Rhapsody.Audio Listening Rooms

Rhapsody.Audio- Listening Rooms (RLRs)

Rhapsody.Audio would like to announce that within the next 3-4 months there will be multiple new locations where several of the product lines that Rhapsody.Audio represents will be available to audition via Rhapsody.Audio Listening Rooms (RLRs).

Initially, the RLR’s will have the products available for demonstration mentioned below. Upon opening, the DFW RLR will have a very similar product offering as that available at Rhapsody.Audio in Manhattan.

Over time, all locations will be expanding their portfolio to a comparable scale as that of NYC/DFW.

The RLRs will be available to host auditions by appointment. All product ordering and delivery logistics will be processed and supported from the Rhapsody.Audio NYC location.

Product assistance and installation will be supported by Rhapsody.Audio NYC along with the RLRs depending on customer location.

The RLR locations are:

Portland - Rhapsody.Audio RLR

Products available to audition (coming soon)




-Bayz Audio

Dallas/Fort Worth Rhapsody.Audio DFW

Products available to audition:



-Bayz Audio




-Taiko Audio


West Palm Beach & Miami (2 Florida locations) Rhapsody.Audio WPB/Miami

West Palm Beach will open initially. Miami will follow when the RLR is ready to host customers.

Products available to audition (initially):





Chicago, IL Rhapsody.Audio Chicago

Products available to audition (initially):





Long Island, NY Rhapsody.Audio Long Island



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I am in Dallas, TX for three days. Chris is hosting the Dallas/FW Audio club for three nights. 10 visitors each night. Last night we had our first evening of the three day event. Great to meet new audio friends.

Today will be 107 deg in Dallas, but nice and cool in the Rhapsody-Dallas showroom. I must say Chris has hit this one out of the park. Hope others get to visit Chris in Dallas in the future. It is an EXPERIENCE!

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Day 2 of the Dallas/Fort Worth Audio Club event at Rhapsody.Audio-Dallas, hosted by Chris Hesse
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INSANE ROOMS ! I would so like to hear and experience it.
We were lucky to have been treated to 3 nights by Chris and Bob. The dedication those two men have to this hobby is truly next level. Chris doesn’t have to do any of this, but he chooses to because it’s one of his passions. Bob, I’m sure, would rather be sitting back listening to his Alsyvox at home than have to trek halfway across the USA just to land in what appears to be the surface of the sun (Dallas) to host three groups of guys over 3 evenings.

The two systems are spectacular to say the least. I have not heard or seen a dealer system to be so well curated that it boggles the mind. Each system had their allure and you could like one over the other and not be wrong.

The rooms were impressive. The lengths to which Chris went to build the 2 rooms is Herculean. From the isolation transformer to the room within a room, to the slab floor, to the special and inert walls. The acoustic panels were just a cherry on top.

I thank Chris for his time, I thank Bob for meeting us. My group was very appreciative of the three highly entertaining evenings, the open bar, the feast, the friendly accommodations… and my group thanks them for taking us for a spin around the proverbial F1 track of audiophilia.
Thank you Joey. It was a pleasure to meet all of the club members that attended the three fun filled nights. Truly an exceptional audio club!
We were lucky to have been treated to 3 nights by Chris and Bob. The dedication those two men have to this hobby is truly next level. Chris doesn’t have to do any of this, but he chooses to because it’s one of his passions. Bob, I’m sure, would rather be sitting back listening to his Alsyvox at home than have to trek halfway across the USA just to land in what appears to be the surface of the sun (Dallas) to host three groups of guys over 3 evenings.

The two systems are spectacular to say the least. I have not heard or seen a dealer system to be so well curated that it boggles the mind. Each system had their allure and you could like one over the other and not be wrong.

The rooms were impressive. The lengths to which Chris went to build the 2 rooms is Herculean. From the isolation transformer to the room within a room, to the slab floor, to the special and inert walls. The acoustic panels were just a cherry on top.

I thank Chris for his time, I thank Bob for meeting us. My group was very appreciative of the three highly entertaining evenings, the open bar, the feast, the friendly accommodations… and my group thanks them for taking us for a spin around the proverbial F1 track of audiophilia morning
We were lucky to have been treated to 3 nights by Chris and Bob. The dedication those two men have to this hobby is truly next level. Chris doesn’t have to do any of this, but he chooses to because it’s one of his passions. Bob, I’m sure, would rather be sitting back listening to his Alsyvox at home than have to trek halfway across the USA just to land in what appears to be the surface of the sun (Dallas) to host three groups of guys over 3 evenings.

The two systems are spectacular to say the least. I have not heard or seen a dealer system to be so well curated that it boggles the mind. Each system had their allure and you could like one over the other and not be wrong.

The rooms were impressive. The lengths to which Chris went to build the 2 rooms is Herculean. From the isolation transformer to the room within a room, to the slab floor, to the special and inert walls. The acoustic panels were just a cherry on top.

