Well, I have (3) pair of KR PX25 coming in next week! Finally.
In process...Give them some more hours before you finally decide
They do present differently, with the Microzotl being more receptive. Soon I’ll receive Mullard 6080 outputs for the L9000. I anticipate the Mullard effect will favor the RK 242.Also, please try your different output valves with both preamps, the microzotl and the Allnic. You might find them behaving differently
They do present differently, with the Microzotl being more receptive. Soon I’ll receive Mullard 6080 outputs for the L9000. I anticipate the Mullard effect will favor the RK 242.
Currently the 12au7’s are Sylvania, which are certainly on the lit up end of the spectrum. This tube position carries a significant part of the signature of this pre.
Interesting. What do you need for them? Send a PM please.I have a big assortment of 6080 which I used to use in my Woo headphone amp.
The best were GEC by a longshot. I have the Mullards too. And some interesting Centrons etc.
Strongly recommend the GEC if you don't have them I can sell you mine.
Interesting. What do you need for them? Send a PM please.
I had Lukasz make my Pacific with USB only. No Ethernet. I wanted no chance of introducing any extraneous noise. I was never going to use Ethernet .so I made a decision to exclude it completely and have never been happier. Look NBC at the poll of users and see how many are in fact using Ethernet vs USB
The poll in the Extreme thread shows very little ethernet users (doesn't mean Pacific users) When I decided to buy a Pacfic I was reading that members were getting a lot of extraneous noise in the system and that was something that I wanted to exclude. Plus I was only going to use USB and never Ethernet, so I asked Lukasz to leave it out. Mine has no extraneous noise other then the tubes ringing which was solved with Herbie's tube dampers
For me it was a simple decision as I had zero desire to compare ethernet to USBIt is flexible
Pnp is one I use for j river
there are other thst can be used as well. each has its advantage to a point. the network input is a Linux based OS this is open source for anyone knowledgeable to program. reg noise it’s an extremely complex topic. a dac any dAc can be introduced to noise in many ways and many at the same time too. for one don’t have any wifi source less than 6 feet and even better out of the room. a router or access point or repeater are very bad while phones and tablets far less of an issue
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