Phono cable recommendations?

I find that the best cable is the one I don't have to pay for. Once realization kicks in and sonic compass is pointed putting money into main components is much more rewarding. Expensive arm like SAT and Axiom come with integrated phono cable. Nobody bother to change the config and try other phono cable with them. Why not? There is no fancy cable technology here...just material (see pic.). Certainly not $5,000 probably not even $500 in term of bill of material. Sound good? Every owners seem to say so. After market cable producer can probably make a cable that sound more "attractive" than what came with them. You compare cable a to b it is likely you will say one better than the other. Imo, if you need a phono cable and can find a "decent" cable at less than exotic price, save your money and use it on better main components. But if you want to have fun with exotic cables like me and end up with a $100 cable now, that is cool too.

Dear Tang,

i'd like to think like you about these phono cables......i truly would. because; if i did i could be done. all DONE.

i have 4 tone arms; 2 Durand Telos arms with captured one piece phono cables (one of which was a premium upgrade version), my CS Port linear tracker arm with a generic supplied DIN cable, and a Found Music (premium upgrade) DIN phono for my Durand Tosca. and i've been contemplating upgrading my 2 DIN phono cables......and speaking to Mik about it. Mik's viewpoint is that in many ways the system cables dominate the system sonic performance picture (sort of the 'anti-ddk' viewpoint). and among cables, phono cables are easily the most significant cables in a system (again....anti-ddk). and Mik's views have some experience behind them.

if we step back and view the big picture; you have (among other toys) a couple of $100k+ turntables, and a couple of $50k phono stages, $25k+ arms, multiple $10k+ cartridges, and we are celebrating low cost phono cables. those logic dots just don't connect for some of us (me included although i'm not quite at your exalted level).

now i realize ddk would and has said this is not a dollar question but really a musical rightness question, and he and everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion and is able to choose their own rational, and there is zero wrong with appreciating a low cost cable regardless of the overall system spend, but really some of us are all in and why stop at the phono cable going for all the gusto?

and mostly this post is aimed at i'm about to step off into the 'Mik-level' of phono cable insanity. i have a desire to see what's Mik's idea of a great phono cable can do for my Etsuro Gold. why stop now?

talk me down off the ledge?
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Dear Tang,

i'd like to think like you about these phono cables......i truly would. because; if i did i could be done. all DONE.

i have 4 tone arms; 2 Durand Telos arms with captured one piece phono cables (one of which was a premium upgrade version), my CS Port linear tracker arm with a generic supplied DIN cable, and a Found Music (premium upgrade) DIN phono for my Durand Tosca. and i've been contemplating upgrading my 2 DIN phono cables......and speaking to Mik about it. Mik's viewpoint is that in many ways the system cables dominate the system sonic performance picture (sort of the 'anti-ddk' viewpoint). and among cables, phono cables are easily the most significant cables in a system (again....anti-ddk). and Mik's views have some experience behind them.

if we step back and view the big picture; you have (among other toys) a couple of $100k+ turntables, and a couple of $50k phono stages, $25k+ arms, multiple $10k+ cartridges, and we are celebrating low cost phono cables. those logic dots just don't connect for some of us (me included although i'm not quite at your exalted level).

now i realize ddk would and has said this is not a dollar question but really a musical rightness question, and he and everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion and is able to choose their own rational, and there is zero wrong with appreciating a low cost cable regardless of the overall system spend, but really some of us are all in and why stop at the phono cable going for all the gusto?

and mostly this post is aimed at i'm about to step off into the 'Mik-level' of phono cable insanity. i have a desire to see what's Mik's idea of a great phono cable can do for my Etsuro Gold. why stop now?

talk me down off the ledge?

Shouting up at Mike teetering over the ledge:

Mike! Mike! It's Ron! Down here!

You've already told us how enthralled you are with the Etsuro Gold on the CS Port! Why mess up a good thing with some new-fangled and crazy-expensive phono cable?

