Hello mep.
There's an explanation here:
...and some test results here
It seems to be the euphonic distortion 'model' i.e. aim to make THD the same across all frequencies and, above a certain level (probably unachievable below that level), ensure it increases with power, up to several percent at the higher outputs. I think the hi fi designers of old would be fascinated to know that THD of several percent (and correspondingly high IMD) is counted as a virtue in the 21st century!
Although you are careful enough not to compromise yourself when you write "It seems" , I would add it only seems to people who are still in the basic school of measurement interpretation. Anyone knowing how the Lamm's sounds would immediately tell you that its sound does not correspond to the "euphonic distortion model", so much used by a few of our members to denigrate tube equipment. Unhappily measurements are like icebergs - most of us you only see the tip.
If thinks were so easy, any one with DSP expertise could process a few digital files of known recordings with this effects and - voila - we would all have cheap Lamm ML3's.
Audiophiles all over the world could sell all their very expensive source and amplifier equipment and buy Wilson XLF's! (Apologies to Steve, I could not resist!
BTW1, I never listened to Lamm equipment - my opinion son its sound are due to reports of tens of reviews and users.
BTW2, I consider myself in the lower middle school of measurement interpretation.
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