Pacific dac: Lampizator's new top of the line dac

I have a question I am using a spidf black cat digit mk3 cable between My jays audio CD3mk3 & my balanced pacific
I have the option to use aes/ebu cable instead which is the better option
I can pick up a Tron cable or go with a Jormo cable
what's better Spidf or aes,ebu cable with the pacific
I have a question I am using a spidf black cat digit mk3 cable between My jays audio CD3mk3 & my balanced pacific
I have the option to use aes/ebu cable instead which is the better option
I can pick up a Tron cable or go with a Jormo cable
what's better Spidf or aes,ebu cable with the pacific
My understanding is SPDIF and AES/EBU are the same channel, so I'd expect them to sound quite similar. That said, between the two I'd lean more towards AES/EBU *based on comments I've read in these forums and elsewhere.*

Mark at Sablon Audio (@Sablon Audio) has a "demo" AES/EBU cable floating around, if you're in the U.S. It's supposed to be sent to me shortly for a demo, and I'll only need it for about a week to let it settle in, do some listening, and return to my current AES/EBU cable for comparison.

If you're in the U.S. and coordinate with Mark, I'll follow his instructions to send to the next demo recipient.
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Sorry but beyond the general advice of buying the earliest year possible, I don’t have any specific advice to share. Maybe @adamaley or @ronfint can help as they both have experience of this tube.
I didn't look out for any particular period. I went for the cheapest available on ebay from the most reputable seller, and with good test results.
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The PT14 tubes are absolutely incredible. They are a must try tube for Big 7, Golden Gate and Pacific owners.
Hi, tried to find a post with pacific and Elrogs as recti, with no success. Has anyone got experience with Elrogs 274b vs 5u4g in Pacific? How they differ from Eml mesh 5u4g? Cheers
The PT14 tubes are absolutely incredible. They are a must try tube for Big 7, Golden Gate and Pacific owners.
What do they sound like?
Do I need special adapter for CV1863 Brimar?
No, you can get them to fit straight in. The CV1863 is a lighter, detailed sounding tube, the pv200/600 has a punchier bass. So depending on your ears and current system tonality, you can get one to suit your needs
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Thanks, about to test different recti during the weekend. For now awaiting for 5u4g RCA JAN and CV 1863 brimar, and old Quad 5u4g tube...
Thanks, about to test different recti during the weekend. For now awaiting for 5u4g RCA JAN and CV 1863 brimar, and old Quad 5u4g tube...
Let us know how you get on. I've also been testing 6n6p replacements. Liked the Tungsol 5687, but the Sylvania 7a7f is better still I think. Still got the E83F's to test as well
Let us know how you get on. I've also been testing 6n6p replacements. Liked the Tungsol 5687, but the Sylvania 7a7f is better still I think. Still got the E83F's to test as well
Sure, for now recti time… I got AZ1 with two different meshes, see how it sounds. Feedback after the weekend


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What do they sound like?

In my system, they are exceptionally transparent and holographic. They reveal much more information on the recording- a resolution enhancer, with no weakness in the frequency spectrum. Like going to a super high resolution television. But the key is, this tube is definitely not sterile, clinical or bright. They present with a very natural and realistic sound. A hard combo to achieve in my experience.

The improvements are relatively shocking. Not subtle.

One word of caution, if you are looking to increase the existing level of warmth in your system or push your sound to a warmer, fuller, rounder presentation, these are not going to do it for you. They are neutral.

Of course, others may hear them differently.

EDIT: On another note, I also have the Fivre 5Z3 rectifier posted above. It is a really nice tube and adds some additional body, heft, fullness to the sound, without rolling things off, a good combo with the PT14 and a great all-rounder for a rectifier.
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