among many other amps. The strongest reco definitely wasn't a Luxman, though. More Symphonic Line Kraft or something like that.
Justin, it is no more rude than you dissing everyone's valve choices without ever having heard them outside your set up. Btw I am not denying it did sound that way with your old pre and 211. After you do that and again compare the KR and EML valves with your upgraded preamp and amp, let us know

What are you talking about? Since when have I done that?

Do you think my Lampi has never ventured away from home? Completely wrong there.

Do you think all valves haven't been evaluated with the new preamp? They all have now.

And I was definitely the one who introduced you to Lampizator. Deny that and the lieometer needle will go off the scale.

Get a grip and get real Ked. I am going to refund you your AD1 money. You are hitherto barred from any further visits.
How did you evaluate all valves with the new pre? You don't have the KR

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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