Don't do it! Don't jump! Just say NO!
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Dear Tang,

i'd like to think like you about these phono cables......i truly would. because; if i did i could be done. all DONE.

i have 4 tone arms; 2 Durand Telos arms with captured one piece phono cables (one of which was a premium upgrade version), my CS Port linear tracker arm with a generic supplied DIN cable, and a Found Music (premium upgrade) DIN phono for my Durand Tosca. and i've been contemplating upgrading my 2 DIN phono cables......and speaking to Mik about it. Mik's viewpoint is that in many ways the system cables dominate the system sonic performance picture (sort of the 'anti-ddk' viewpoint). and among cables, phono cables are easily the most significant cables in a system (again....anti-ddk). and Mik's views have some experience behind them.

if we step back and view the big picture; you have (among other toys) a couple of $100k+ turntables, and a couple of $50k phono stages, $25k+ arms, multiple $10k+ cartridges, and we are celebrating low cost phono cables. those logic dots just don't connect for some of us (me included although i'm not quite at your exalted level).

now i realize ddk would and has said this is not a dollar question but really a musical rightness question, and he and everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion and is able to choose their own rational, and there is zero wrong with appreciating a low cost cable regardless of the overall system spend, but really some of us are all in and why stop at the phono cable going for all the gusto?

and mostly this post is aimed at i'm about to step off into the 'Mik-level' of phono cable insanity. i have a desire to see what's Mik's idea of a great phono cable can do for my Etsuro Gold. why stop now?

talk me down off the ledge?
...i like the direct approach, go ahead and jump...try not to bounce. :)
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Dear Tang,

i'd like to think like you about these phono cables......i truly would. because; if i did i could be done. all DONE.

i have 4 tone arms; 2 Durand Telos arms with captured one piece phono cables (one of which was a premium upgrade version), my CS Port linear tracker arm with a generic supplied DIN cable, and a Found Music (premium upgrade) DIN phono for my Durand Tosca. and i've been contemplating upgrading my 2 DIN phono cables......and speaking to Mik about it. Mik's viewpoint is that in many ways the system cables dominate the system sonic performance picture (sort of the 'anti-ddk' viewpoint). and among cables, phono cables are easily the most significant cables in a system (again....anti-ddk). and Mik's views have some experience behind them.

if we step back and view the big picture; you have (among other toys) a couple of $100k+ turntables, and a couple of $50k phono stages, multiple $10k+ cartridges, and we are celebrating low cost phono cables. those logic dots just don't connect for some of us (me included although i'm not quite at your exalted level).

now i realize ddk would and has said this is not a dollar question but really a musical rightness question, and he and everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion and is able to choose their own rational, and there is zero wrong with appreciating a low cost cable regardless of the overall system spend, but really some of us are all in and why stop at the phono cable going for all the gusto?

and mostly this post is aimed at i'm about to step off into the 'Mik-level' of phono cable insanity. i have a desire to see what's Mik's idea of a great phono cable can do for my Etsuro Gold. why stop now?

talk me down off the ledge?
Dear Mike,

It is really not about ddk's approach on cable. He hates silver. I don't mind silver when done right. I just found the arm and cheap cable that I am using sounds as good if not better than other uber arms and cables I had. So if I were to recommend anyone who is not at full assault all in like you I would every time suggest putting money in the right main component before anything else.

Am I all the sudden get cost conscious? No. I still have no limit in going for what itches me. My habit has been going from the top of price range and down rather than from down up. Silly but that's me. Cables dont give me an itch now.

I never one second thought that you would stop if you see a chance of going even a little bit more beyond Mike. That is how you are and you refill wife point so very quickly too :D. You also mentioned a few times about phono cable since you bought CS. I am sure Mik has something special for you. And I am sure you are interested because you have confidence in Mik. The cable is likely not uber main stream like Master Built, Siltech, etc. because Mik business model isn't this. And most of all you like to run in front so you don't follow. ;)

Apologize for derailing the thread.

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Dear Tang,

i'd like to think like you about these phono cables......i truly would. because; if i did i could be done. all DONE.

i have 4 tone arms; 2 Durand Telos arms with captured one piece phono cables (one of which was a premium upgrade version), my CS Port linear tracker arm with a generic supplied DIN cable, and a Found Music (premium upgrade) DIN phono for my Durand Tosca. and i've been contemplating upgrading my 2 DIN phono cables......and speaking to Mik about it. Mik's viewpoint is that in many ways the system cables dominate the system sonic performance picture (sort of the 'anti-ddk' viewpoint). and among cables, phono cables are easily the most significant cables in a system (again....anti-ddk). and Mik's views have some experience behind them.