I thank Chris for his time, I thank Bob for meeting us. My group was very appreciative of the three highly entertaining evenings, the open bar, the feast, the friendly accommodations… and my group thanks them for taking us for a spin around the proverbial F1 track of audiophilia.

Can you comment on the sound? How do the two systems at Rhapsody Dallas compare to each other? How do they compare to the sound of your system at home? To the best that you have ever heard? It sounds like a pretty impressive presentation. Does the sound of the systems match the F1 optics?

Would be interesting to hear if there was a consensus of opinions among club members. How many club members took out their checkbook?

I hope that these are questions that can be answered honestly. As WBF transitions from an open members forum to one tied to the commercial interests of it advertisers this line of questioning might not be appropriate here on this thread. There is also being respectful to the hosts; so if you don’t feel like replying publicly send me a Private Message. Curious to hear what an experienced group of listeners, without financial interest, thought of the sound.
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No commentary on the sound? Are Chris and Bob making people sign NDA’s to listen to the M9’s? Chuck also had very little to say about the sound at Rhapsody Dallas. What is preventing regular forum members from sharing their impressions and opinions on the sound of these systems with the rest of us?
No commentary on the sound? Are Chris and Bob making people sign NDA’s to listen to the M9’s? Chuck also had very little to say about the sound at Rhapsody Dallas. What is preventing regular forum members from sharing their impressions and opinions on the sound of these systems with the rest of us?

Carlos, I have noticed in the last six months or a year or so, people are talking less and less about what they actually hear. We see this in the video threads and in the system threads. People post videos and they talk about recording equipment, but not many are discussing the sound of the videos themselves.

It is the same with system threads. People love to share their new gear and show the unboxing and delivery, but we do not read much about listening impressions. I recently wrote quite an extensive post about my listening impressions with my new phonostage, but these types of posts are increasingly rare.

There was a time when I had local friends come over and listen to my system and then they would write a post shortly thereafter describing what they heard and often describing recent changes. I used to do the same when I visited them and heard their systems. It was fun and reciprocal. That is not happening much anymore. I do not know the reasons. Perhaps you have noticed the same.

Jazzdoc used to write some thing almost every time he came back from visiting Mike Lavigne. So did others when Mike hosted large gatherings. Bonzo wrote a little bit after his recent trip to Seattle and California, but not very much. @Al M. did write a very nice report after visiting Ron.
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Carlos, I have noticed in the last six months or a year or so, people are talking less and less about what they actually hear. We see this in the video threads and in the system threads. People post videos and they talk about recording equipment, but not many are discussing the sound of the videos themselves.

It is the same with system threads. People love to share their new gear and show the unboxing and delivery, but we do not read much about listening impressions. I recently wrote quite an extensive post about my listening impressions with my new phonostage, but these types of posts are increasingly rare.

There was a time when I had local friends come over and listen to my system and then they would write a post shortly thereafter describing what they heard and often describing recent changes. I used to do the same when I visited them and heard their systems. It was fun and reciprocal. That is not happening much anymore. I do not know the reasons. Perhaps you have noticed the same.

Jazzdoc used to write some thing almost every time he came back from visiting Mike Lavigne. So did others when Mike hosted large gatherings. Bonzo wrote a little bit after his recent trip to Seattle and California, but not very much. @Al M. did write a very nice report after visiting Ron.

Good observation Peter. Those of us that have been in this hobby for over 35 years, remember the days when it was mostly about substance, the sound. These days it is mostly about the bling! The sound is all that should matter in the end. So many are dazzled by the shine and heft of the polished boxes and enthralled by the price tags. Instead of “street credibility ” it is now about forum credibility and place in the perceived pecking order.
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Carlos, I have noticed in the last six months or a year or so, people are talking less and less about what they actually hear. We see this in the video threads and in the system threads. People post videos and they talk about recording equipment, but not many are discussing the sound of the videos themselves.

It is the same with system threads. People love to share their new gear and show the unboxing and delivery, but we do not read much about listening impressions. I recently wrote quite an extensive post about my listening impressions with my new phonostage, but these types of posts are increasingly rare.

There was a time when I had local friends come over and listen to my system and then they would write a post shortly thereafter describing what they heard and often describing recent changes. I used to do the same when I visited them and heard their systems. It was fun and reciprocal. That is not happening much anymore. I do not know the reasons. Perhaps you have noticed the same.

Jazzdoc used to write some thing almost every time he came back from visiting Mike Lavigne. So did others when Mike hosted large gatherings. Bonzo wrote a little bit after his recent trip to Seattle and California, but not very much. @Al M. did write a very nice report after visiting Ron.

Do you have a link to Al’s report on his Lavigne visit? I would love to read it.

Do you have a link to Al’s report on his Lavigne visit? I would love to read it.

Lee, Al wrote a report after visiting Ron Resnick, not Mike Lavigne. It is in Ron’s current system thread. I think it was posted in June.
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