now the darts are where they always were in the past (never moved them). and where many/most of us would have our amplifiers; centered between the speakers and just behind the front plane of the speakers.. it's where most amps were designed to go. which does not make them impervious to circuit/speaker proximity issues, or acoustical influences.
obviously I started this thread with a different thought than this one, about how moving 'unplugged' amps with 'unusually large' transformers away from right next to a speaker improved my sound. now the thread has morphed into how normally positioned amps somehow might affect acoustic performance. it's not a question i'm asking.
Mike, I think the transformers in my Pass amps are pretty big. And they are close to my speakers. The heat sinks also ring with hand claps in close proximity. Given my space constraints, I have not been tempted to think about moving them slightly further away from the speakers, for either reason: the magnetic proximity or the acoustical influence. I have been thinking of relocating my amps in the basement below my speakers, for aesthetic reasons. Now I am thinking it may improve the sound also.
Even if you are not asking this question, I appreciate that you shared your observation about the sound improving when you moved your two tube amps away from your speakers. And then Jack suggested another possible reason for the improvements in sound. That got me thinking about my situation. That's all. That's the way some threads evolve. You may have moved on from the discussion, but the thread is still pretty interesting to me. We will see if it continues or dies out.