if we step back and view the big picture; you have (among other toys) a couple of $100k+ turntables, and a couple of $50k phono stages, $25k+ arms, multiple $10k+ cartridges, and we are celebrating low cost phono cables. those logic dots just don't connect for some of us (me included although i'm not quite at your exalted level).

now i realize ddk would and has said this is not a dollar question but really a musical rightness question, and he and everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion and is able to choose their own rational, and there is zero wrong with appreciating a low cost cable regardless of the overall system spend, but really some of us are all in and why stop at the phono cable going for all the gusto?

and mostly this post is aimed at i'm about to step off into the 'Mik-level' of phono cable insanity. i have a desire to see what's Mik's idea of a great phono cable can do for my Etsuro Gold. why stop now?

talk me down off the ledge?

Mike don't let anybody deter you from trying Miks suggested cables.
He really knows what he is talking about as I can attest having heard his systems.
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I have tried and tried to beat the Ikeda Cable that came with my IT-407CR1. It has followed me to my FR-64S. The latest comparison this week was with the new Allnic Phono Cable. The Ikeda cable just sounds right. There isn't anything particularly special about the cable, just stranded copper with PE insulation. Through a knuckle headed move I had to replace the DIN connector. I sent it out and he changed it to the Furutech CF Din and upgraded the ground cable while he was at it.
Dear Mike,

It is really not about ddk's approach on cable. He hates silver. I don't mind silver when done right. I just found the arm and cheap cable that I am using sounds as good if not better than other uber arms and cables I had. So if I were to recommend anyone who is not at full assault all in like you I would every time suggest putting money in the right main component before anything else.

i've done the component side to the level i wanted to, this cable thing is dotting the 'i' for me.

a few weeks back i did have some quite fine phono cables to compare; there was a very good copper and very good silver one. each slightly different. both clear steps up over what i have and neither 'break the bank' cables. i tried them on both arms and tt's and the results were consistent. i bought neither since the 'Mik' phono is looming out there as what i'm aiming at.

Am I all the sudden get cost conscious? No. I still have no limit in going for what itches me. My habit has been going from the top of price range and down rather than from down up. Silly but that's me. Cables dont give me an itch now.

I never one second thought that you would stop if you see a chance of going even a little bit more beyond Mike. That is how you are and you refill wife point so very quickly too :D. You also mentioned a few times about phono cable since you bought CS. I am sure Mik has something special for you. And I am sure you are interested because you have confidence in Mik. The cable is likely not uber main stream like Master Built, Siltech, etc. because Mik business model isn't this. And most of all you like to run in front so you don't follow. ;)

Apologize for derailing the thread.


over the last 10 years or so i've not gone crazy with cables except for a short time with the GG1 and Trinity dacs and Tara Labs 'uber' interconnects. i've been happy with my 'zeel' cables pretty much. and the one piece phono's on my Durand arms. but now i'm trying to optimize my vinyl and so am leaning toward giving in to my cable lust this once to see where it takes me. you are right; Mik's first hand experiences with my tt/arm/cart and this cable is the weight pulling me toward it. it's not like blindly buying a pretty thing and wondering 'will it be a step up?'. and the Etsuro Gold excitement has me hungry for another hit of that kind of stuff. if a cartridge can do THAT, what might a phono cable DO?

it does come down to that 'itch' thing.;)
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Mike don't let anybody deter you from trying Miks suggested cables.
He really knows what he is talking about as I can attest having heard his systems.

Arghh... I am a bit afraid to tap into Mik’s knowledge of cables and metallurgy. By all accounts he seems as dedicated to sonic perfection as you Mike, perhaps having focused somewhat differently not getting distracted by the ones and zeros of chasing digital solutions.
over the last 10 years or so i've not gone crazy with cables except for a short time with the GG1 and Trinity dacs and Tara Labs 'uber' interconnects. i've been happy with my 'zeel' cables pretty much. and the one piece phono's on my Durand arms. but now i'm trying to optimize my vinyl and so am leaning toward giving in to my cable lust this once to see where it takes me. you are right; Mik's first hand experiences with my tt/arm/cart and this cable is the weight pulling me toward it. it's not like blindly buying a pretty thing and wondering 'will it be a step up?'. and the Etsuro Gold excitement has me hungry for another hit of that kind of stuff. if a cartridge can do THAT, what might a phono cable DO?

