Phono Preamp recs while Lamm is out for repair...


Jul 11, 2020
My LP2.1 is off to Lamm next week and I need a temporary phono preamp to use with my collection of Ortofon SL-15s and SPUs/Jorgen Schou SUT.

I'll spend up to $5k. Looking for suggestions! Thanks in advance!

My LP2.1 is off to Lamm next week and I need a temporary phono preamp to use with my collection of Ortofon SL-15s and SPUs/Jorgen Schou SUT.

I'll spend up to $5k. Looking for suggestions! Thanks in advance!

Maybe the iPhono 3 BL? It is more than enough for a temporary phono, and you can leave it as a backup/second system :)
Also, it's well under budget!
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If you want used, find a good Klyne 7 series. Example (no affiliation) :

Of course there are some interesting new options too ;) but they may challenge the Lamm haha
My LP2.1 is off to Lamm next week and I need a temporary phono preamp to use with my collection of Ortofon SL-15s and SPUs/Jorgen Schou SUT.

I'll spend up to $5k. Looking for suggestions! Thanks in advance!

Is your LP2.1 being sent for repair? I am curious because it looks like a rather simple circuit which I would expect should be quite reliable.
My LP2.1 is off to Lamm next week and I need a temporary phono preamp to use with my collection of Ortofon SL-15s and SPUs/Jorgen Schou SUT.

I'll spend up to $5k. Looking for suggestions! Thanks in advance!

Are you lining this up via a dealer? If so I would think they might have something you can borrow until your unit is returned.
Or similar example :

My LP2.1 is off to Lamm next week and I need a temporary phono preamp to use with my collection of Ortofon SL-15s and SPUs/Jorgen Schou SUT.

I'll spend up to $5k. Looking for suggestions! Thanks in advance!

How long will it take to repair?
Hello Fishfood,

Sad to learn that your LP1 Signature is in need of doctoring. Has it been repaired and returned to you?

If not, I can heartily recommend the Lamm LP2.1 Deluxe. I have extensive experience with both phono pre's and the single case unit provides startlingly good sound, at least when paired with other Lamm electronics.

My hope is to upgrade to the Signature phono pre, but in the meantime I have Really Satisfying playback from my Micro Seiki table which uses an SME 3012R arm, Air Tight Supreme cartridge and stock SME phono cable.

What is the front end of your system?

You could do Far Worse than the LP 2.1 but make sure it's the Deluxe model. The extra damping and mass make a very substantial difference in performance.

You are welcome to contact me at Babadawv at g mail if you would like to speak about this. I'm only infrequently on WBF, despite the amount of learning and camaraderie to be found here.

Kind Regards, and I hope your LP1 is soon back in your hands ( and ears )

Esoteric E-03 as an interim is excellent and an E-02 better still and their current model.

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