Post a Picture or Video Of Any Sport's Finest Moments

I’ll always remember the great games at the Stick...
before I was born, but a famous photo after the 1963 Australia Rugby league grand final played in the rain and mud.

Garfield Heard of the Phoenix Suns sends the Finals into a 3rd Overtime with an improbable shot and basket.

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Jerry West makes a over the half court basket.

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1988 WS Game 1: Kirk Gibson's dramatic game-winning home run

The Final Game Magic Beat Larry Bird With The LEGENDARY Sky Hook Game-WiNNER!

I remember that Steve. Hurt like hell. The greatest shot Magic ever made.
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The great Arthur Ashe who died at a very early age from a new disease at the time. A great player and a great human being. Dominated a sport otherwise dominated by white males
Arthur Ashe v Jimmy Connors: Wimbledon Final 1975 (Extended Highlights)

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Here is the greatest act of sportsmanship i've ever seen at the Australian National Championships of 1956. The runner, John Landy stops mid-race to see if a fallen Ron Clarke (future multi world record breaker) is okay, giving up the chance of a world record. On finding out he's ok, he makes up a 35 yard deficit and wins the race!

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I always remember Gabriela Andersen-Schiess's finish in the Women's Marathon in the 1984 Olympics which sticks out as the greatest act of guts and determination i've ever seen!

Here is another great Aussie sporting moment; the famous Ford 1-2 finish at Bathurst..


In one of the most iconic and controversial moments of his career, Ali stands over Sonny Liston and yells at him after knocking the former champ down in the first round of their 1965 rematch. Skeptics dubbed it ''the Phantom Punch,'' but films show that Ali's flashing right caught Liston flush, knocking him to the canvas. Refusing to go to a neutral corner, Ali stood over Liston and told him to ''get up and fight, sucker.''
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The fight lasted just two minutes and eight seconds, but Leifer managed to capture a third memorable photo with this overhead fisheye photo of Ali's knockout of Liston.

High point: Ali's brilliant performance against Williams some would call it the finest of his career was witnessed by an Astrodome crowd of 35,460, a record at the time for an indoor fight. Leifer's overhead shot was a knockout in its own right.
I was in high school, 16, and she was 15. She was a darling of the Olympics.

Tom Brady leads the Patriots down from 3-28 in the 3rd Quarter to an incredible comeback win in OT in SB 51.

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Foreman vs Frazier. Saw it live on TV then, I thought Foreman would make Frazier fly out of the ring. Unforgettable to me was when Frazier was like running away and Foreman chased him and knocked him down from behind. What a beast this Foreman was.


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