it does come down to that 'itch' thing.;)

Aha. The 'itch'. We are such similar creature. I did mention the direct cable that came with some arm. You did too with your Duran. Those arms just did not leave a small room for further itch. So we left at that and happy with it. You see the pic of phono wire I post of SAT arm. That could possibly be the same material as the internal tonearm wire running from the four color pins. Is it not good enough to have the phono wire the same material as the arm internal wire? So this is a pure psychology and the "itch" thing that is in our dna. As long as we have a room to insert another option in, the itch could be created. I realize this so the next time I am buying arm I will ask the manufacturer to make a direct wire for me so that the "itch" won't kick in. Of course this wont prohibit a guy like Mik from tearing up even the internal wire of the arm and replace with something else. But that is just him. I will be so happy and jump on right away if Mr. Lamm does the cable for his components like your Dartzeel. ;) @ddk. Could you ask him to do that? A sensible cable.
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In any case the OP was not discussing end-game itch, rather was pondering a cable budget larger than the cost of the (good as it may be) modest phono preamp. In these instances the advice to focus on primary system components is more than sensible. I always suggest same.
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In any case the OP was not discussing end-game itch, rather was pondering a cable budget larger than the cost of the (good as it may be) modest phono preamp. In these instances the advice to focus on primary system components is more than sensible. I always suggest same.
Hi OP here!

I am actually in the process of looking through some phono pres as well, and just might pull the trigger on one, but that's for another discussion.

To be honest, there is a consideration of end-game itch. I have learnt the same through my digital set-up, and have kept the same digital (AES/EBU) cable throughout my various upgrades even when it seemed ridiculous to have used it for a cd transport that was half the price! I am hoping to do the same for my phono setup, but due to the variable of the connector, understand that it might be harder to achieve.

Could I please then re-phrase for recommendations of cables that might suite my listening preferences (pop, indie, acoustic, classical) then?

Aha. The 'itch'. We are such similar creature. I did mention the direct cable that came with some arm. You did too with your Duran. Those arms just did not leave a small room for further itch. So we left at that and happy with it. You see the pic of phono wire I post of SAT arm. That could possibly be the same material as the internal tonearm wire running from the four color pins. Is it not good enough to have the phono wire the same material as the arm internal wire? So this is a pure psychology and the "itch" thing that is in our dna. As long as we have a room to insert another option in, the itch could be created. I realize this so the next time I am buying arm I will ask the manufacturer to make a direct wire for me so that the "itch" won't kick in. Of course this wont prohibit a guy like Mik from tearing up even the internal wire of the arm and replace with something else. But that is just him. I will be so happy and jump on right away if Mr. Lamm does the cable for his components like your Dartzeel. ;) @ddk. Could you ask him to do that? A sensible cable.
Did you ever try the Radio Shack wires I sent you :)?

Mik's viewpoint is that in many ways the system cables dominate the system sonic performance picture (sort of the 'anti-ddk' viewpoint). and among cables, phono cables are easily the most significant cables in a system (again....anti-ddk). and Mik's views have some experience behind them.

Actually my viewpoint is that cables can dominate the system’s sonic performance but often too much and for me that’s a bad thing. Don’t know why you think it’s anti me when I find all cables and powercords significant that’s why I only recommend very particular ones.

if we step back and view the big picture; you have (among other toys) a couple of $100k+ turntables, and a couple of $50k phono stages, $25k+ arms, multiple $10k+ cartridges, and we are celebrating low cost phono cables. those logic dots just don't connect for some of us (me included although i'm not quite at your exalted level).

now i realize ddk would and has said this is not a dollar question but really a musical rightness question, and he and everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion and is able to choose their own rational, and there is zero wrong with appreciating a low cost cable regardless of the overall system spend, but really some of us are all in and why stop at the phono cable going for all the gusto?
My choice of cables is based on sound not frugality but if all in for you means spending more even if you get less, knock yourself out Mike :).

In any case the OP was not discussing end-game itch, rather was pondering a cable budget larger than the cost of the (good as it may be) modest phono preamp. In these instances the advice to focus on primary system components is more than sensible. I always suggest same.

Good point. The posts will be confusing the OP.
Did you ever try the Radio Shack wires I sent you :)?

You mean the phono cable? The DIN one? No. I took the SAEC off so did not get a chance to try.

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